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Rangers vs Flyers - 1/24/13


Rangers Flyers Winner  

  1. 1. What happens tonight? (Multiple Choice)

    • Bryz stands on his head and steals a game for the Flyers
    • Lundqvist shows Bryz what a real goalie can do
    • Flyers' kids show real heart to keep the game competitive
    • Rangers walk all over the Flyers and crush their spirits
    • A very important Flyers' defensive goes down with an injury
    • Flyers look like they are skating in sand the first 10 minutes
    • Nash shows why it's important to have a winger that can finish on the top line

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Just looked at the boxscore. Grossman had 5 blocked shots, and Read was next with 4. Both had really solid games last night.

And Laughton can stay with the big boys. He had 2 hits, 3 shots, 50% FO, and his line was putting good pressure on the Rags.

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Yeah I am not too confident for tonight. Nothing changed in our play vs the Debbies since last year's playoffs why should anything change vs the Rags? Combine that with the fact that we are down 2 men, our player's confidence is shot alreadt and they have a world class goalie and we have someone who is paid like a world class goalie but doesnt play like one....I would say we are in for a rough night. I would say our only hope is if Biron is given the start to give Lunkhead a rest. I am thinking though since the Rags got off to a slow start that they dont want to risk giving away 2 points vs the Flyers and they will not do this. Right now I think that Marty is our best hope.

Here's hoping I am totally off in my prediction that I have to come on here tomorrw and explain what I fool I was to think that. I dunno when the Rags wanted to turn it on last night vs the Bruins they did so and that scared me a bit watching it.

I was a fool to think the above. There was never a doubt that we would win last night! :-)

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Shelley had a pretty good sequence all by himself, the announcers even said "how many Shelley's are out there?" or some such. You don't hear THAT very often.

I guess that was when I headed for a refill. I want to like the guy, I do ("he's great in the lockerroom" after all), but he's too much of a liability. I'd rather have speed (with some grit obviously) on the 4th line...

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