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Flyers acquire rights to Streit

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He fell apart this year no argument, but who didn't in the end? Lol

Yep, no argument there. Your whole team just forgot how to play or....? something. At least you guys made it all the way to ECF...for a meltdown PO year, which is the way it'll be seen I guess that still isn't half bad!

Letang's strengths are valuable no question about it. And maybe he's part of the "glue" that your team needs - chemistry, whatever. I have no doubt you guys will try to lock him up long-term...but get ready for a major increase in his cap hit. What are you thinking it'll take? He can't think he's in the "elite" stratosphere can he...looking for north of $6mil a year? That would be my hard limit - maybe $40mil for 7 years?

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Rumors were $7 mil... Ridiculous I know. But I really felt he should've won the Norris this season. He was ahead in most stats, had been playing great defense (up till the playoffs) and did so in fewer games.

I dunno.. That's a lot of cash for a d-man.

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@canoli - I'd have to completely disagree with you regarding Coburn. He's basically clueless. He can skate real fast to the red line and then dump it in, that's about it. He can make a first pass, if it's right there looking at him. He's a defensive defenseman and always has been. He's basically useless on the PP. Streit will give us exactly what you said. A couple, maybe three years of a smart veteran offensive defensemen. That gives the team some time to draft/develop/trade/steal/kidnap a real replacement. As opposed to trying to solve the problem all at once for the next ten years (like they did with Bryz) and trade away young talent for someone like Yandle. Who I also like, but don't want to sell the farm for him.

My hope is that they draft one (or two) of the talented defensemen in this draft. Nurse, Ristoleinen, Pulock, Hagg, Moeller, Morrissey... there are a bunch. In three years whoever they draft may be ready for a bigger role. By that time Gus should also be prime time. It's not a problem that can be solved immediately without giving up a lot in assets (young talent and/or picks). So a temporary solution is ok with me.

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I'd have to completely disagree with you regarding Coburn. He's basically clueless. He can skate real fast to the red line and then dump it in, that's about it. He can make a first pass, if it's right there looking at him. He's a defensive defenseman and always has been. He's basically useless on the PP.

I know, you're probably right, though "clueless" is a little harsh imo. I keep expecting him to take that next step and become a real leader out there, a seriously intimidating defender who can also burn you with speed and playmaking. We always get a few glimpses of it (except for this past season) but he always reverts into just an "okay" player. Still, it's not like he's anywhere near Streit's age. Coburn just turned 28 in February, maybe this is the year. I've quit hoping to see him QB the PP but I can't stop thinking his best days are ahead of him. What is holding him back? The coaching staff ought to be able to answer that question by now. He's got size, speed and enough mass to move the big guys down low. He's not stupid, he rarely hurts the team with stupid penalties or bad decisions with the puck. I've begun to wonder if Lavy (all the coaches) have missed the boat with him somehow. It seems to be a question of motivation. Maybe he's not the best skater when it comes to lateral movement (thank you Jammer! for the discussion awhile back) but he's too good otherwise to play like a complete lunkhead on offense. It makes no sense to me.

Your overall point about Streit makes sense. Looking at it in that light it may be a smart move, giving us a few years (hopefully) of a "Kimmo-lite" - IF he really is the best we can do for a "

smart veteran offensive defensemen.

but IMHO that's a big "if," whether he's best we can do at that price.

Should we really invest so much in a guy who's best days (which were not exactly HOF caliber) are behind him? Your point about buying time is valid and that's certainly the way the Flyers like to do things. I just can't help but feel that, once the Bryzgalov mistake is behind us and Briere's salary is cleared we can finally do things differently for once. Instead of renting more "stop-gaps" while [supposedly] our younger guys are developing we should baptize the young 'uns in fire - give Gus even more responsibility, Ollie too, not less. Maybe even Huskins, who played pretty well for us. Is Bourdon anywhere near ready to come back? What about Manning? Meanwhile the rest of your plan goes into full effect: Draft with an eye toward D-men and above all lower the expectations a bit for the next couple years...give these younger guys as much NHL ice time as they can handle and let's see who makes it.

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@Polaris922 - Getting Yandle as well as Streit would certainly give the d-corps a whole new identity. I like him but I'm not sure I'd want to give up what Phoenix would be asking. I'm guessing it would be Couturier+. For a bona-fide #1 I'd do something like that, but I don't think Yandle is a bona-fide #1. We'll see what happens.

@canoli - Coburn has never shown the vision or the creativity to be much of an offensive factor. He's a great skater, and he has a hard shot. But he's not good at getting his shot off, and it's not that accurate. People get down on him because they expect him to be something he was never projected to be. As a great skating shut down d-man he's fine. Pair him with a more offensive minded guy and it will work. The idea of just rolling with the young guys isn't crazy, but at the same time, there is a lot of talent on the team already (at forward). They should be a playoff team, and getting the younger guys more playoff experience would be a good thing. Streit will help there. Should we investing "so much" in him? Well, that depends on how much they end up investing in him. I don't think he'll get more than 4 years. I would prefer 3 but 4 years of Mark Streit isn't going to be an anchor around the team's neck, especially if they buy out Briere and Bryz (which I think everyone expects at this point).

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@ polaris and canoli

Enough man love already

@ jackstraw

I agree 100% coburn, for what he makes is just brutal. Never seems to take 2 steps forward without taking 3 steps back. Move on Braydon...

Like I just said to canoli, leave Coburn in the role he's comfortable in and he'll be fine. He's a very good defender and would be hard to replace in that role.

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My reply was to rad's question about Streit not signing with the Isles because the money wasn't enough or because it was the Isles. That was the whole point of my reply, was that I think it was the money more than the franchise. That's where I was saying Streit wants cash regardless of the sweater. I'm thinking Streit thinks he's worth more than $15.5 over 3. I don't think he is but he does I bet!

