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Landeskog hit by Stuart goes unnoticed by Shanny



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  1. 1. Should Stuart receive a suspension?

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If you missed it Gabriel Landeskog was drilled by Brad Stuart over the weekend. Landeskog returned to the ice after the mandatory 15min, as he said he was ok. However he didn't play in tonights game with head and leg injuries.

This looks as if it is more of head shot than Schenn's hit on Volchenkov last week. But no call this time from Shanahan.


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I disagree. Stuart does NOT leave his feet to make the hit. His elbow stays below the shoulder and strikes Landeskog's chest. If Landeskog's head hits anything it's Stuart's shoulder, but it doesn't appear at all like Stuart "targeted" his head. He led shoulder first into Landeskog's chest, and is perfectly legal as far as what I can see.

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I disagree. Stuart does NOT leave his feet to make the hit. His elbow stays below the shoulder and strikes Landeskog's chest. If Landeskog's head hits anything it's Stuart's shoulder, but it doesn't appear at all like Stuart "targeted" his head. He led shoulder first into Landeskog's chest, and is perfectly legal as far as what I can see.

Schenn did not target Volchenkov's head either....The hits are pretty much identical except that Stuart used to play for the Redwings. I think it was just a great hit, and no suspension deserved but I thought Schenn's hit was clean too....

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Schenn did not target Volchenkov's head either....The hits are pretty much identical except that Stuart used to play for the Redwings. I think it was just a great hit, and no suspension deserved but I thought Schenn's hit was clean too....

The difference is Schenn leaves his feet before impact. I know it's close but it's still charging. I think Shanahan was in a position where had there been at least a charging minor assessed he'd have let it go at that, but since it was an unpunished violation he kept it small at 1 game.

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Ok, maybe my example of Schenn's hit wasn't the best one as Schenn was probably penalized more for jumping at Volchenkov than anything. But the way Shanahan explains the charge Schenn was suspended because he made contact with Volchenkov's head. If he just jumped at Volchenkov not hitting the head----no suspension.

Stuart does makes direct contact with Landeskog's head. Look at the video at 2:07minutes. Stuart's forearm makes contact as Landeskog's head snaps back.

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Ok, maybe my example of Schenn's hit wasn't the best one as Schenn was probably penalized more for jumping at Volchenkov than anything. But the way Shanahan explains the charge Schenn was suspended because he made contact with Volchenkov's head. If he just jumped at Volchenkov not hitting the head----no suspension.

Stuart does makes direct contact with Landeskog's head. Look at the video at 2:07minutes. Stuart's forearm makes contact as Landeskog's head snaps back.

In fact, that looks like deliberate targeting of the head. Stuart leads with his forearm/elbow and drills him up high. He purposely separates his forearm from his body before impact, aiming for the head.

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Looks to me like Stuart's elbow stays at chest height and the head contact is Landeskog's face greeting Stuart's shoulder, but because Stuart plows him dead in the chest. If I remember right the explanation last year was "targeting the head", which is Schenn leaving his feet and making the primary contact point Volchenkov's head. Big difference there fellas! I think Shanny got it right on both counts.

Now I just went frame by frame and Stuart's firearm is across the chest at shoulder height as Landeskog's face hits his bicep. Landeskog's is slightly bent over as contact is made and Stuart never leaves his feet. Close but clean.

Edited by Polaris922
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I disagree. Stuart does NOT leave his feet to make the hit. His elbow stays below the shoulder and strikes Landeskog's chest. If Landeskog's head hits anything it's Stuart's shoulder, but it doesn't appear at all like Stuart "targeted" his head. He led shoulder first into Landeskog's chest, and is perfectly legal as far as what I can see.

What the hell are you talking about?!

He lands his elbow/forearm right on Landeskog's chin! Presumably he does so because he aimed for it.

Holy crap.

Is your middle name "Kuato" by chance?

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Stuart does have a pretty nice follow through with his forearm there, still I think it's a good hit, i thought schenn's hit was a good hit too.

I think the bullshit comes when landeskog's buddy feels the need to even up the score on the good hit and throws with stuart, wtf ? that's crap.

i reckon the difference is NJ sent the league a tape and Colorado did not.

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Great, great game changing hit by Stuart. Where was that last year?? I swear it was like he was sleepwalking his way through his last season with the Wings and California dreaming.....

I think it is apples and oranges with Stu and Schenn, I love the hitting, love the tough rugged play and think Shanny, who was as tough of a SOB who ever played the game needs to let boys be boys just a little more. But Stuart looked legal to me.

