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Report out of Boston....CBA


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So I stumbled across this article while on TSN this morning looking for any "late-breaking" tweets from the likes of burnside and McKenzie.....There was a lot fo tweeting over a report ouit of boston saying there was a "secret" meeting yesterday unannounced where MAJOR progress was made in negotioations and that there could be an announcment as soon as today or tomorrow......

I'm saying it's a bunch of CRAP.....but who knows. I find it hard to believe that a single reporter in Boston got some kind of "inside info" that NO ONE else has seemed to pick-up on.....especially the canadian media....ya know....where hockey actually matters! :)

Here is the link and text.....


BOSTON (CBS) – The NHL lockout has been going on for 79 days and on Tuesday, a select group of owners and players are scheduled to meet in New York.

Sources tell WBZ-TV’s Steve Burton that an unannounced meeting was held Monday with a high-ranking official from each side, and significant progress was made toward salvaging the hockey season. It’s possible an announcement could come as soon as tomorrow or Wednesday.

Burton spoke with Bruins forward Milan Lucic at Joe Andruzzi’s foundation dinner, and he’s very excited about the possibility of getting back to work.

“You know if your sources are correct obviously it’s great news,” says Lucic. “It’s great for the fans I think especially. I know they’ve been probably going through the most heartache than anyone.”

Lucic says he was optimistic that the season would be salvaged and that played a big role in his decision not to go to Europe. He admits that it will take him a little longer to get into shape than those who are playing right now.

“You’re not in game shape if you’re not playing games,” Lucic said smiling. “It might take me a little bit to get back into game shape but you know I’m confident in myself that I’m going to be able to get back and I know guys in Europe that I’ve talked to, that they would like nothing more than to come back here and play in the league that they want to play in most and that’s the NHL.”

Thoughts?? At this point the season is lost for me anyway....I don;t want that asterix next to our cup win.....and if your not interested in winning the cup why bother playing......seriously.....I don;t want the flyers to wint he cup this year if a season is salvaged....I never thought I would say ro type those words but.....I DO NOT WANT THE CUP THIS YEAR......not half assed!

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Thoughts?? At this point the season is lost for me anyway....I don;t want that asterix next to our cup win.....and if your not interested in winning the cup why bother playing......seriously.....I don;t want the flyers to wint he cup this year if a season is salvaged....I never thought I would say ro type those words but.....I DO NOT WANT THE CUP THIS YEAR......not half assed!

Bite your tounge young my good man ;)

I hope that this report is right and that we salvage the season. I wouldnt care if we won the cup even if we had to win it in a 1 game playoff. I just want to see us hoist it, drink out of it and have a parade down broad street with it and be in attendance when our 3rd championship banner is raised. I dont care how we do it I just want to win it. However I think as long as we have Bryz in our nets I think you will get your wish for this year. :PHI:

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HA! I hear ya Poulin.....I certianly resepct the long time fan like yourself, wanting that feeling again in WHATEVER way possible.....(I assume you witnessed the last cup?)

But I just can't imagine the "flack" we would get from every other fan in the leauge. The Flyers are kinda "hated" as it is. Imagine if we ended our 30+ year cup draught during a shortened season....FUEL for the fire!

And your point about Bryz kinda trumps everything doesn't it......JEEZ....I was trying not to think about that whole "situation".......now I'm REALLY depresed.....:)

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HA! I hear ya Poulin.....I certianly resepct the long time fan like yourself, wanting that feeling again in WHATEVER way possible.....(I assume you witnessed the last cup?)

But I just can't imagine the "flack" we would get from every other fan in the leauge. The Flyers are kinda "hated" as it is. Imagine if we ended our 30+ year cup draught during a shortened season....FUEL for the fire!

And your point about Bryz kinda trumps everything doesn't it......JEEZ....I was trying not to think about that whole "situation".......now I'm REALLY depresed..... :)

Nah I just missed the last cup. I was born in 1976 so technically they havent won in my lifetime. I became in fan in 1984 right after Clarke retired. I was taught all the history about those guys but did not have the pleasure of witnessing them. The 1987 finals really hurt me as a kid as it was crushing to lose game 7 after a valliant comeback attempt from a 3-1 deficit. Our boys were simply out of gas and totaly overrun by the Edmonton machine in that game 7. Since then it has been just win baby mode for me as we were oh so close that I could taste it.

2010 was kind of crushing too as I was in the building for that debacle of a finish but still not as crushing as 1987 for me.

I hear what you are saying about the * next to our names but you know what, it will just be out of jealousy and it wont bother me if any opposing fan tries to use it against us as we will still be the champs. The Devils and their 3 fans certainly didnt mind as they partied in the parking lot of the old Meadowlands to celebrate their lockout shortened cup.

