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Red Wings rip Flyers!

Guest idahophilly

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This gem is from the Broad Street Bull today...

Flyers ripped. Detroit VP Jimmy Devellano, in an interview with Island Sports News that was posted on Puck Daddy (yahoo!), ripped the Flyers for giving a 14-year, $110 million offer sheet to RFA Shea Weber this summer.

"There is a hard cap in place as we all know. You can't go over that....period," the Red Wings' executive said. "If Weber gets this much, then another player gets less. Now does that mean it's right for another team to do that? My answer is this: They (the Flyers) operated within the CBA and it's totally legit to do. Having said that, I will tell you there is an unwritten rule that you don't do that, but they did, and just like everything else in life, some people are great to deal with, some aren't. If you are asking me if it's right, I would say there is, again, an unwritten rule...we all know it in the NHL, but not everyone follows it."

Added Devellano: "Each owner / team has a decision as to how they want to pay their players, as long as they are under the cap. Now Donald Fehr (the NHLPA executive director) would have you believe by getting rid of the cap, the owners would make more money and that the sky is the limit, but trust me, the owners would lose their asses. We've tried that. It doesn't work. There is just too much cost involved in running and owning a team.

"It's very complicated and way too much for the average Joe to understand, but having said that, I will tell you this: The owners can basically be viewed as the Ranch, and the players, and me included, are the cattle. The owners own the Ranch and allow the players to eat there. That's the way its always been and that the way it will be forever. And the owners simply aren't going to let a union push them around. It's not going to happen."

So, the players are big dumb cattle? I guess the ranch hands are leading them to the slaughter then? Great analogy! Guess Homer broke the super secret code of ethics? Maybe he forgot the secret hand shake. But, what would he know anyway. He's a cow to according to this guy.

Makes it sound like the players should get down on their hands and knee's and thank Snider with all their being...

So if the owners are the Ranch and the players/coaches/GMs are cattle, then what does that make the fans? Oh yeah, the consumer of the cattle. Who wants Malkin steaks?

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Latest news is that Devellano has been heavily fined by league. Don't know how much yet. Seems funny to me as 'Eklund' said, 700 NHL players can say what ever they want but 30 owners can't say ANYTHING. I thought Bettman worked FOR the owners. If I was them I'd throw that over blown wind bag skanky little assed Nepoleon complexed liver licking turd out...

Not defending Devellano, especially since he was ripping the Flyers but come on....

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@idahophilly Devellano (famous for being the GM that built the Islander dynasty) is well respected in the league.....BUT, his comments seems a little infamataory (well, ok, downright offense...LOL!). You don't call the players cattle...pretty stupid.

The other thing is....why would Jimmy D care if a DIRECT DIVISION rival has overspent on a particular player, leaving less of the pie for other Preds?? That's a good thing for the Wings...right? Unless he had hoped Weber would leave and not be there for decade (which I still think will be the case).

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@idahophilly Devellano (famous for being the GM that built the Islander dynasty) is well respected in the league.....BUT, his comments seems a little infamataory (well, ok, downright offense...LOL!). You don't call the players cattle...pretty stupid.

The other thing is....why would Jimmy D care if a DIRECT DIVISION rival has overspent on a particular player, leaving less of the pie for other Preds?? That's a good thing for the Wings...right? Unless he had hoped Weber would leave and not be there for decade (which I still think will be the case).

I'd say he's talking about the "no offer sheet" unwritten rule and the tacit understandings that you don't push the CBA to it's maximum extremes.

The beautiful thing about his comments is that he flat out says that the owners would spend themselves silly if they were allowed to and "lose their asses" in the process.

There is no saving the owners from themselves, apparently. Someone else simply MUST save these billionaire businessmen from making monumentally stupid decisions that they otherwise would simply have to make.

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This gem is from the Broad Street Bull today...