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@mojo1917 It's amazing how a fight is 99% imminent when a big hit occurs, it's sad really. What ever happened to, take a number and get him back at your luxury....it's a long season, you have LOTS of chances for revenge. Sure, it's a heat of the moment thing, but this kinda stuff rarely happned in the 70's after a big hit....why, because real men can take a vicious hit. Hockey players are not nearly as tough (in general) as they were in the old days. I've said it many times, the pussification of the league is at hand, and its the players fault as much as the league.

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The only thing wrong with that hit is the politically incorrect targeting of the head. There was a wicked forearm follow through, but I'm a fan of those kinda hits, you just gotta roll with the times and get the elbows and forearms down a bit lower. Concussions are a real thing, and the more we find out about them, the more it makes sense to avoid them at all costs. The game is played at such a high speed, it's a matter of a tenth of a second and inches if a guy's career ends. Respect has got to rise to the forefront and SEVERE consequences have to be paid if it's found that a player targeted the head on purpose, real hard to prove, but the odd ones do arise...suspend a guy for half a year and they will think twice before trying it again. Everybody deserves to go home to the wife and kids without being a babbling idiot.....and that's whats at stake here, a players mental well being, which is priceless.

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What the hell are you talking about?!

He lands his elbow/forearm right on Landeskog's chin! Presumably he does so because he aimed for it.

Holy crap.

Is your middle name "Kuato" by chance?

I simply disagree. I think the initial impact point is the chest, where Schenn's was Volchenkov's face AFTER leaping at him. I slow-moe'd the video several times and Stuart's forearm hits Landeskog's chest not his chin, and his skates stay on the ice until impact. *shrug*

Now this isn't the best picture, partly because of the video feed and partly because of the glass, but you can still see that Landeskog's face is in Stuart's bicep. That's not his forearm, which HAS to be below the bicep and in Landeskog's chest.


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@Polaris922 It's amazing how a few different views on a hit can sway my opinion.....also funny how so many can see the same clip and come to totally different conclusions. I still agree with Brelic here though, he follows through with the forearm shiver, despite what the still frame pic says. I still would not want this hit to be suspendable. I would like there to be a warning volly by Shanny, like "this is borderline, we are not suspending you, but warning you to keep your arms and body away from opponents heads".....and this hit can and might count against you should you target the head in the future, in other words, even though you are not suspended, only warned, you could become a repeat offender off this...that would clean things up but keep it fair for the players. Just my take.

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I know it's close but it's still charging.

The thing that irks me is that there was no on-ice call. The second thing that irks me is that Kronwall does this (but in a much dirtier fashion) on almost all of his nasty hits. Why is there not any retro-review / suspension on him??

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The thing that irks me is that there was no on-ice call. The second thing that irks me is that Kronwall does this (but in a much dirtier fashion) on almost all of his nasty hits. Why is there not any retro-review / suspension on him??

Well they DO miss on ice calls here and there, and I think Schenn's was close enough to legal that they just missed him leaving his skates. As for Kronwall, I think he's dirty more than clean, and I don't understand why the league doesn't hammer him. I've said as much in the Red Wings topic about him. He's scum to me.

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Well they DO miss on ice calls here and there, and I think Schenn's was close enough to legal that they just missed him leaving his skates.

I get that, but it was so borderline that it is a joke the league suspended him for one game. Who sent the file in?? I know the NHL does not sit there and say "lets look at all the marginal hits last night and make a marginal call on it". If so, the league is a joke.

IF they do a retrospective review every day, the fact that Kronwall has not once been suspended is an utter joke. Shannahan should turn his cojones over now. At least we knew Cambell was prejudice.

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I get that, but it was so borderline that it is a joke the league suspended him for one game. Who sent the file in?? I know the NHL does not sit there and say "lets look at all the marginal hits last night and make a marginal call on it". If so, the league is a joke.

IF they do a retrospective review every day, the fact that Kronwall has not once been suspended is an utter joke. Shannahan should turn his cojones over now. At least we knew Cambell was prejudice.

I actually agree with the 1 game suspension. I'm thinking the Debbies sent it in complaining feeling it was Schenn headhunting for revenge. Shanahan I'm sure felt since he DID leave his feet and no penalty was called he had to do something, and 1 game is fitting I feel. I know you guys will complain because he's a Flyer but if it were Malkin you'd all be thinking just desserts. I just think its light enough but makes the point about head hunting, which I think Schenn WAS doing.

Kronwall should be suspended ten times over by now so no argument about him.

Edited by Polaris922
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