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Flyers MVP for this season

Guest Samifan

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Although you can make a strong argument for Jake, IMO Simmonds was the MVP of this season. Aggressive, gritty and developing into a nice power forward.

What sayeth the group?

Edited by Samifan
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Although you can make a strong argument for Jake, IMO Simmonds was the MVP of this season. Aggressive, gritty and developing into a nice power forward.

What sayeth the group? I voted for Simmons a week or more ago. .

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I think the only guy who you could say overacheived this year is Jake Voracek. In fact, he was the MVP on the team. I'll probably get killed for saying this, but I think honorable mention for Flyer MVP is Ilya Bryzgalov. I'll say it again, goaltending is NOT the main reason this team sucked this season. Hint: it was the defense with offense having dishonorable mention.

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I'll probably get killed for saying this, but I think honorable mention for Flyer MVP is Ilya Bryzgalov.

I'll nominate this for the Village Idiot Award. That is the dumbest, most reality-defying damn thing I have ever seen on any message board on any subject anywhere. And it beats second place by a country mile.

That just made toughfighter look like a Mensa member.

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Although you can make a strong argument for Jake, IMO Simmonds was the MVP of this season. Aggressive, gritty and developing into a nice power forward.

What sayeth the group?

Well, I think we can quickly rule out anyone on defense and goaltending (the utterly idiotic post in this very thread notwithstanding). Luke Schenn had a nice season, but hardly MVP worthy.

On a team that stunk as bad as this one, finding the "diamond" can be difficult. I appreciate the vote for Simmonds and really like the kid's style. He does work hard every night and it's nice to see him get rewarded with some results.

But I do have to go with Jake on this one simply based on stats and the giant leap forward he took. I think Simmonds has the advantage in terms of grit, etc., but this year I have to go with Jake.

I think an interesting question would who would be third? Because it seems to me there's a bit of a drop off after that. And NO it's not Bryzgalov. Not without imbibing a large amount of hallucinogens and catastrophic head injury...and possibly substantial time without oxygen.

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I'll nominate this for the Village Idiot Award. That is the dumbest, most reality-defying damn thing I have ever seen on any message board on any subject anywhere. And it beats second place by a country mile.

That just made toughfighter look like a Mensa member.

Without Bryzgalov, Ruxpin, Philly would've been a worse team than Florida, unless the goalie's name was Lundqvist, Anderson or Quick. Stop blaming the goalie. The TEAM sucked, especially that swiss cheese defense. Toughfighter must be a freakin genius, btw :D .

Sincerely yours,

The Village Idiot

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The TEAM sucked, especially that swiss cheese defense.


The same D that Mason play in front of too????

That one???

In seven games with the Flyers, Mason was great, not good. He had a 1.90 goals-against average and a .944 save percentage!!!!!

Meanwhile back on the ranch....

Bryzgalov got more rest after Mason arrived, but his numbers in his final seven games were almost identical (2.71, .897) to his overall season!!!!

HHHHHhhhhhmmmm who can we blame now got to be someone anyone besides Bryz....the nerve of everyone here wanting him to stop the puck?????

This place has gone mad!!! And Rux is the ring leader!!!!!!!!!!!

Banish him forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!


No better yet lets burn him....burn him at the stake!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :ph34r:

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I swear the people who post on this board are the same ones running the team...

They want to win every game 5-4... (which is what you have to do with Bryz.) I love how the team and the defense MAGICALLY got better with Mason in net. Didn't Mason stop 40+ shots in one of his games? Oh yeah... 40 "easy" saves. Whenever Bryz gave up 4 goals on like 20 shots, it was cause the defense sucked and every shot was like SUPER TOUGH to save. LOL!!!

Get Bryzaster out of here. Then we can fix our "terrible" defense.

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Without Bryzgalov, Ruxpin, Philly would've been a worse team than Florida, unless the goalie's name was Lundqvist, Anderson or Quick.

Or Mason, or Elliot, or Halak, or Price, or Bernier, or Schneider, or .....

Stop blaming the goalie. The TEAM sucked, especially that swiss cheese defense.

I'll blame the goalie for what he can control. You seem to give him a complete pass and that is just simply idiotic in epic proportions. And I completely and whole-heartedly disagree with every single word you've said on the subject. So does reality.

Toughfighter must be a freakin genius, btw :D .

I have an old toothbrush I used to clean the grout out of the stall beneath my cat's litter box that has more operational brain cells than toughfighter. And with repeated posts like these you're challenging him.