It will make the regular season more exciting too because it will count more and any slump could spell the end, it would be like having a football season style hockey season. I would totally look forward to that plus I have already sabed now over a grand in tickets, gas, concessions already so it would be a win win for me.

The Bryz factor is always going to be a bummer IMHO but maybe by some miracle he will find his game...I just know they could have done better if they hadnt made such a knee jerk move with him and made a thinking man's move instead. (I was in the sign old vet until Bob was ready camp myself)

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and if Puck daddy is to be believed, Crosby Lemieux and Burkle have been meeting trying to figure out a work around from the 2 main agitators.Kudos to them if they were able to get the talks moving in the right direction again. Bettman is probably going to fine them for doing his job though.........

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Hey Poulin,

Ah, Cool....so you don't got THAT much on me "old timer". I'm a whopping 31 and have been a Flyers fan since around 1995 if I remember correctly. My best friend's mother remarried when we were like 15 (again....i think around 1995) and his new step dad had a daughter......NO, the story is not going there! :) She happened to be dating John Leclair at the time, so I immediately started watching the flyers as I felt like I "knew" one of the players......I grew up watching the Bruins being from New England. (notice I never said I was a Bruins FAN)..... :ph34r:

ANYWAY, so i kinda came into the picture with the whole "legion of doom" era Via LeClair which appealed to me GREATLY! LOVED Lindross from the minute he hit the ice! I think back at some of the teams we've had since the 90's.....MAN. Can't believe the Flyers have not managed a cup yet. I mean the heart players used to show....Kapanen! Boy do I miss Sami Kappanen! And Desjardins.....Leclair. Even the Roenick, Amonte, Forsberg days.....you would of thought we would have found a way one of those years with some of those WARRIORS......

Anyhow, you may be slowly selling me on this shortened season thing!.....I mean I think the NHL season should be 60 games anyway.....but we're down to like what...45-50 tops now? Ah, lets see if we get any kind of announcement today.

Whoever.....I REFUSE to pay for NHL Center ice this year and unfortunately thats the only way I get to see the Flyers in Maine. I usually go to every Bruins Flyers game in Boston and get a shirt or two and a Jersey every year......NOT THIS YEAR! I'm officially on NHL Strike! (Although I will certainly follow our team should we drop the puck this year!)

Carry On.

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Whoever.....I REFUSE to pay for NHL Center ice this year and unfortunately thats the only way I get to see the Flyers in Maine. I usually go to every Bruins Flyers game in Boston and get a shirt or two and a Jersey every year......NOT THIS YEAR! I'm officially on NHL Strike! (Although I will certainly follow our team should we drop the puck this year!)

Carry On.

If you are not getting Center Ice, which sucks because you're always stuck listening to the other team's announcers, you can watch games from this website... http://www.atdhe24.net/Sports/Hockey.html

I use that site when I travel or want to watch a different football game than the one on tv.

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If you are not getting Center Ice, which sucks because you're always stuck listening to the other team's announcers, you can watch games from this website... http://www.atdhe24.n...rts/Hockey.html


I actually created a spread sheet with many different links for streaming hockey. HF- can you help me on where that file / post is again (when you have a chance- no hurry).

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I actually created a spread sheet with many different links for streaming hockey. HF- can you help me on where that file / post is again (when you have a chance- no hurry).

Top menu --> Our Favorite Sites --- Watch NHL Games --->

Or for the actual spreadsheet --> http://www.hockeyfor...t-stream-sites/

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It looks like the players pulled a fast one, and refuse to actually negotiate. Maybe it's just Fehr... they gotta toss that bum and get back on the ice.

Friday, December 7, 2012

NHL owners stunned, disappointed

The NHL released statements from four owners after negotiations with the players' union broke down on Thursday. The owners _ Pittsburgh's Ron Burkle, Winnipeg's Mark

Chipman, Toronto's Larry Tanenbaum and Tampa Bay's Jeff Vinik _ took part in the meetings Tuesday and Wednesday.

Statement from Ron Burkle, Penguins:

"The idea to put players and owners together in the same room was a

refreshing idea. Commissioner Bettman should be thanked for proposing it

and the Fehrs should be thanked for agreeing to it.

"The players came with a strong desire to get back to playing hockey.

They were professional and did a good job of expressing their concerns and

listening to ours.

"We wanted to move quickly and decisively. We have all spent too much

time without any real progress at the expense of our fans, our sponsor and

the communities we serve. It was time to make bold moves and get a deal.

Many people think we got over our skis and they are probably right, but we

wanted to do everything we could to get back to hockey now. We didn’t hold


"We made substantial movement on our end quickly, but unfortunately

that was not met with the same level of movement from the other side. The

players asked us to be patient and keep working with them. It’s not what

they do and they wanted us to know they were committed. We understood and

appreciated their situation. We came back with an aggressive commitment to

pensions which we felt was well received. We needed a response on key items

that were important to us, but we were optimistic that we were down to very

few issues. I believe a deal was within reach.

