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Why does Bryzaster suck so much?!?!?


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this is your problem, you think it's not coaching, it is, i have been watching this team under lav in 2010, this team was playing poorly, turnovers, bad defense, odd man rushes, it's been a problem before even before bryz got here, dont tell me that this team just started playing poorly when bryz got here, it's been this way since 2010, when the flyers got swept the bruins in 2011, how was that bryz fault when he wasnt even here? it's the coaching, it's not the goalie.

That was the most intelligent, spot on, well-reason, post I've ever read on here. It displayed a firm grasp of reality and made it clear that you had a crisp understanding of what you've been watching for 3 years. Well done.

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I think Mason is the real deal

I believe he really can turn it around here and honestly when healthy the defense will benefit from him greatly and will play better in front of him than Bryz.

Kimmo/Gus Schenn/Ollie Coburn/GrossmanN is a damn good blueline to start next season with...Mezz i didn't include because he should be moved but if he was to ever get back to being healthy and isn't moved would add even more size and mobility to the blueline.

Mason's puck handling is a great asset...besides Bob Mason is the best goaltender the have started the season with in a loooooooong time...Bryz should be bought out and the team moves on...

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I believe he really can turn it around here and honestly when healthy the defense will benefit from him greatly and will play better in front of him than Bryz.

Kimmo/Gus Schenn/Ollie Coburn/GrossmanN is a damn good blueline to start next season with...Mezz i didn't include because he should be moved but if he was to ever get back to being healthy and isn't moved would add even more size and mobility to the blueline.

Mason's puck handling is a great asset...besides Bob Mason is the best goaltender the have started the season with in a loooooooong time...Bryz should be bought out and the team moves on...

you know something if mason turns out to be leighton and biron and bryz wins a cup with another team which i hope he does, you are all going to feel like idiots, because you wanted carter and richards gone, look how that turned out for us, they won cups and this team didnt. what's the big deal of just starting mason and bryz? if you hate the guy, then why are supporting this team? it's always about hate with the goalies. they are not the problem, the problem is the fans and the team.

you act like babies because you want a cup, so changing goalies will solve everything. How many more goalies are going to come here every year before you finally understand that's not the goalies and you'll just too stubborn?

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Enough troll speculation. Trolls are swiftly removed by the mods.

This topic will be locked if comments on topic are not resumed.

-- maybe it should be locked BC the avatar of two half naked men with their thumbs up on the beach is actually Ed Snider trying to justify Bryz ludicrous contract to logical Flyers fans... he even played the race card for heavens sake... although, TF83 does not realize Mason is Canadian... not american.

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