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on Bryzgalov - In Their Own Words ...

Guest canoli

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can not come soon enough IMO...

Here is the way I look at it the situation surrounding Bryz and the Flyers:

What benefit is there to keeping Bryz around for next season? Truthfully, tell me what benefit is? He is a subpar goaltender and is nothing more than expensive distraction. Bryz can try all he wants to not address the media next year but sooner or later he is going to say something that is completely off the wall. Moreso, the constant questioning about his contract status will be an ongoing distraction for a very young Team and Captain. There will always be a 500 lb. russian bear in the room.

Likewise, the guy basically called Philadelphia and it's citizens a bunch of welfare recipients that have no interest in working for a living. And please spare the BS that it was a language barrier. This guy, as looney as he may be, is intelligent. You dont think that our group of crack "journalists" are going to bring this up as soon as he shows up for camp? It is going to be an absolute circus with this guy. After reading his comments I think it is logical to question if he actually wants to be a Flyer.

As for his past teammates (2) that spoke negatively of him they should have kept their mouths shut. They basically broke code by doing so but why can't we use them as a basis? We do it all the time in sports - TO, ARod, Bynum, Lebron, etc... There has to be something said about people questioning his dedication to the Team. Is it fair - no, yet we as fans can only speculate. We are not behind closed doors and to think that it is true or false is nothing more than speculation itself.

I see no benefit in keeping this guy around. Spare the players, management and the fans the constant distractions that are sure to come if he is not bought out. This will turn into another #88 saga that is going to get ugly. Should they have asked Pronger? Yes and maybe they did... Bryz was not pinned as the franchise goalie when he was part of the SC winning team. He was supposed to be the Flyers answer in goal and has done nothing but cause distractions and play at a very below average goalie while making a large sum of money that handicaps the team moving forward.

Lastly, if he is in Philly or he is bought out this Team is not going to be a contender unless there some serious moves - defense and a scoring winger. I just dont see how anyone can argue Bryz is worth the headache, distrations, and most of all, his performance. Bring in another goalie or make a play for Bernier and let mason and whomever battle for the top spot.

Edited by murraycraven
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It just boggles my mind when people give credence to management press statements, things we know are empty and meaningless and completely disconnected from anything real...while statements from two players breaking an unwritten rule against bad mouthing fellow players to the media are thrown out the window. And for some reason their lack of cup rings entered into the conversation.

Look, I have no idea what is going to happen this summer. I see no reason to hang onto bryzgalov, and every reason to cut him lose...but Paul Holmgren hasn't asked my opinion yet. Regardless, I am one hundred percent positive that anything he or ed snider say to the press about it should be utterly ignored, because the public party line has nothing to do with what is being talked about behind closed doors. That, I can only guess on. My guesses are influenced by the most complete picture I can put together of bryzgalov's impact on the team, be it positive or negative. That picture will take into account what little insight I have been able to gleen as to his ability -or lack thereof- to mesh with a locker room. Statements from former teammates will absolutely advise that. And thus, I believe snider and Holmgren's discussions include chemistry problems bryzgalov brings. If that is the case, bryzgalov will cease to be a flyer in the next few weeks.

Current press releases notwithstanding.

And nothing I have said in any way disgrees with that.

My only reference to the press release - which you seem to want to hang your hat on as the primary point I made despite the obvious fact that it isn't - was that the Flyers have said they intend to bring him back.

I am no where in the realm of people who need to be reminded that the Flyers don't always do what they publicly say - they have no interest in Comrie, after all. I didn't even mention the press release in the post you are responding to.

I'll be happy as a clam if Bryz is bought out by June 30. I'll do a little happy dance and join in with the rest in shedding this ridiculous contract that should never have been offered.

And then we'll return to having the same people who made the horrendous mistake in charge, with no repercussions whatsoever.

Because they will "get it right" next time.

If you think that Homer and Snider and doing a great job, then, fine.

I don't.

And the same vitriol and focus which is put upon the tremendous, obvious and glaring failures of Bryzgalov in net MUST be put on the people that not only put him there, but gave him essentially a lifetime contract when they did.

Maybe when Bryz is the season-opening starter for the Flyers this fall, people will put the focus where it belongs.

