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Anyone see Montreals 3rd goal?

Guest pensuck

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Good thing his team mates bailed him out from that awful reaction.

Yup. Only allowed one shot the rest of the game. Like I mentioned, they have to be PERFECT to cover up Bryz' flaws. Sphincters must be super tight playing in front of Bryz the Sieve.

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The more I watch the replay of this goal the more furious I get... this guy just flat-out sucks any momentum this team generates right out of the game time after time. Imagine what this team would be like with some consistent goaltending. Throw Mason out there tomorrow -- Bryz needs to sit. For a long time.

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Yup, that was it. Are they grilling him on sports rise? They were on NBC after the rangers game.

It's amazing, @pensuck. They didn't even comment other than just show it on the highlights as a Habs goal. "...and so the Habs go up 3-2..." kind of thing. But he clearly ducks and it's clearly disgusting.

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I sit up in the nosebleeds and the duck was so pronounced that I saw it clearly in real time, and boy did I go ballistic. I think I was so stunned that my screaming rant was mostly unintelligible but I am pretty sure that words "duck", "douchebag", "amnesty", and "8 years" were in there somewhere. The people in my section must of thought I was a raving lunatic. Surprisingly Mrs Poulin20 who was in attendence with me was unphased by my reaction and agreed that it was a horrible goal to let in.

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