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Gagne Stay or Go?

Guest Hexy27

Gagne Stay or Go  

  1. 1. Should the Flyers resign Simon Gagne?

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I think for leadership, Gagne would be great for this young team. He is a hard worker and always comes to play. He can be fragile, but works hard to come back from whatever ailment he has. I say they try to keep him if the price is right.

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from OrangeAndBlackPack.com

"I'm starting to enjoy the game again, that's been the main issue. The last 2 years have been a little bit tough. Health was an issue. Not playing as much as I wanted was an issue. I'm back to being healthy again. I'm starting to feel good on the ice.

"Even when we're losing right now, I'm having fun coming to the rink. That's something that, to start the season, I lost a little bit. All that helped me get a good feeling again about the game.

"It would be an easy choice if 'Homer' would come to me and ask me to stay. We'll see. I'm not sure if they're going to want to make a lot of changes, or what they are thinking. It's tough to look at our team, tough to judge why we play so poorly sometimes. We don't have a full lineup, it's a shortened season.

"I'm at the point of my career where I made really good money for a while. As a player, your goal is to win the Stanley Cup. I did that [with the Kings last season]. I still want to win the Stanley Cup. At the end of the day, money is just a small question. Being happy is important. If I like the place, I'll make things work - for everyone to be happy, to make sure that it doesn't hurt the team."

Really can't beat that kind of attitude. I really hope Gags retires as a Flyer.

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While Jersey's first goal tonight was almost 100% on Gagne, I think he's great for the team. And if they can get him to stay for less than he's making now (which they should considering his history) it'd be even better.

What do you guys think?

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Rosehill is inked to a 2 year deal so put him on the 4th line and bump Laughton up to the second. I would be good with that. I think we might see Hall get signed too if he continues his draw percentage and PK.

Oops. I forgot Rosehill. I imagine he'll be in and out of the lineup on the 4th line. I also forgot McGinn, who may or may not stick next year.

Someone mentioned that Laughton should stay in the minors again next year, but based on a recent article, the heaps and praise for Laughton makes it sound like a) he is ready for the NHL, or b) they're pumping him up to increase his trade value should they need it this summer.

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Gagne should definitely be resigned. for all the above reasons.

The lines I would put out there would be:





And don't start about saying Schenn would be wasted on the 4th line, because there is no "4th" line you role four lines and you use your tools accordingly, wave after wave after wave after wave, The opposition needs to be bombarded, relentless Flyers Hockey. Team defense, Team offense.

The 1st two lines I would role the second two I'm up for suggestions, the way I see it, according to team mate quotes, "McGinn sure gives us room out there, he has a nose for the net and is fun to play with" Claude Giroux. You have a sniper in Gagne who can finish, you have Claude who can dish it out or score either way and McGinn who can create space and isn't afraid to go to the net and shoot and isn't afraid to drop the gloves for his line mates.

Hartnell and Briere with Leino were almost highlight reels and were fun to watch, I see Voracek actually able to bring these guys careers back to life and create a synergy with that line that would be dynamic. We use to rely on that line so much when Ville was around and needed that scoring punch. Jake would be good with Giroux, but would serve better for the team with Briere.

Simmonds is a very smart and talented player who could use a player like Coots to feed him the puck and be the recipient of a Simmer pass as well. Sean would be with a hard working line that has talent. Read is an awesome pickup that is fast and when he plays with his instincts and doesn't think too much is another quality 20-30 goal scorer who can take some of the distraction off those guys with his play.

Rinaldo would blossom more offensively if he had a player like Schenn who can play hard too and can shoot the puck, if Rinaldo goes for the rebounds and scores off a cycle he'll start putting up more points and assists to go along with his improving role on the team.

Talbot would add veteren presence and I think help Schenn's defensive game out were they could form a PK type unit or an offensive shut down line.*

These comments are subject to change upon future considerations and player movement.

Edited by LegionOfDoom
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Wow Briere back. You are in the minority on that one.

I'd Rather see:


Simmonds-Schenn-UFA signing Clarkson/Read




UFA signing Rozsival-Coburn


Bryzgalov on a short leash with Mason chomping at the bit

Buyout Briere.

Not a bad team on paper.

Edited by Bertmega
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It's a dicey situation about who gets the buy out Briere or Bryz, From a business standpoint it would be both.

But I would let Briere know that he needs to carry more weight next year if he wants to stick around and be playing for his career here in Philly.

Agree that he is talented and he is getting paid top dollars and the Team has players waiting to fill roster spots. To thank him for his services and let him know Corporate wants a buyout and it's up to him to prove he wants to stay on the team. He has one year to stick around and Play hockey and prove his money.

Bryz is a situation where his production, whether blame is put on his team mates or season is not producing Top dollar results. He has to make himself be a difference maker for his wanted big money paycheck or Corporate is asking for a buyout as well.

In regards to Jake being on the other line, it would booster up that line, but if Briere is bought out, then he would be doing well on G's line as well.

Edited by LegionOfDoom
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Gagnes best days are over, i only keep him for about 1.5 a year, no way do you pay him any more

Giroux, Gagne and McGinn, that will never work, McGinn is a marginal player ,and Gagne is no longer a scorer, Giroux gets alot of room due to Hartnells physical play, people always fail to realize that. The key ingredient thats missing, is a pure finisher on the right wing, so you have Giroux the playmaker, Hartnell, the mucker and guy who goes to the net to create havoc, now we need the finisher on the right.

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@RonJeremy Ya know, with his injury history and slumping point totals, I don't think anyone else would give him 1.5....there are more reliable options out there for cheaper. Not knocking Gags, love the guy, just trying to be objective.

Just curious, how long exactly did he(Gagne)play with a cyst on his neck the size of a baseball and how the hell did it take so long to diagnose the cyst?


I really think the guy still has some good years left in the tank. He is playing pain free for the first time in years. I just find it incredible that not one but two team doctors(Flyers and Lightning) did not want to remove the scar tissue/cyst. Well I guess I can believe the Flyers medico would make that call but another team's physician too? I am glad he is back playing again with the Flyers and I hope they sign him for another 2 year stint. The money is going to be right. Wouldn't hurt to set some high number incentive bonuses to kick in if he reaches say 35 goals.

Edited by flyerrod
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I would absolutely love to have Gagne back for the right price. He's a jack of all trades player with a good amount of experience and leadership to try to guide this team. I know this may be a bit of a stretch, but remember the player who came back and played a huge part in the comeback against Boston? That was Gagne. I think some people have forgotten what its like to have him on the team and the impact of a leader type of player who just goes out and leads by example in every facet of the game, both special teams, offensive, defensive, everything.

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$2M for Gagne is not an overpayment.

$5.2M for Bryz is a HUGE overpayment. $6.5 for Briere is a HUGE overpayment. $6M for Timo is an overpayment. $4M for Meszaros is an overpayment.

I agree we need to trim some fat, but it wouldn't be with Gagne.

If we buy out Briere and get rid of Meszaros, that's $10.5M freed up, and brings us about $3M under the cap not counting Pronger's LTIR space.

It would be good to get rid of some or all of those contracts anyway if we plan on extending Giroux during the next season. He's worth easily $7-8M.

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I think Gagne has been consistent this season and I'd like to see him stay. I know the cap is going down next year so at the end of the day it might be a numbers game. At least he is willing to come back for less. What do you guys think?

personally I think he's got enough left to be a decent player. certainly not a game changer but a good complimentary piece. if he's will it take a deal that pays him accordingly, then by all means bring him back. I don't think having him on this team at a friendly price will hurt the team at all

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