But I doubt it.

Now, pleased to be telling me about the press release again whilst again ignoring all of the major points.

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A while back they did...but just earlier this week when Snider was asked, instead of injecting a ringing endorsement...Snider deferred and said "Ask Homer."

HHHhhhhmmmm why not repeat what you've said earlier??????

I'll tell you why, they sat down and thought about it with the emotions out of it and they know this team is better off without him regardless of what he is owed....and Snider said he wants to win...

...so action speak louder than words they need to spend the money else where cause Stalin Jr. the Space Cadet don't give a ****t where or if he plays he's getting paid none the less.

Again, the press release/statement is irrelevant to the wider discussion.

But, hey, if you think Homer and Snider is sacrosanct and cannot be at all criticised, that's fine.

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You guys hate Bryz so much you'd post anything to try to support your hate.

Bryz is a perfect example as why this team has not had a great goalie in years. This fanbase a toxic, logic free-zone when it comes to judging players fairly, especially goalies.

Bryz was overpaid, no doubt. But because of the paycheck half of the Flyers fans out there immediately expected Patrick Roy to show up. And when he didn't play like a world beater the first month of the season - the hate of no-return began. Even when the guy pulled together a great strech in March 2012 (NHL player of the month) during the stretch run leading into the playoffs half this board were still just hating, hating, hating. Its toxic. Your expectations were too high. Don't judge a played on the money he makes/his contract, bitch to the owner about overpaying for the *****g guy!!!! I'm down at games sitting around assholes booing the guy when the team was winning the damn game at the time. The guy was under a microscope from the first shot on net, and IMO too many people just pile on and lose any sense of objectivity because of the bad contract.

Maybe we can get along better once a polarizing guy/contract like Bryz is gone. I think the team needs to move on, how can you question this terrible contract(not that anyone is!!)? But I do question the impatience and overly critical nature of this fanbase. Hell, even yesterday I had to sit and listen to my brother tell me how G is "pure garbage" and that they should trade him now before he becomes a FA. I love my brother, but he is a bone-headed Philly fan that gets me riled up with the overly critical opinion on every player if they don't play like the best. He typifies a lot of guys in this town. Just too damn hateful towards our own players.

Canoli - my main advice for you would be to just let it go man!! Forget what guys may have said about Bryz three years ago, he's gonna be gone so why with this water under the bridge stuff?? I would think about this team with Mason next year and forget Bryz even played here at all.

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Who ever said Holmgren and Snider are sacrosanct? The whole thing DOES reflect directly on them. Including the Morris and Aucoin quotes. Teammates not the least bit shy about throwing bryzgalov under the bus, and somehow tweedle Dee and tweedle dumb managed to have no idea what they were getting themselves into. The blame is right there on them. I only hold bryzgalov but so accountable for being a jackoff, more management for somehow not realizing. It isn't lost on me that they did the exact same thing with Zherdev: either ignored or someone were unaware of very public comments made by former teammates and coaching staff that the guy was toxic. I fully expect they'll do the same again, with someone. Maybe Danny Heatly is up next.

Again, I'm only interested in the Morris and Aucoin quotes because they give credible context to the recent lamely unnamed source, and that supports my hope that they cut bryzgalov lose 48 hours after the cup is awarded. That's it. Holmgren and Snider are terrible people for making the deal to begin with, and will likely commit the same sin down the road. Hopefully for not as much and not as long.

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I only hold bryzgalov but so accountable for being a jackoff, more management for somehow not realizing.

Yes Homer do your homework before handing out a contract like that....and till this day i've still not found out who these mystery teams where they were supposedly competing with for his services...they were just concerned with headlines....

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You guys hate Bryz so much you'd post anything to try to support your hate. All you have to do is post a video of him playing

Bryz is a perfect example as why this team has not had a great goalie in years. I agree 100%

This fanbase a toxic, logic free-zone when it comes to judging players fairly, especially goalies. I like most of our players. And I liked Bob

Bryz was overpaid, no doubt. But because of the paycheck half of the Flyers fans out there immediately expected Patrick Roy to show up. I certainly didn't

And when he didn't play like a world beater the first month of the season - the hate of no-return began. Even when the guy pulled together a great strech in March 2012 (NHL player of the month) during the stretch run leading into the playoffs half this board were still just hating, hating, hating. Its toxic. I was in Colombia and missed that. Maybe he only plays good if I'm not watching?

