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Meltzer: Yandle or Buf

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what's the cap hit if they buy him out or send him to the minors?

he has a NMC which means he cant be sent to the minors... his cap hit is 4.75M per year if I am not mistaken. The only ways to get rid of his contract would be an amnesty or a trade. Right now Briere and Bryz's contracts are a lot more hurtful in terms of salary cap management so I would expect both amnesty clauses to be use on those two.

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he has a NMC which means he cant be sent to the minors... his cap hit is 4.75M per year if I am not mistaken. The only ways to get rid of his contract would be an amnesty or a trade. Right now Briere and Bryz's contracts are a lot more hurtful in terms of salary cap management so I would expect both amnesty clauses to be use on those two.

well they forced gagne on a trade to tampa, i dont think it will be hard to trade hartnell if homer isnt playing hardball.

this isnt about bryz either, i agree he should be let go as well as hartnell should be as well in trade or trade briere to LA, he has good relationship with stevens or rangers if they get lindy ruff, he has a good relationship with him and amnesty hartnell and bryz

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there are still buyouts as well, they are probably plenty of options for defense.

You know what? No one anywhere seems to be mentioning this possibility but that's a terrific point. We're all looking at the current free agent list and saying "cupboard is not exactly full" but I-for one--keep forgetting there are other teams that will be dropping some players in the buyout period. There may be some bargains to be had there. Good call.

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You know what? No one anywhere seems to be mentioning this possibility but that's a terrific point. We're all looking at the current free agent list and saying "cupboard is not exactly full" but I-for one--keep forgetting there are other teams that will be dropping some players in the buyout period. There may be some bargains to be had there. Good call.

thanks, it's just depends on the player and how much they want. i just hope homer knows that they need d with offensive skill, not stay at home defensemen which we have too many of and the main reason why they couldnt score goals on 5-5

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well they forced gagne on a trade to tampa, i dont think it will be hard to trade hartnell if homer isnt playing hardball.

this isnt about bryz either, i agree he should be let go as well as hartnell should be as well in trade or trade briere to LA, he has good relationship with stevens or rangers if they get lindy ruff, he has a good relationship with him and amnesty hartnell and bryz

Other than he's coming off a 12 point season, is 31 years old and has 6 years left at $4.75 mil (Homer WTF were you thinking?) Would you trade FOR him?

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Other than he's coming off a 12 point season, is 31 years old and has 6 years left at $4.75 mil (Homer WTF were you thinking?) Would you trade FOR him?

San Jose traded for Raffi Torres, so stranger things have happened. (not the dollar/cap hit obviously, but similar idiocy)

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I wish we had three amnesty chances. You have to use the amnesties we have on Bryz and Briere, but I'd use the third on Hartnell.

Actually, if you could find a trade partner for Briere (more likely than moving GoobBoy), trade him and use the remaining amnesty on Hartnell.

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Other than he's coming off a 12 point season, is 31 years old and has 6 years left at $4.75 mil (Homer WTF were you thinking?) Would you trade FOR him?

he wont give us bobby ryan, im leaning towards a second or third round pick for him, i dont know what would he give us?


I wish we had three amnesty chances. You have to use the amnesties we have on Bryz and Briere, but I'd use the third on Hartnell.

Actually, if you could find a trade partner for Briere (more likely than moving GoobBoy), trade him and use the remaining amnesty on Hartnell.

briere will probably be easier to move since he's got more value, i think some teams wanted him at the trade deadline, i would entertain offers at the draft for him and maybe he will agree to go if not then amesty him.

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San Jose traded for Raffi Torres, so stranger things have happened. (not the dollar/cap hit obviously, but similar idiocy)

I could see plenty of teams trading us something of value for Hartnell if his contract was only one or two years. I'd be just as happy to keep him then too.

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I wish we had three amnesty chances. You have to use the amnesties we have on Bryz and Briere, but I'd use the third on Hartnell.

Could you imagine if part of your job was throwing away that kind of money on guys you signed and your boss still didn't fire you?

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he wont give us bobby ryan, im leaning towards a second or third round pick for him, i dont know what would he give us?

Yeah. With his cap hit and number of years I think you'd probably do very well to get a 2nd or 3rd for him. I'd get away from him and his contract for someone named Future Considerations.

briere will probably be easier to move since he's got more value, i think some teams wanted him at the trade deadline, i would entertain offers at the draft for him and maybe he will agree to go if not then amesty him.

I'm agreeing with you a lot today, whoever you are.

I wonder about his waiving his NMC. If it's somewhere he wants to go I can see it. But even then, he might figure "make them amnesty me and then I can cut my own deal." Either way, his cap hit needs to come off the books.

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Could you imagine if part of your job was throwing away that kind of money on guys you signed and your boss still didn't fire you?

Yeah, I thought about that too. Although, if it was the boss's idea to sign the "big" one then he needs to STFU.

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Yeah. With his cap hit and number of years I think you'd probably do very well to get a 2nd or 3rd for him. I'd get away from him and his contract for someone named Future Considerations.

I'm agreeing with you a lot today, whoever you are.

