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Mason over Bryz? REALLY?

Guest caluso

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i dont understand this fanbase, why is everything the goalie's fault when this team flat out sucks? i mean if bryz was letting in five hole goals on a simple wrist shots from the blue line, i can understand that, but you are making excuses for this team that they can continue to make mistakes and expect another goalie to make a difference, it's not the way to win, the same stuff happened with bob and boucher in 2011, it's the same mistakes over and over again and bringing another goalie will not solve anything,

when is the blame going to pointed on the coach and team?

with the penguins in playoffs, it was odd man rushes, with nj, they outplayed us in every game and never sustained any pressure on brodeur sooner or later bryz was going to get beaten, so blaming this on the goalie is ridicious.

-- you bring up a great point about our fanbase! We would have run Broduer out of Philly and I 100% think that is true. This Team is not built for now... the defense is a beer league level and our offense was built around hope of our second year players and a few others (Hartnell and G) having another career year. The only person to really step it up this year has been Jake.

If they bring back Bryz another year to test him out I have no problem with it. But, we NEED to build this defense in front of him. I also look at a defense in a different way - would you put garbage tires on a Porsche? Well, the Flyers went out and spent money on a Porsche (Bryz) and put the worst tires possible on the car (our **** defense). To me, Bryz can still be a very good goalie if we build the defense around him. Or, the Flyers brass lets him walk and we spend the money to build a very good defense.

Right now something is going to have to give come next year w/ the decrease in salary cap. Right or wrong - Bryz and Briere's contracts stick out like a sore thumb Bryz contract can handcuff the Org for years. We are going to have to pay G, Schenn, etc... if we want to keep the young kids intact. However, if we decide to let Bryz walk I am okay with it b/c he is NOT a franchise goalie (yet he is being paid like one).

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@toughfighter83 -

No one is saying bryzgalov is THE problem, only that he is A problem. The coaching needs to be fixed, the defense needs to be fixed, the goaltending needs to be fixed. I mean, do you understand the flyers have the second worst save percentage in the entire league? Bryzgalov himself is 41st out of 47 goalies to play at least 13 games. Only SIX goalies in the ENTIRE LEAGUE have been worse than him. How can you possibly think nothing needs to be done about that?

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The only thing I can think of is he's big (though he plays small)

-- I dont necessarily think he is a bad goalie... but he certainly is not worth the $$ we are paying him. I dont get the rationale that he is living up to his contract. There are some very basic flaws in his game... he is S___L__O__W going pipe to pipe and certainly cant handle the puck effectively. He also is always fighting to see the puck...

I am not a top tier player by any stretch but played AAA and have Coached for over 10 years and the guy has flaws - all players do to a ceretain extent. If you are gonna be paid like a franchise goalie then those flaws should be minimal - with Bryz they arent.

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You also have to figure those reflexes that are already bad are going to get worse. I think his glove hand is also poor and his skating is far below NHL average.

Another thing is he just seems to have plain bad luck. Any deflection ends up in the net. Last year I thought ok, the guy is having the most unluckiest year for deflecions I've ever seen. But it's carried on this year.

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You are right... I have to be honest here and say I have never seen a goalie get more deflections in front of him. That is not his fault but he drops down so fast. By doing so he does not allow himself to "set" for a deflection. One thing about Marty is his ability to make saves off deflections - he is a hybrid but he stays w/ the shot and knows when to drop. Comparing Bryz to Marty is like comparing oranges and limes...

He was signed to a HUGE amount of $$ and his flaws, as you say, are not getting better. Truth be told FC you are the single most important person in making me see the Bryz light... the guy, IMO, needs to be bought out and we all move on with some money to spend for an above average defense...

And, he is simply not that athletic for a big man!

Edited by murraycraven
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-- I dont necessarily think he is a bad goalie... but he certainly is not worth the $$ we are paying him. I dont get the rationale that he is living up to his contract. There are some very basic flaws in his game... he is S___L__O__W going pipe to pipe and certainly cant handle the puck effectively. He also is always fighting to see the puck...

Don't worry, the same people who signed Bryz with all of those deficiencies are still in charge. They'll get it right next time.


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. Truth be told FC you are the single most important person in making me see the Bryz light... the guy, IMO, needs to be bought out and we all move on with some money to spend for an above average defense...

Well in all fairness to the others, I have been working on it for a full 2 seasons.

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The only thing I can think of is he's big (though he plays small)

I swear to God he is standing ON the goal line while the puck is coming across center ice. Honestly, part of that is on Reese. But I think if he came out that his angles are so horrible that he wouldn't even be in front of the net.

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@toughfighter83 -

No one is saying bryzgalov is THE problem, only that he is A problem. The coaching needs to be fixed, the defense needs to be fixed, the goaltending needs to be fixed. I mean, do you understand the flyers have the second worst save percentage in the entire league? Bryzgalov himself is 41st out of 47 goalies to play at least 13 games. Only SIX goalies in the ENTIRE LEAGUE have been worse than him. How can you possibly think nothing needs to be done about that?

Don't be silly. Save percentage has nothing to do with the goalie. It's largely the responsibility of the defense and, quite possibly, the pretzel guy.

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the guy, IMO, needs to be bought out and we all move on with some money to spend for an above average defense...

I don't know what you're talking about. Bryz is a terrific goalie. In fact, he might be the best goalie we had since Jeff The Incredible Hackett.

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I swear to God he is standing ON the goal line while the puck is coming across center ice. Honestly, part of that is on Reese. But I think if he came out that his angles are so horrible that he wouldn't even be in front of the net.

I'm sure Reese is probably more concerned that if he talks too much to Bryz it will eventually take on himself.

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