Your expectations were too high. Don't judge a played on the money he makes/his contract, bitch to the owner about overpaying for the *****g guy!!!! I'm down at games sitting around assholes booing the guy when the team was winning the damn game at the time. The guy was under a microscope from the first shot on net, and IMO too many people just pile on and lose any sense of objectivity because of the bad contract. He's taking up a big piece of the teams capspace and ranking 35th-45th in goaltending...in a league with 30 teams!

Maybe we can get along better once a polarizing guy/contract like Bryz is gone. I think the team needs to move on, how can you question this terrible contract(not that anyone is!!)? But I do question the impatience and overly critical nature of this fanbase. Hell, even yesterday I had to sit and listen to my brother tell me how G is "pure garbage" and that they should trade him now before he becomes a FA. I love my brother, but he is a bone-headed Philly fan that gets me riled up with the overly critical opinion on every player if they don't play like the best. He typifies a lot of guys in this town. Just too damn hateful towards our own players. I have a brother who likes cats.

Canoli - my main advice for you would be to just let it go man!! Forget what guys may have said about Bryz three years ago, he's gonna be gone so why with this water under the bridge stuff?? I would think about this team with Mason next year and forget Bryz even played here at all. Mason is a perfect example - The team played better around him CAUSE HE PLAYS LIKE AN NHL GOALIE. I'm not saying he's great. But he directs rebounds, moves faster than a glacier, can handle a puck and doesn't say stupid things over and over. What's not to like? Honestly Green Man, tell me what you LIKED about Bryz- cause one month over two years doesn't cut it for me.

Edited by flyercanuck
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You guys hate Bryz so much you'd post anything to try to support your hate. Disagree w/ this statement honestly. What has Bryz done b/t the pipes that makes you think he is the answer in net? He had one good month back in 2012. Otherwise, he has been a below average and nothing more than an overpaid distraction.

It is not hate - is it illogical to judge him based on his play? For the most part I think the posters on this board understand the game and look at his play and see that it is not worth the cap hit.

Bryz is a perfect example as why this team has not had a great goalie in years. This fanbase a toxic, logic free-zone when it comes to judging players fairly, especially goalies. I agree completely. As I said many a time - we would have run Broduer out of town :lol:

Now about judging players fairly: How should we judge Bryz? By his hideous stats, his slow post to post movements, his terrible puck handling, his falling asleep on the bench, his constant distractions? Just how should we measure him? Perhaps the # of times he ducks out of the way on shots?

Bryz was overpaid, no doubt. But because of the paycheck half of the Flyers fans out there immediately expected Patrick Roy to show up. And when he didn't play like a world beater the first month of the season - the hate of no-return began. Even when the guy pulled together a great strech in March 2012 (NHL player of the month) during the stretch run leading into the playoffs half this board were still just hating, hating, hating. Its toxic. Your expectations were too high. Don't judge a played on the money he makes/his contract, bitch to the owner about overpaying for the *****g guy!!!! I'm down at games sitting around assholes booing the guy when the team was winning the damn game at the time. The guy was under a microscope from the first shot on net, and IMO too many people just pile on and lose any sense of objectivity because of the bad contract. I think you are greatly overstating the "expected" return here for Bryz. Noone with any sense of hockey about them expected him to be Patty Roy. What we should expect based on the money he is being paid is that he is a true bona fide #1. Hell, I would not expect him to be Lundquist by I do expect him to be above average on most nights.

The economics of the NHL is purely based on a players talent/production. There is a direct relation b/t production and pay scale in the NHL. Your statement about not judging them based on pay is pure fantasy and in no way is applicable to sports.

Sid and Malkin are paid to be the best... Giroux will be paid to be an elite level player. Stamkos, Kane, etc... Why would you pay for a Corvette and drive a Sonata? It makes no sense... He is paid to be an elite goalie... or shall I say an above average goalie.

