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Bryz the Sieve strikes again...

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well I prefer you at your best...complaining is part of that. my stance has somewhat changed now that Mason has been brought in. I see him as Biron II. But if he can light it up next season, the flyers will buy out Bryz then (assuming they didn't use both this season)

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The problem with Mason as Biron II is Mason has experienced success at the NHL level, Biron was dominating in the A but blocked by Hasek and the Miller.

To me Mason >>>>> Biron

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I'm not holding my breath on Mason. He's gotta be a better backup than Leighton. He's got size and reflexes.He was highly regarded at one time. The one glimmer of hope i hold is that we have to get ONE goalie right at some time. I'm just hoping that one goalie wasn't Bob.

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Fine by me. I seem to recall Biron was a starter is Buffalo and was good for a while (the reason the Flyers chanced it). Of course, usuing your POV, and the number of flame outs the Flyers have had at goal, all these wish list goalies (Bernier) could be the next Biron.

Or, they could be the next Emery. I think its weird that emery and Bobrovsky both walked under shadonw of injury, and are playing better elsewhere.

Anyway, my mason v. biron comment was meant to suggest that he will come in looking like a savior, only to get run out of town as public enemy number one

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He's gotta be a better backup than Leighton.

Isn't that all we really want...i know i do...now to become the starter he'll have to prove himself...but after all i've watched from Bryz it's his(Mason) to lose!

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Mason has to start the 3rd.

That 4th goal was absurd. He didn't even move, challenge or flinch until it was in the net.

If he wants the clear shot from his dman he damn well better come out and challenge let alone make the save.


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Mason has to start the 3rd.

That 4th goal was absurd. He didn't even move, challenge or flinch until it was in the net.

If he wants the clear shot from his dman he damn well better come out and challenge let alone make the save.


Time to clear the dead weight. If this guy can't even show up in an important game like this, he's gotta go. Gutless.

Mason had better start the next game (or three).

Any more questions about Bryz? Really???

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Only reason I'm still watching this game is to see how Mason plays.

Bryz and Mason both pitched 20 minutes of shut out Hockey. If only they had thought to dress a third in the second...

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Biron was good in his call ups with Buffalo you are correct

Bernier would be a far better analogy to Biron from my POV .

biron was the bridge between hasek and miller. biron was buffalo's starter from 01-02 through 03-04, getting 72, 54, and 52 starts in those seasons. the only good analogy I can think of is chris terreri between sean burke and marty brodeur. bernier doesn't really fit.

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this team has serious issues and they are being ignored, fixing the goaltender is not going fix anything, it's not going to matter what goalie comes in here, if the holes on this team is not addressed, it's going to be the same problems, nothing is going to change.

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fixing the goaltender is not going fix anything, it's not going to matter what goalie comes in here, if the holes on this team is not addressed,

I guess I see it exactly the opposite. I don't think anything good can happen for the Flyers until Bryzgalov is either gone or at least forced to compete for his starts. Granted it was only 20 minutes (yesterday), a tiny sample-size to be sure ...but even those 20 minutes were enough to see the improvement in goal with Mason.

[edit: I'd go as far as saying even if Homer/Lavy changed nothing except the starting goalie the Flyers immediately get better.]

Edited by canoli
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this team has serious issues and they are being ignored, fixing the goaltender is not going fix anything, it's not going to matter what goalie comes in here, if the holes on this team is not addressed, it's going to be the same problems, nothing is going to change.

Bryz...is this you Bryz???? Who else would defend this clown over and over again...it has to be you...Illya...go one you can tell us!

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this team has serious issues and they are being ignored, fixing the goaltender is not going fix anything, it's not going to matter what goalie comes in here, if the holes on this team is not addressed, it's going to be the same problems, nothing is going to change.

It won't fix anything? If the replacement goalie can stop a break away once in awhile, it would be an upgrade from what we have currently. Bryz comes up with some cool saves at times, but rarely does he steal games for this team. Not to say that he has not kept them in games at times, but he has not come close to living up to the hype and I think a change is needed. Yes, this team has defensive issues. Too often, guys are caught flat footed, can't clear the zone on the PK, or have bone headed turnovers, which is an issue that obviously needs to be addressed, but to say that bringing in a better goalie would do nothing to help this team is overlooking a major problem. I'm not saying an upgraded goalie is the only thing left to address, but it would be a great start.

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