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Meltzer: Yandle or Buf

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Garth Snow took on Tim Thomas' cap hit knowing that he would never play a game for the Islanders.

Maybe not. This article in the Boston Globe suggests that Thomas owes the Islanders a season. http://www.bostonglobe.com/sports/2013/02/08/tim-thomas-traded-islanders/JsjGy8VrdCaOgqW4PnvzfP/story.html

Or the Islanders could toll Thomas’s contract forward another year. Thomas would then owe the Islanders a year of service in 2013-14.
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ok if the flyers sign mark streit and trade for yandle and trade mez for a draft pick and trade coburn for a good young nhl ready prospect to replace briere and get bernie and anmesty bryz and briere, how would this look?


yandle- grossman

streit- gus/lauridsen



One, that dcorps doesn't look much stronger than last year's. A bit more offense, a bit less defence. I don't mind it, but it is a mostly lateral move, overall.

Two, who do you trade for yandle? An nhl-ready prospect fills in for briere, ok, good, but...what kind of hole have you torn in the top nine forwards to get yandle? At least two roster players, what do you do about that? More prospects? You don't think the team is even further away from being competitive with a less defensively capable blue line and an even younger and less experienced group of forwards?

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1. Why would any GM trade for Briere at a 6.5M cap hit for the next two years when they KNOW that Briere will be bought out by Holmgren this July?? They can sign him as a FA to the cap needs of their own team.

2. 35 year old Mark Streit wants a 4-6 year at 4-5M deal .....why do you want him here so much ??

3. Why do you want Meszaros gone so bad? Meszaros has one year left at 4M at 27 he isn't vastly overpaid. He is an puck moving offensive d-man. Has a huge shot from the point. Sure last season was a wash as he recovered from rupturing his achilies tendon, but his contract isn't keeping Holmgren from signing Giroux, Couts or Schenn for the following season.

4. What is wrong with Coburn's contract he is 28 and has 3 years left at 4.5M? What is so horrible about his contract for a 2-3 d-man.

Take a look at http://www.capgeek.com/. There is money to sign Giroux, Couturier, and Schenn after Briere's cap hit isn't on the books next season.

Also keep in mind that two of our offensive d-men, Meszaros and Gustafsson didn't play much last season and it is unfair to judge that season failures when they were not on the ice to contribute in the offensive manner you are desiring.

1. because briere can save a buyout and get a descent prospect or a good player out of him, he was wanted at the trade deadline

2. because strieit can score goals and take pressure off of timms, plus if he retires, at least he can replace him for a couple of years, that's if homer drafts a defensemen in this draft.

3. because mez is injuried prone he's got shoulder issues and came back from torn achilles and he's not a good player, i dont understand what you see him and what you want to see in him but he's not prongers replacement and he's an injury away where he might call it a career like pronger, he wasnt great in ottawa, neither in tampa, he wasnt good here.

4. coburn is a player that is not physical, at times he's lost the woods every time he's on the ice when goals are being scored, he doesnt do anything offensively, this team was struggling 5-5 because there's pressure on the fowards from the defensemen that cant score goals, balance scored is what will fix the scoring problems from the defense and offense, not just the offense.

why did atlantia give up on coburn so easy if he was so great? it goes to mez as well. you cant make excuses for these players because it's reason why this team is in a big hole.

Edited by toughfighter83
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Could you imagine if part of your job was throwing away that kind of money on guys you signed and your boss still didn't fire you?

In a perfect world (hell, not even perfect... NORMAL world), yes, I would be fired. But the words normal and the Flyers can rarely be used together. You keep forgetting tha tin this case, the boss is the one who is actually forcing these sort of trades himself or, at least is 100% behind those.

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1. because briere can save a buyout and get a descent prospect or a good player out of him, he was wanted at the trade deadline

2. because strieit can score goals and take pressure off of timms, plus if he retires, at least he can replace him for a couple of years, that's if homer drafts a defensemen in this draft.

3. because mez is injuried prone he's got shoulder issues and came back from torn achilles and he's not a good player, i dont understand what you see him and what you want to see in him but he's not prongers replacement and he's an injury away where he might call it a career like pronger, he wasnt great in ottawa, neither in tampa, he wasnt good here.

4. coburn is a player that is not physical, at times he's lost the woods every time he's on the ice when goals are being scored, he doesnt do anything offensively, this team was struggling 5-5 because there's pressure on the fowards from the defensemen that cant score goals, balance scored is what will fix the scoring problems from the defense and offense, not just the offense.

why did atlantia give up on coburn so easy if he was so great? it goes to mez as well. you cant make excuses for these players because it's reason why this team is in a big hole.

1. Yes Briere was wanted at the trade deadline, but Briere didn't want to be traded. He holds a NMC, NTC and can pick and choose only one team to play for. Basically it is the same situation Homer was in when he needed to trade Gagne a few years back. How did Walker work out for us?? I'm glad Holmgren isn't forced this year to making a bad deal as this one. We have two amnesty buyouts. I really don't see a problem using one of them on Danny.

