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Jake Voracek Fight

Guest EDI-Flyer

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I don't think there should be any worries/hesitation/revenge/ramifications for any big legal hit whatsoever. Those hits should be ENcouraged. Not DIScouraged. That includes big legal hits on my guys.

I agree. My fear is the League's tendency to be inconsistent and ambiguous about what is a big legal hit and what isn't -- calling some big legal hits illegal and calling some that aren't legal legal. I think that creates more disruption and causes more hesitation among players than worrying about possibly dropping the gloves. They may not throw that big legal hit because of how an on-ice official may botch the call or how the League may interpret the rules on any given day. I know 100% consistency is an impossibility, but if we're going to talk about the impact fighting has on discouraging legal hits, let's talk about the League's inability to get it right too. And that's where I agree with DGG - less League involvement the better. I lean towards letting the players sort it out. Most acknowledge and operate within the code.

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I agree. My fear is the League's tendency to be inconsistent and ambiguous about what is a big legal hit and what isn't -- calling some big legal hits illegal and calling some that aren't legal legal. I think that creates more disruption and causes more hesitation among players than worrying about possibly dropping the gloves. They may not throw that big legal hit because of how an on-ice official may botch the call or how the League may interpret the rules on any given day. I know 100% consistency is an impossibility, but if we're going to talk about the impact fighting has on discouraging legal hits, let's talk about the League's inability to get it right too. And that's where I agree with DGG - less League involvement the better. I lean towards letting the players sort it out. Most acknowledge and operate within the code.

That's the double edged sword...the league's inconsistency. And they have the benefit of instant replay, multiple camera angles, slow motion, etc. In real time, the players don't.

I think the league can and will improve but I can certainly understand the hesitation of putting this "policing" solely in the hands of the league.

That said, I'd rather a guy get an undeserving suspension for a legal hit than an undeserving injury from having to drop the gloves after a legal hit.

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But if it's Crosby that's about to be lit up by Rinaldo, don't you want him hesitating knowing he has to fight Derek Engelland 2 secs after laying him out? Even if the hit is "clean" by anyone's definition?

Not being a di*ck here, but if it's Giroux about the get whacked, I want that split second of doubt..it maybe enough to have the player protect himself.

If Rinaldo starts thinking twice about throwing hits, he'll be riding a bus from Glen Falls to San Antonio soon enough.

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Apparently the Leafs are.

Was the rift with Orr any good? Orr seems to be losing a step in the fights but he's still a good contender. I'm surprised Rosehill could take him to be honest, as Rosehill is generally a wuss. I tried watching it on hockeyfights.com but the limited video they have there looks more like they were swinging and missing a lot then fell down on one another. Some said it was a punch by Rosehill that knocked Orr down, but with all the flailing and spinning they looked more like dancers than fighters. Is there a better video of it?

Watch out.. you guys are on a roll now huh? 4 games?

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@Polaris922 From what I saw, Rosehill landed a left, not flush, but hard and it contributed to Orr falling down, giving Rosehill the win, but I do think Orr was off balance when the left landed.

Fair enough! The video on the fight site wasn't very good. Rosehill must have either had a grudge with Orr or was pumped up to win one for his new team. He's usually a punching bag out there. Could be an interesting turn for him. Maybe HE is one of those guys who needed a new start somewhere??

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@Polaris922 I disagree with the punching bag comment. He wins a lot more than he loses. I dunno about the grudge thing, it's possible, but I think he was just doing what he's paid to do. fight.

The last few years he's been just below .500 on winning fights at the NHL level if I'm remembering my stats right. He usually wins against middle weights but loses badly to most true heavies. I remember Godard cleaning him out pretty badly, and THAT will forever be how I remember Rosehill.

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