Maybe we can get along better once a polarizing guy/contract like Bryz is gone. I think the team needs to move on, how can you question this terrible contract(not that anyone is!!)? But I do question the impatience and overly critical nature of this fanbase. Hell, even yesterday I had to sit and listen to my brother tell me how G is "pure garbage" and that they should trade him now before he becomes a FA. I love my brother, but he is a bone-headed Philly fan that gets me riled up with the overly critical opinion on every player if they don't play like the best. He typifies a lot of guys in this town. Just too damn hateful towards our own players.

Who else are we hateful towards on the Flyers? Are we tough on players? Absolutely and I agree that in general we seem to overreact in certain situations but i do think as a whole we are more knowledgable about hockey than nearly 98% of the league.

The way I look at it Bryz made his thoughts about Philly very clear by calling Philadelphians welfare recipients that dont want to work (paraphrasing). Is he under a microscope? Absolutely... welcome to Philly in any of our sports. When is he held accountable for shooting off his mouth?

The premise that he never got a fair shot is completely off base. How can you justify his pay? He is paid to be a top ten goalie... Instead he is the bottom of the well in terms of stats.

If your brother wants to trade G I would say he is indeed an idiot - and I say that in a lighthearted way :lol:

Canoli - my main advice for you would be to just let it go man!! Forget what guys may have said about Bryz three years ago, he's gonna be gone so why with this water under the bridge stuff?? I would think about this team with Mason next year and forget Bryz even played here at all.

The whole "oh' you are just hating on Bryz" argument really does paint an incredibly broad stroke. What has he done as a goalie to make you think he is worth the money and headache?

Edited by murraycraven
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Who ever said Holmgren and Snider are sacrosanct? The whole thing DOES reflect directly on them. Including the Morris and Aucoin quotes. Teammates not the least bit shy about throwing bryzgalov under the bus, and somehow tweedle Dee and tweedle dumb managed to have no idea what they were getting themselves into. The blame is right there on them. I only hold bryzgalov but so accountable for being a jackoff, more management for somehow not realizing. It isn't lost on me that they did the exact same thing with Zherdev: either ignored or someone were unaware of very public comments made by former teammates and coaching staff that the guy was toxic. I fully expect they'll do the same again, with someone. Maybe Danny Heatly is up next.

Again, I'm only interested in the Morris and Aucoin quotes because they give credible context to the recent lamely unnamed source, and that supports my hope that they cut bryzgalov lose 48 hours after the cup is awarded. That's it. Holmgren and Snider are terrible people for making the deal to begin with, and will likely commit the same sin down the road. Hopefully for not as much and not as long.

So, you're agreeing with me, then? ;)

It's just amazing how many threads we need to have about how awful Bryz is - in related news water still wet, kittens cute, sugar is sweet - but there's nowhere near the same attention paid to the guys who brought him in.

They are mentioned, yes, but no where near the frequency.

We'll be rid of Bryz by the end of next season, if not before.

And Ed & Homer will be off trying to figure out how to circumvent this cap until they get to the point where they have to lock everybody out for half a season and get two more "get out of deal free" cards to cover up their rank incompetence.

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This thread was never about "Bryzgalov sucks!" it was about the discussing the odds, assessing the potential for a Bryzgalov buyout in the next couple weeks. This new information, unattributed as it is adds another layer to the saga; I believe it lends a little more credence to the notion that it'll happen this summer and not next summer. (crossingfingers)


Ocasionally after a story is published an unnamed source will speak out claiming s/he was misquoted. Sometimes they'll deny ever speaking to the reporter. In this case the quotes are so provocative the absence of any challenge to them after the fact is important to know.

You can ridicule me all you want for my interest in this story, or for dredging up Morris and Aucoin's quotes. You can try again to deflect the story into another denunciation of Ed and Paul. Neither response changes the fact that 2 of Brygalov's former teammates broke the OMERTA of the NHL and criticized the hell out of him in the press. That was shocking when it happened and now another voice, one associated with the NHL has corroborated their point of view.

As far as Morris and Aucoin's lack of accomplishments in the league...you now have not only me but also a handful of reputable posters telling you they're not germane to the discussion.

And of course Ed and Paul's responsibility for the BryzAster is a different topic altogether.

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