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Nurse == Coburn?

Guest ctid

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Wow, one of the only times I disagree with a Metz article. He's nothing like Coburn, he loves to be physical, where Coburn begrudgingly checks an opponent....Nurse relish's the chance to obliterate somebody. If you watch Nurse entering the offensive zone, his head is up and he already knows if he is going to drive to the net and create a 3-2 or 2-1, or he finds a passing lane and gets the puck there. When Coburn enters the offensive zone, most of the time he will pull up and throw an obvious pass that does not lead to a scoring chance. Then he will shoot it into an opponents shin pads and the uncotrolled rebound might or might not lead to a scoring chance for the other team, or at least they gain the neutral zone.

Loved what the strawman said, he *is* the Anti-Coburn.....at 18, Nurse has WAY more poise and vision then Coburn will ever have. The only thing that is close in their styles is having beautiful skating strides and they both are decent at lugging the puck into the neutral zone. However, it takes Coburn longer to reach to top speed and Nurse's skating is a gazillion times more dynamic than Coburn....really odd that Metz used him as a compareable, I just don't see it, not even close. Oh well, gotta write a bad article every year or so....doubt we see another one until 2014....ha ha.

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@jammer2 - As good as Coburn's skating is, I think Nurse is even better. Based on the little I've seen of them, I think Nurse may even be a better skater than Jones. Watching him in those highlights, his skating reminds me of, dare I say it here... Crosby. He's got that wide stance that gives him a low center of gravity allowing him to maneuver quickly. And like you said, his head is up and he knows what's happening around him. Very impressed.

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  • 3 weeks later...

We may have overrated Nurse. I'm leaning more towards Pulock at this point, even over Risto.

It's a hard call to make just hope they make the right one....Nurse sounds like he'd loved to go to Philly...talk is talk but it has to start somewhere...


"I loved it there," said Nurse, a defenseman. "The fans are crazy. But I think that's the best part of the city - that they're crazy about their sports. They're going to let you know when you don't do so well. I think my uncle is a prime example of that.

"But at the same time, you get a lot of respect for success. If I had the opportunity to go there, that's the kind of market you want to play in."


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As good as Coburn's skating is, I think Nurse is even better. Based on the little I've seen of them, I think Nurse may even be a better skater than Jones.

And, needless to say, Nurse's vision is already better than Coburn's, especially on the rush.

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And, needless to say, Nurse's vision is already better than Coburn's, especially on the rush.

Hell his shot has to be already better than Coburn's....he has to at least be able to get it on net....Coburn can hardly shoot it in the right end let alone to even expect it to be on net!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by OccamsRazor
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Agreed. So, what does it take to move up 4-6 spots and get Nurse? Probably too much.....

Well everything i've seen Gervais had to be included....so that was the deal breaker no way we can include Bruno in a deal...that will set them back 10 years...so they are stuck at #11!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :blink:

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I think I'm taking Nichushkin or Barkov. Nichushkin has said he wants to come next season.

A Russian? You? Have you been thrown down the esclators by a certain armadillo-lover cop from New Mexico and banged your head?

At least Barkov is only Russian in name...

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I guess so... but for me, "superstar" gets debased if too many people qualify.

I would say there are maybe 5 superstars in the NHL. Crosby, Malkin, Lundqvist, Weber, Stamkos.

But really, Crosby is head and shoulders above all of them when he's healthy.

How bout Chara? I know he's not flashy but when I think of superstar I think of dominance. I think Chara is dominant.

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this draft is good in defenseman but as FC said it is nowhere near '03 in terms of overall talent. I like Nurse a lot and see him differently than a Coburn. The kid can pplay physical and uses his body consistantly... If he is there at #11 I am all for picking him... I would rather have Nurse or Risto than Pulock honeslty but that is just my opinion...

After Jones I am not sure any of the defensemen are cornerstone type guys...

I agree. I think Nurse has the POTENTIAL to be a top pairing defenseman along the lines of Shea Weber someday. He plays more physical than Coburn and I think will develop a more consistent offensive game than Coburn. It would be interesting to see what Pronger could do with helping to develop Nurse.

As intrigued as I am by Nurse's potential, I am leaning more towards Risto. He is much closer to being NHL ready, is physical as Nurse but has a more accomplished offensive game (and is a right handed shot). He also models his game after Pronger so I am sure he would be a willing pupil for Pronger is the Flyers decide to select him.

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A Russian? You? Have you been thrown down the esclators by a certain armadillo-lover cop from New Mexico and banged your head?

At least Barkov is only Russian in name...

I know. I don't believe I even wrote that. But Nichushkin, if he doesn't have that usual Russian letdown, could give us the best line in hockey. And another reason to hate Holmgren for signing Hartnell till he's 50.

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We should draft a forward.

What do you think about trying to sign Chara after Boston buys him out? I know he's had a few really bad seasons in Boston, but Lavy once met him so he's kind of one of his peeps. I think he could be good here and is clearly taller than 5'11". What are your thoughts?

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