2. The draft comes before Free Agency thus who we pick is really based upon picking the best 18yr old available at our turn. It has nothing to do with free agency. Scoring goals wasn't as big of an issue last season it was keeping them out of our own net.

How many good years do you think you will get out of Streit? Do you really want to be stuck with another over 35 player in a 5 year 5M deal?

3. I get that Meszaros had a tough couple of seasons. He played quite well two years ago. I'm not against trading him. But I also realize he only has 1 year left on his contract. He isn't a future liability. He is also better than Gervais and I'd rather have Mez on the roster over Gervais.

4. I think last year Coburn had an off year. Maybe it was due to the lockout as our whole team struggled out of the gate. Remember how our defense suffered in the playoffs when Coburn went down with the eye injury? I think he is a better overall player than you are giving him credit for. Coburn skates well and moves the puck up the ice quickly. I would rather him set up the play consistently to the forwards than be concerned how often he scores. You are also forgetting that Coburn blocks a lot of shots. A d-man that is overly physical usually is also in the penalty box. I'd rather have Coburn on the ice for our PK where he is one of our best defenders.

why did atlantia give up on coburn so easy if he was so great?

You could also say why did the Flyers give up on Patrick Sharp, or Justin Williams so early? The year Atlanta traded Coburn to us for Markov *Zhitnik was because they wanted experienced defensive depth to make a run in the playoffs.

Edited by hf101
* corrected mistake
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1. Yes Briere was wanted at the trade deadline, but Briere didn't want to be traded. He holds a NMC, NTC and can pick and choose only one team to play for. Basically it is the same situation Homer was in when he needed to trade Gagne a few years back. How did Walker work out for us?? I'm glad Holmgren isn't forced this year to making a bad deal as this one. We have two amnesty buyouts. I really don't see a problem using one of them on Danny.

2. The draft comes before Free Agency thus who we pick is really based upon picking the best 18yr old available at out turn. It has nothing to do with free agency. Scoring goals wasn't as big of an issue last season it was keeping them out of our own net.

How many good years do you think you will get out of Streit? Do you really want to be stuck with another over 35 player in a 5 year 5M deal?

3. I get that Meszaros had a tough couple of seasons. He played quite well two years ago. I'm not against trading him. But I also realize he only has 1 year left on his contract. He isn't a future liability. He is also better than Gervais and I'd rather have Mez on the roster over Gervais.

4. I think last year Coburn had an off year. Maybe it was due to the lockout as our whole team struggled out of the gate. Remember how our defense suffered in the playoffs when Coburn went down with the eye injury? I think he is a better overall player than you are giving him credit for. Coburn skates well an moves the puck up the ice quickly. I would rather him set up the play consistently to the forwards than be concerned how often he scores. You are also forgetting that Coburn blocks a lot of shots. A d-man that is overly physical usually is also in the penalty box. I'd rather have Coburn on the ice for our PK where he is one of our best defenders.

You could also say why did the Flyers give up on Patrick Sharp, or Justin Williams so early? The year Atlanta traded Coburn to us for Markov was because they wanted experience defensive depth to make a run in the playoffs.

are you just making every excuse in the book for coburn because you are a big fan of him and nothing else, you dont find nothing wrong with his play when he's on the ice lost in space and not taking a player off the goalie in the crease? it's not just this year, he's been like this for the last 3 or 4 years, you are treating him like he's chara and he hardly makes bad plays and you are saying the coburn never makes bad plays?

he's not having an off year, that's who he is. im wondering why everytime he's on ice, there are always goals being scored on.

Edited by toughfighter83
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No where did I state that Coburn is immune to bad plays, or mistakes. Coburn plays big minutes for the Flyers, in all areas of the game. Maybe he isn't as physical as L. Schenn or Grossman, but then he skates better then both of them. If you are looking for a quick transition up the ice Coburn is going to make that quick first pass. Coburn is going to get his body in front of the play to block a shot.

I think you are completely wrong targeting Coburn as the first d-man needing to replace going into next season.

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1. because briere can save a buyout and get a descent prospect or a good player out of him, he was wanted at the trade deadline

as HF101 mentioned, briere has a NMC. that means he can say "nope" to any trade he is involved in. the only teams that would be interested in him at this point are those that want to use his higher-than-salary cap hit to stay above the cap floor....and I am 100% positive that briere would not agree to be traded to one of those teams.

2. because strieit can score goals and take pressure off of timms, plus if he retires, at least he can replace him for a couple of years, that's if homer drafts a defensemen in this draft.

do you know how many goals streit scored last season? 6. season before? 7. he had 16 goals once, four years ago. how impressed are you, really?