Flyers ripped. Detroit VP Jimmy Devellano, in an interview with Island Sports News that was posted on Puck Daddy (yahoo!), ripped the Flyers for giving a 14-year, $110 million offer sheet to RFA Shea Weber this summer.

"There is a hard cap in place as we all know. You can't go over that....period," the Red Wings' executive said. "If Weber gets this much, then another player gets less. Now does that mean it's right for another team to do that? My answer is this: They (the Flyers) operated within the CBA and it's totally legit to do. Having said that, I will tell you there is an unwritten rule that you don't do that, but they did, and just like everything else in life, some people are great to deal with, some aren't. If you are asking me if it's right, I would say there is, again, an unwritten rule...we all know it in the NHL, but not everyone follows it."

Added Devellano: "Each owner / team has a decision as to how they want to pay their players, as long as they are under the cap. Now Donald Fehr (the NHLPA executive director) would have you believe by getting rid of the cap, the owners would make more money and that the sky is the limit, but trust me, the owners would lose their asses. We've tried that. It doesn't work. There is just too much cost involved in running and owning a team.

"It's very complicated and way too much for the average Joe to understand, but having said that, I will tell you this: The owners can basically be viewed as the Ranch, and the players, and me included, are the cattle. The owners own the Ranch and allow the players to eat there. That's the way its always been and that the way it will be forever. And the owners simply aren't going to let a union push them around. It's not going to happen."

So, the players are big dumb cattle? I guess the ranch hands are leading them to the slaughter then? Great analogy! Guess Homer broke the super secret code of ethics? Maybe he forgot the secret hand shake. But, what would he know anyway. He's a cow to according to this guy.

Makes it sound like the players should get down on their hands and knee's and thank Snider with all their being...

So if the owners are the Ranch and the players/coaches/GMs are cattle, then what does that make the fans? Oh yeah, the consumer of the cattle. Who wants Malkin steaks?

It appears that this "tightly knit" group of owners might not be as tightly knit Bettman would like the world to think?

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I've never heard of the owners being tight knit, they have always been described as fractured....the richy rich owners against the struggling ones, both with differing goals and different images of how this new CBA should work out from an owners perspective.

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How about the "It's very complicated and way too much for the average Joe to understand" comment. What a ****. All us average joes that ultimately provide you with virtually everything are down right dumb!

I like the Wings a little less today.

That's because the Qwners are the "Ranch" the Players are the "Cattle" and the fans are the "droppings".

We get treated as S***!

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Maybe we are the pasture grass. They graze upon our money and crap on us anywhere they want???

lol. I still can't believe Devellano made that comment public. It's true, but stating it in public during the lockout, .........priceless.

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I just don't know why the owners cant fine Bettman for his 3rd lockout and general boobalism...

That is because Bettman is a puppet for the owners. I believe fully the owners wanted this lockout, they call the shots, and they will end this lockout when it suits them.......and not before.

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You guys knew other teams would frown on the offer sheet so that's no big news. He's just stating what most of the league is thinking anyway. And I rather find the honesty refreshing if a bit tactless. Lol. Especially the ranch vs cattle stuff... Priceless!

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Allan Walsh, the agent for Martin Havlat of the San Jose Sharks, posted a broadside from his client on Twitter. “The comments made by Devellano are nothing new,” Havlat said. “The players know that’s how Bettman and some of the owners think.

“We’re not shocked at being called ‘cattle.’ I can tell you the players have been called a lot worse by some of the guys on the other side. It’s just never been reported publicly. I think it helps that the fans get to hear what we already know: We’re not humans in their eyes, we’re just pieces of meat that get to eat some grass for awhile.”


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That is because Bettman is a puppet for the owners. I believe fully the owners wanted this lockout, they call the shots, and they will end this lockout when it suits them.......and not before.

Exactly... the owners don't need the players. NHL franchises are side businesses.

The players, however, need the owners. Some of them would do fine anyway and probably play in Russia or Europe, but for most players, they wouldn't get a *fraction* of the money, services, facilities, comfort, and coddling that they get now.

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