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The Puck Hogs


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Anyone else seen this movie? It is on netflix, about a guy doing a filmography about a rag tag team of guys who compose a bad hockey team, eat urinal cakes (you heard me) fight each other on and off the ice, deal with off ice issues and overall, one hell of a fun little movie. Not for kids, the language is not quite at goon level but close, a few strip club scenes mixed in as well, overall, I put it in the top ten hockey movies I have seen.

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I saw that you posted this in the shoutbox last week, so I gave it go on Netflix.

I am sorry, but I couldn't get past the first 20 minutes of it. Maybe it was the mood I was in, I don't know, but it was really bad. I think I made it to where the main guy's girlfriend was cheating on him in the parking lot of the bar.

I might give it another go in the future.

"I put it in the top ten hockey movies I have seen." I think there has only been 10 movies made about hockey lol

Edited by Bertmega
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"I put it in the top ten hockey movies I have seen." I think there has only been 10 movies made about hockey lol

I was thinking the same thing!

Slap Shot


Mighty Ducks (and any sequels)

The Love Guru (it kind of is and kind of isn't)

The Rocket


Breakaway (anyone seen this one? I came across it by accident. It's about a team of East Indian players coached by Rob Lowe and has Russel Peters in it.)

That's 7 movies!!! Documentaries don't count, IMO, but there's the new one about Chris Nilan called The Last Gladiator(s)

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I have not seen the Rocket (it's on the bucket list...ha ha), love the comedy of Slap Shot, but ALL the other hockey movies are SUPER LAME. They straight up suck. There is a huge void out there, we need somebody to step up and make a hockey masterpiece. No comedy, all drama, on what it was really like back in the day. How close a team was, the after hour bars, how tough the bastards were in the orginal six (or maybe even the early to mid seventies)...not a documentary, a real life hollywood gem....it has just not been done to this point.

What I'm talking about is the hockey version of Raging Bull...raw, unbridled passion is what is needed...somebody step up and make this thing!!

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i'm your man. now let's find us 40 or so million bucks, i'll give you an executive producer credit, your own trailer and an "ahem" allowance of girls or drugs your choice... let's do this thing !

in all seriousness you're right the sport lends itself to drama and would practically write itself once the right, team/players were found to write around.

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Crosby, Letang, Hartnell, Carcillo, Kesler, Ribeiro, Malkin, Brown, Marchand, Roy. There's ten off the top of my head. Ok, Hartnell can't skate.

Briere, Bryzgalov pretends to be a goaltender, Henrik Sedin, Avery... we could put together a cast easy!

I took the advice and watched this movie at 4am this morning. Horrible acting, and as for the skating it looked like an ultra-light league they were moving so slowly. BUT for the glaring stupidity of it all.. I found it funny for the most part. I kind of enjoyed it. LOL

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What about he movie "Goon"? I haven't seen it but I've heard it is pretty good...not "Slap Shot" good but still pretty good.

i laughed outloud about 15 times watching that movie, and watched it again before the itunes rental up... it's worth a buck at the redbox for sure, no great truths there but some really funny dialogue , and liev schriber's mustache is worth a buck.

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Crosby, Letang, Hartnell, Carcillo, Kesler, Ribeiro, Malkin, Brown, Marchand, Roy. There's ten off the top of my head. Ok, Hartnell can't skate.

I said actors, not divers, whiners, complainers, etc. :D

Someone in Hollywood should've foreseen the lockout coming and taken the opportunity to make a GOOD hockey movie while they had all these guys at their disposal.

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@Puck Excellent point, what better oppourtunity are you going to have, all the players at your disposal for a extended peroid of time. Summer would have been tough, all the players scatter....vacations, familly commitment etc.....

Who would you put in the staring role and supporting roles??

Seriously, I think Miracle was the best hockey movie ever made- at least most realistic (but fact over fiction always is).

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@Vanflyer " Who would you put in the staring role and supporting roles??"

Anyone other than Sean Avery?

But why? I wouldn't mind seeing Elisha Cuthbert in bra and panties:


I guess the question would become who is the protagonist and the antagonist between Avery and Pheneuf??

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the sloppy seconds remark was not only uncalled for, it was the perfect example of the stunning lack of class eminatiang out of that piece of crap.

Fair enough, but if I am a hollywood writer, it is a great starter for a story line and Elisha is already and actress (well sort of!!).

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@Vanflyer....ha ha...I guess, I'd go for the tough as nails orginal six era, focusing on a team like the Wings...even the stars like Gordie Howe had to have second jobs back then....a good place to start.

Okay, as long as there can be some sexy puck bunnies in bra and panties, I am in!

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