3. because mez is injuried prone he's got shoulder issues and came back from torn achilles and he's not a good player, i dont understand what you see him and what you want to see in him but he's not prongers replacement and he's an injury away where he might call it a career like pronger, he wasnt great in ottawa, neither in tampa, he wasnt good here.

who said anything about pronger's replacement? why is it you always have to put really amazingly stupid things in peoples' mouths? there are 6 defensive roster positions, and you have to have a guy in each of them. no, meszaros is not going to fill pronger's old spot, but he works very nicely in one of the 5 other ones. your point about his injury-prone-ness is well taken, but just stop there, because the rest makes it sound like you learned all of your hockey on an xbox360 with linechanges turned off. as for meszaros being not great in Ottawa, he didn't score less than 35 points in his three seasons there, and was a combined +24. no, he wasn't astounding there, but he was very good. he wasn't particularly good in his two seasons in tampa, for some reason, but was again very good his first year in philly (32 points, +30). he has battled injuries the last two seasons, and who knows if he can overcome them, but that is an entirely different discussion than his effectiveness when healthy.

4. coburn is a player that is not physical, at times he's lost the woods every time he's on the ice when goals are being scored, he doesnt do anything offensively, this team was struggling 5-5 because there's pressure on the fowards from the defensemen that cant score goals, balance scored is what will fix the scoring problems from the defense and offense, not just the offense.

why did atlantia give up on coburn so easy if he was so great? it goes to mez as well. you cant make excuses for these players because it's reason why this team is in a big hole.

you wanna talk about being on the ice when goals against are scored, though? you're a big mark streit fan. guess what streit's +/- was last year? -14. season before? -27. know what it is for his career? -52. he has been on the ice for 52 more even strength goals against than goals for. know what Coburn's +/- was last season? -10. season before? +10. know what Coburn's career +/- is? +30. if your big concern about Coburn is how he is always on the ice when goals against are scored, then....really, you couldn't possibly have seen him play prior to this season. and you certainly can never have seen mark streit play, ever.

sorry, pal. if you think Coburn and Meszaros are the reasons the flyers have problems right now, then you know as much about hockey as you do verb tense agreement and punctuation.

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According to Pete Tessier, BIG BUFF weighed 302lb at the end of the 2013 season. That is more than the 280lb he started the season in Jan.


HF - Could you imagine what that man would look like if he lived in Philly? With all of the great restaraunts he would look like an orange blimp hovering over the ice! I have no interest in Buff and I have little interest in Yandle.

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HF - Could you imagine what that man would look like if he lived in Philly?

Yeah he would look as if he should play for the Eagles. I'm completely content in keeping the Jet's problem in Winnipeg.

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Maybe not. This article in the Boston Globe suggests that Thomas owes the Islanders a season. http://www.bostonglo...vzfP/story.html

Yes, but that's from February. Snow has said repeatedly he is not going to do that.

This is from June 10


In other goalie news he called Elliotte Friedman’s report on Rick DiPietro “totally untrue.” Kevin Poulin would have to pass waivers to head back to Bridgeport, if he does not make the team out of training camp. Tim Thomas also won’t be part of the team after he becomes a free agent on July 5th.

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You could also say why did the Flyers give up on Patrick Sharp, or Justin Williams so early? The year Atlanta traded Coburn to us for Markov was because they wanted experienced defensive depth to make a run in the playoffs.

Wasn't it zhitnik for coburn? We still got the better deal

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You could also say why did the Flyers give up on Patrick Sharp, or Justin Williams so early? The year Atlanta traded Coburn to us for Markov was because they wanted experienced defensive depth to make a run in the playoffs.

Wasn't it zhitnik for coburn? We still got the better deal

Yes, you are correct. Thanks

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I don't know if this was posted earlier in the thread, but here it is anyway.

From http://www.broadstreethockey.com/2013/6/10/4413378/keith-yandle-trade-rumors-flyers-offseason-2013

Yandle's actually very talented as an offensive defenseman. He was fifth in the league in scoring among blueliners in 2013, while being Phoenix's leading scorer -- quite the feat for a defenseman on any team, even the below-average-offensively Coyotes. This wasn't just a one-year thing for him, either; he's been at or above a half-point per game in each of the last four seasons.

He's durable. He's played every single game for the 'Yotes in those last four seasons while logging a lot of ice time -- 17th among all NHL defensemen in total regular-season ice time, and among the 16 players ranked above him, he's scored more on a per-game basis than all but two of them (Duncan Keith and Dan Boyle).

So with Yandle, you pretty much know what you're getting. A lot of minutes (including power play time) and a lot of points. Sounds great, right?

With all that said, Phoenix has been putting him in positions to put those points on the scoreboard for a while now. A quick look at his usage patterns indicates that the Coyotes have generally been having him face below-average players and mostly deploying him in the offensive end, so while he's been putting up points, it's not like he's been doing it against tough opposition. With the exception of the 2010-11 season, he's generally been about as sheltered as a defenseman can be.

Another reason not to go all-in with Yandle. And certainly not for Couturier or Schenn. Maybe a package around Read or Hartnell (I know, NMC)... but not the two youngins.

Plus, he'll be 27 when the season starts, and I'm guessing we'll get 3 seasons tops before he begins to decline. Is that worth Couturier?

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