"We were therefore surprised when the Fehrs made a unilateral and

“non-negotiable” decision – which is their right, to end the player/owner

process that has moved us farther in two days than we moved at any time in

the past months.

"I want to thank the players involved for their hard work as we tried

to reach a deal.

"I hope that going backwards does not prevent a deal."

Statement from Mark Chipman, Jets:

“I’d like to thank the NHL for giving me the opportunity to

participate in this very important process.

"I came here optimistic that we could find a solution. That sense

of optimism grew after our first few sessions, including the small group

discussions late last night.

"Regrettably, we have been unable to close the divide on some

critical issues that we feel are essential to the immediate and long-term

health of our game.

"While I sense there are some members of the players association

that understand our perspective on these issues, clearly there are many

that don’t.

"I am deeply disappointed that we were unable to bring this

extremely unfortunate situation to a successful conclusion and I wish to

apologize to our fans and sponsors for letting them down.”

Statement from Larry Tanenbaum, Maple Leafs:

“I was pleased to be asked to join the Player/Owner negotiation

sessions. I had hoped that my perspective both as a businessman and as one

of the owners of the Toronto Maple Leafs would be helpful to the process.

Like all other teams, this work stoppage has hurt our fans, our employees

and our business. Neither the owners nor the players will ever recover the

losses incurred with this work stoppage.

"I understand how important it is to have a strong league and 30

healthy teams. I must admit that I was shocked at how things have played

out over the last 48 hours. The sessions on Tuesday felt cooperative with

an air of goodwill. I was optimistic and conveyed my optimism to the Board

of Governors at our Wednesday meeting. However, when we reconvened with the players on Wednesday afternoon, it was like someone had thrown a switch.

The atmosphere had completely changed. Nevertheless, the owners tried to

push forward and made a number of concessions and proposals, which were not

well-received. I question whether the union is interested in making an


"I am very disappointed and disillusioned. Had I not experienced this

process myself, I might not have believed it. Like all hockey fans, I am

hopeful this situation can be resolved as soon as possible. I miss our


Statement from Jeff Vinik, Lightning:

“After working this week with our players toward what we hoped would

be a new agreement, owners presented a proposal we believed would benefit

those great players, ownership, and, ultimately, our fans for many years

to come. While trust was built and progress was made along the way,

unfortunately, our proposal was rejected by the Union's leadership. My

love for the game is only superseded by my commitment to our fans and I

hold out hope we can soon join with our players and return the game back

to its rightful place on the ice.”

Edited by TedZep
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I might be better off if I believed anything the owners said.

But I can't shake the feeling that if I do believe them, they will come back and ask me for 20% more belief.

I'm at the point now that I hope Bettman announces the cancellation of this season. Then an announcement comes out a couple of days after where big time sponsors of the NHL decided not to put any advertising dollars in the future. The revenue pie that the players and owners talks about shrinks and teams fold. Maybe then both the owners and players look back on this lockout and realize how much they both were idiots not to get a deal done.

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I'm at the point now that I hope Bettman announces the cancellation of this season. Then an announcement comes out a couple of days after where big time sponsors of the NHL decided not to put any advertising dollars in the future. The revenue pie that the players and owners talks about shrinks and teams fold. Maybe then both the owners and players look back on this lockout and realize how much they both were idiots not to get a deal done.

Honestly, I find myself wishing for this to turn catastrophic too. It's kinda how I felt about the 2008 financial meltdown too, let corporations die off instead of bailing them out.

"The only way to fix it is to flush it all away".

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Awesome guys....Thanks. However, I now need games to watch...!!!!

Did that really happen yesterday?!?! I thought Bettman was gonna implode during his presser......this is pretty bad.


There are some AHL games and European Trophy games on the current listing that you can watch. Soon you will have the WJHC starting.

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Yeah, thank god there is still some great hockey out there to watch....NBC Sports has been playing some great big east games. Caught BU vs BC last weekend.....7 draft picks on the BC Team!

I got an AHL team 10 miles away in Portland so I'll be catching Schenn and Coutier when they swing through later this month! The Phoenix farm team of all things.....UGH. Used to be the Maine Mariners though! Flyers Affiliate back in the 80's......

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@Vanflyer For obvious reasons, I'm jonesing for the WJC this year....and the fact Canada is stacked makes it even more compelling tv. Can't WAIT!!

Sadly- Where I live overseas now makes it difficult for me to follow junior hockey like I used to. Add to that where I live now has piss poor internet bandwidth and I am pretty bummed. I will still do my best to see if I can stream the games.

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