Sincerely yours,

The Village Idiot

Embrace it. We can get you a name tag if you'd like.

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Maybe a swimming start. Only witches can swim, so that'll clear up any confusion. Gathering up some firewood right now. :ph34r:

Can't we just burn the duck? I can bring the glaze.

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Or Mason, or Elliot, or Halak, or Price, or Bernier, or Schneider, or .....

I'll blame the goalie for what he can control. You seem to give him a complete pass and that is just simply idiotic in epic proportions. And I completely and whole-heartedly disagree with every single word you've said on the subject. So does reality.

I have an old toothbrush I used to clean the grout out of the stall beneath my cat's litter box that has more operational brain cells than toughfighter. And with repeated posts like these you're challenging him.

Embrace it. We can get you a name tag if you'd like.

Obviously, some of you misunderstand me. I am NOT saying Bryzgalov is a great goalie, but compared to the absolute CRAP goalies the Organ-Eye-zation has brought here, Bryz is pretty damned good. Anybody want Chechmanek, Esche, or Emery back? Emery is playing behind a better D, and I don't he's a good as Bryz. He let in some soft goals, for sure, but his defense did their Keystone Cops routine, running around in their own zone WAY too often all season. Their offense didn't do a damned thing all year, except for Voracek. Put a respectable team in front of him and then see what he does. My hope is they keep Bryz one more year, trade stiffs like Coburn and Meszaros, and even Timonen if he doesn't retire and go from there. Plus, NOBODY is going to take on that dumba*s contract that Holmgren signed him to. Maybe they will buy him out, but I don't care who you put in goal, the team is NOT NEARLY good enough as is. Plain and simple.

Feel free to try and kill me again. Bring it on.

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He let in some soft goals, for sure, but his defense did their Keystone Cops routine

So you've yet to address my question....how do Mason have such great numbers behind these same keystone cops of which you speak????? How did he do it...David Copperfield helped?????


I'll tel ya how....


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So you've yet to address my question....how do Mason have such great numbers behind these same keystone cops of which you speak????? How did he do it...David Copperfield helped?????


I'll tel ya how....


Mason looked great, no argument here, but so did Roman Chechmanek and Robert Esche the first year they were here. In the games I saw, I think the D played harder with Mason in net than Bryz. I need to see more from Mason before I'm sold on him as the starter. If they don't get a good puck rushing d man in the off-season, any goalie you put in there IS GOING TO LOOK LIKE CRAP. I'll say what I've been saying. Teams just pinned their freakin ears back and forechecked and they trapped in their own zone. Hence, my solution. What goalie is going to consistently save your a*s when your d can't skate the da*n puck out of the zone like the other team is on a 40 minute power play?? The d doesn't deserve a free pass, which is what you seem to be giving it. It is weak by NHL standards. Does that address your question? It's always the goalie. Well, it isn't just the goalie in this case. Edited by FD19372
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Mason looked great, no argument here, but so did Roman Chechmanek and Robert Esche the first year they were here. In the games I saw, I think the D played harder with Mason in net than Bryz. I need to see more from Mason before I'm sold on him as the starter. If they don't get a good puck rushing d man in the off-season, any goalie you put in there IS GOING TO LOOK LIKE CRAP. I'll say what I've been saying. Teams just pinned their freakin ears back and forechecked and they trapped in their own zone. Hence, my solution. What goalie is going to consistently save your a*s when your d can't skate the da*n puck out of the zone like the other team is on a 40 minute power play?? The d doesn't deserve a free pass, which is what you seem to be giving it. It is weak by NHL standards. Does that address your question? It's always the goalie. Well, it isn't just the goalie in this case.

Well like I said Mason loked good in front of this defense with no puck rusher....hhhmmm...next excuse. Noone is giving the suspect D a break it needs work. But we were discussing Brys up and down play. One goaltender looked fine in front of team...the other didnt u do the math....

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Mason looked great, no argument here, but so did Roman Chechmanek and Robert Esche the first year they were here...

Cechmanek, regular seasons:

59 games - 2.01/.921

46 games - 2.05/.921

58 games - 1.83/.925

and, playoffs:


1.85/.936 (Flyers score two goals in five games, win a game, lose series 4-1).


But don't let anyone fool you, now. It was the goalie's fault...

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It's not just the goalie. But Bryz gets paid to be a top goalie in the league and he ends up ranked somewhere near 45th. I don't care how bad the Flyers are, they didn't make him slow, unable to catch, useless at puckhandling, or force him to play small in the net. Or are none of those goalies responsibilities either?

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