I think we're talking a matter of degree here.

$5.5M from the Isles - despite their magical run to a first round exit - isn't the same as $5.5M from the Flyers. It simply isn't. Nobody evaluates a team based solely on last season's performance - in a shortened season at that.

The Flyers are consistently a top performing franchise. The Islanders simply aren't.

The Flyers spend to the salary cap. The Islanders traded for Tim Thomas to not play for them at all to remain cap compliant.

Streit has said he wants to compete for a Cup. The Islanders are several years away from serious contention - at best. The Flyers can buy their way into contention - and have.

$5.5M from the Pens, Rags or Bruins would be similar to what I'm talking about. If it's $5.5M to play for one of them at 35 or $5.5M to play for the Islanders, Sabres, Predators or Panthers?

I think the "competitive" choice is obvious.

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I think we're talking a matter of degree here.

$5.5M from the Isles - despite their magical run to a first round exit - isn't the same as $5.5M from the Flyers. It simply isn't. Nobody evaluates a team based solely on last season's performance - in a shortened season at that.

The Flyers are consistently a top performing franchise. The Islanders simply aren't.

The Flyers spend to the salary cap. The Islanders traded for Tim Thomas to not play for them at all to remain cap compliant.

Streit has said he wants to compete for a Cup. The Islanders are several years away from serious contention - at best. The Flyers can buy their way into contention - and have.

$5.5M from the Pens, Rags or Bruins would be similar to what I'm talking about. If it's $5.5M to play for one of them at 35 or $5.5M to play for the Islanders, Sabres, Predators or Panthers?

I think the "competitive" choice is obvious.

My only thing is I don't think Streit is about winning. I think he wants paid. Retirement contract. I'm waiting to see the agreement cuz I seriously don't think he's going to take equal to or less than the Isles offered. He won't for you guys or any but a couple elite teams.

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My only thing is I don't think Streit is about winning. I think he wants paid. Retirement contract. I'm waiting to see the agreement cuz I seriously don't think he's going to take equal to or less than the Isles offered. He won't for you guys or any but a couple elite teams.

I'm curious as well. I'm not at all saying "discount" as much as an edge over equal offers.

Which means that a less competitive team may "overpay" to acquire him.

For the record, from the jump I've thought it very unlikely that the Flyers would sign him.

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My only thing is I don't think Streit is about winning. I think he wants paid. Retirement contract. I'm waiting to see the agreement cuz I seriously don't think he's going to take equal to or less than the Isles offered. He won't for you guys or any but a couple elite teams.

so....if it's about the money exclusively...why are you making the exception for a "couple elite teams"? does the franchise's outlook factor in or not?

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Guess we'll just wait and see. I thought it a curious trade for his rights unless they'd spoken ahead of time.


*cue broken record* I've said from the start the ONLY discount I could see Streit giving anyone were IF he got offers from an elite contender. Say Boston or Chicago. Otherwise I think it'll come down to who's willing to pay the best contract out.

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Guess we'll just wait and see. I thought it a curious trade for his rights unless they'd spoken ahead of time.


*cue broken record* I've said from the start the ONLY discount I could see Streit giving anyone were IF he got offers from an elite contender. Say Boston or Chicago. Otherwise I think it'll come down to who's willing to pay the best contract out.

It's a conditional pick based upon the Flyers signing him. The Isles lose nothing by trading the rights to a player who refused their best offer.

The Flyers give up a fourth if they sign him (no tremendous loss, but more than the Isles had without the trade).

Flyers also did something similar with Hamhuis a few years back. Hamhuis signed with the Canucks.

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so, the potential for a team getting him a cup ring doesn't matter. except it does?

I'll type more slowly ;). I don't think the middle of the pack matters, no. I think it would only matter if it were someone with expected very good odds. i.e. Chicago or Boston. Maybe L.A.

Edit: not at all... As I've said all along the only way I see the "who" mattering is if it were the top few elite teams.

Edited by Polaris922
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It's a conditional pick based upon the Flyers signing him. The Isles lose nothing by trading the rights to a player who refused their best offer.

The Flyers give up a fourth if they sign him (no tremendous loss, but more than the Isles had without the trade).

Flyers also did something similar with Hamhuis a few years back. Hamhuis signed with the Canucks.

True it is very low risk. Just thought maybe they'd talked to his agent or something and had something promising in the works. But now it's quiet.

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I thought it a curious trade for his rights unless they'd spoken ahead of time.

Nah, Homer just likes to make sure he doesn't have too many draft picks lying around...I'm sure he tried to get rid of a 2nd rounder but had to settle for a fourth.

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alright, I see what you are saying. if someone can almost promise him a cup, then the price drops, but "maybe"'s pay full price, i.e., higher than what the isles offered. got it. and, you might be right.

sorry for being pig headed on this. tough to work towards understanding with your avatar. ;)

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alright, I see what you are saying. if someone can almost promise him a cup, then the price drops, but "maybe"'s pay full price, i.e., higher than what the isles offered. got it. and, you might be right.

sorry for being pig headed on this. tough to work towards understanding with your avatar. ;)

I blame myself. On only my phone while traveling I sometimes have to read my own posts to make sure I actually typed what I meant to type. Sometimes what seems clear in my head doesn't turn out quite as well when typed.

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Well, taken in isolation, I prefer Yandle too.

I agree, Brelic. I was looking at the two in isolation. I'm not ready to give up on Couts yet. I'm interested to see how his junior year turns out. He's still got plenty of room for improvement and I think as he gets older and more experience, he'll only get better. We should keep him. Now, having said that, if there's a blue-chip, franshise defining defenseman out there we could trade for (not Yandle) and the cost is Couts, then I would be more willing to make that trade.

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