I wonder about his waiving his NMC. If it's somewhere he wants to go I can see it. But even then, he might figure "make them amnesty me and then I can cut my own deal." Either way, his cap hit needs to come off the books.

i agree, alot of overpaid players mez, coburn, briere, hartnell, bryz, unforunately they all have to go because not only for the players they need but they have resign their own players, if homer keeps those contracts, there's no way homer will resign their own players.

they have to be gone somehow, even if it's for a lously player or whatever. homer cant be picky.

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they have to be gone somehow, even if it's for a lously player or whatever. homer cant be picky.

I wouldn't shed a tear over anyone on your list going. Even for draft picks. So long as Holmgren remembers he needs to go get players to backfill.

I was never a fan of Mez. He actually played very well his first season here, but oddly not well enough to convince me to be a fan. Since then he's utterly forgettable. Maybe because of injury, but those are the breaks. Time to move on.

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Mesz is on the last year of his deal, that's okay to hold on to. If healthy, he will be worth something of value at the trade deadline. Or, worth resigning at a lower number.

I think Briere has value to teams with weak offenses and small budget franchises. Let's see how that turns out.

Hartnell has a bad contract, but he is valuable. He's also a great scapegoat. Last "season", he was hurt, and that joke of a season doesn't count in my opinion. I wouldn't make any decision primarily drawing from a short season.

Coburn, well, is frustrating. He can play, sometimes very well, but lacks consistency at the higher level. He steps up nicely in the playoffs, but he really needs to unleash that inner beast. It's in there, but it's like he's afraid of it. Maybe he's over thinking trying to avoid penalties? I don't know.

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these players are holding up the cap, they have to go or else, homer will be getting rid players that we actually like on the team simmounds, giroux, voracek, schenn, you cant get rid of those guys because you wont get rid of overpaid guys that are not worth the contracts.

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Could you imagine if part of your job was throwing away that kind of money on guys you signed and your boss still didn't fire you?

Hartnell was just signed last year - how does anyone in the "organization" justify buying out a SIX YEAR DEAL one season in?

Briere's not being traded. There's no "upside" in it for him. At all.

That said, his buyout number isn't that bad in terms of cash, but the cap hit is prohibitive with the reduced cap in the context of needing to sign Giroux/Schenn/Couturier.

Also, too, waiting to see the headlines in Phoenix:

"Coyotes Target Giroux"

Point being, again, why does Phoenix want to deal Yandle?

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Other than he's coming off a 12 point season, is 31 years old and has 6 years left at $4.75 mil (Homer WTF were you thinking?) Would you trade FOR him?

Dallas is looking to move Trevor Daley lets make a swap...they need forward help make it happen!

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1. Why would any GM trade for Briere at a 6.5M cap hit for the next two years when they KNOW that Briere will be bought out by Holmgren this July?? They can sign him as a FA to the cap needs of their own team.

2. 35 year old Mark Streit wants a 4-6 year at 4-5M deal .....why do you want him here so much ??

3. Why do you want Meszaros gone so bad? Meszaros has one year left at 4M at 27 he isn't vastly overpaid. He is an puck moving offensive d-man. Has a huge shot from the point. Sure last season was a wash as he recovered from rupturing his achilies tendon, but his contract isn't keeping Holmgren from signing Giroux, Couts or Schenn for the following season.

4. What is wrong with Coburn's contract he is 28 and has 3 years left at 4.5M? What is so horrible about his contract for a 2-3 d-man.

Take a look at http://www.capgeek.com/. There is money to sign Giroux, Couturier, and Schenn after Briere's cap hit isn't on the books next season.

Also keep in mind that two of our offensive d-men, Meszaros and Gustafsson didn't play much last season and it is unfair to judge that season failures when they were not on the ice to contribute in the offensive manner you are desiring.

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Hartnell has a bad contract, but he is valuable. He's also a great scapegoat. Last "season", he was hurt, and that joke of a season doesn't count in my opinion. I wouldn't make any decision primarily drawing from a short season.

I hear you on not basing anything on this last season. I agree that wouldn't be fair. But I have never liked him and have always considered him an overpaid moron. I just looked at his stats since he's here and they're really not bad I guess. I just am very impatient with him and have been since he's been here.

Coburn, well, is frustrating. He can play, sometimes very well, but lacks consistency at the higher level. He steps up nicely in the playoffs, but he really needs to unleash that inner beast. It's in there, but it's like he's afraid of it. Maybe he's over thinking trying to avoid penalties? I don't know.

Coburn does not have an inner beast. He has an inner vag i na. He can be good but that will never be his game. He does have stretches of good, but the other 80% of the time he's excruciatingly worthless. I would like to see Coburn with a full season of 2nd or 3rd pair. I think he could be very good if not asked to play first pair minutes with first pair responsibilities. I think both management and fan base probably expect more from him than they should. So put him with a solid guy on the 2nd pair and he should be fine....so long as he's not expected to carry that pair.

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1. Why would any GM trade for Briere at a 6.5M cap hit for the next two years when they KNOW that Briere will be bought out by Holmgren this July?? They can sign him as a FA to the cap needs of their own team.

Garth Snow took on Tim Thomas' cap hit knowing that he would never play a game for the Islanders.

Point is, it can be done.

The question is why does Briere want to be traded instead of bought out?

He doesn't. He'll take the $3M and change and get a $4-5M deal somewhere else.

Sarah Palin, is that you?

Like you don't know.

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