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Mark my words...

Guest orange_crush

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This goalie situation is going to be a disaster (Bryz/Leighton) ...Bryz will have another mental breakdown and Leighton doesn't even belong in the NHL..

come December the Flyers will have no choice but to go after a vet like Luongo and overpay dearly..

they should have signed Clemmonson or Montoya or Ellis or Roloson..anyone but Leighton

this is like watching a car wreck form from a mile away..

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This goalie situation is going to be a disaster (Bryz/Leighton) ...Bryz will have another mental breakdown and Leighton doesn't even belong in the NHL..

come December the Flyers will have no choice but to go after a vet like Luongo and overpay dearly..

they should have signed Clemmonson or Montoya or Ellis or Roloson..anyone but Leighton

this is like watching a car wreck form from a mile away..

Man your going to have to make a new username after 550 posts. Thats sad.

Flyers traded away Bob so no one will be breathing down his neck for competition in net. Please see Carey Price and Halak in 2010-2011.

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@orange_crush Been saying this from day one of the Leaky Leighton signing. He may have a few good games (doubt even that happens), he will have a string so brutal that it will become apparent that he does not belong in the NHL, and YES....the Flyers will have to overpay LARGE to fix this problem. All because they undervalued the back up position so badly that they didn't want to give Montaya a few hundred thousand more than Leights. He signed on with the Jets as a back-up, so he surely would have signed with the Flyers as a back up, esp with the possiblity Bryz may implode and he might just get a starting job with a top team.

,This whole move REEKS of incomptance!!!

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Been saying this from day one of the Leaky Leighton signing. He may have a few good games (doubt even that happens), he will have a string so brutal that it will become apparent that he does not belong in the NHL, and YES....the Flyers will have to overpay LARGE to fix this problem. All because they undervalued the back up position so badly that they didn't want to give Montaya a few hundred thousand more than Leights. He signed on with the Jets as a back-up, so he surely would have signed with the Flyers as a back up, esp with the possiblity Bryz may implode and he might just get a starting job with a top team.

the thing is that bryzgalov can't implode to the point of forcing a depth chart change. he imploded last season, and still got starts. there isn't a ton of a point to worrying about the backup if you are going to go with the big dollar guy regardless of how he plays.

once flyers' management realizes that bryzgalov is a 6'x4' hole in the bottom of the team's boat and they get rid of him somehow, then fixes can be made. then the backup can be worried about. until then, what is the point? bryzgaloc will get starts, he'll allow bad goals from all over the place, he'll continue to get starts, the flyers will in general outscore bryzgalov's sucking, will squeek into the playoffs, bryzgalov will get starts, and the flyers will exit the first time they play a team that doesn't embarrass itself.

really, why sweat details like who is going to pick up 30 games, tops?

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@ "will squeek into the playoffs,"

Disagree here. The Flyers got 28 pts out of Bob last year, made the playoffs by less than 10.....this says to me, the back up is not a throw in, it's essential to making the playoffs, if Leighton or whoever replaces him does not get a decent amount of pts, we most likely don't make the playoffs...OR Bryz turns into a legit goalie and does not need so many back up starts.....ha ha....don't hold your breath!

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well, ok, 28pts from bob, made the playoffs by 10. that's 8 wins and an OTL from bob that the flyers ended up not needing. leighton can play, leighton can win some games. you never know if he'll be able to play on a given night, but he will collect some W's. not a ton, maybe, but he'll get within 17 pts of bob's total.

and again, i can't get stressed about it. don't make the playoffs, we get to watch 82 games. make the playoffs and we get to watch 88. or, if the 1st round opponent goes all penguins, 94. there won't be a game 100 in either case.

i'm 100% negative about next season overall (and however many seasons after that bryzgalov is around for), so really not able to get worried about the backup goalie.

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@ The part of the equation you are not figuring in is....what if Bryz gets hurt. You know the team will not just give up, they will make what they deem an emergency move and give up a huge asset to get a legit goalie. That's all I'm saying, there is no guard against the worst case scenario here. Leighton will not carry the load if Bryz gets hurt....are we supposed to count on this Heeter kid to back up/start if Leighton falls on his face? There should have been a legit vet signed here, somebody who actually played and won games last year in the NHL.

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The part of the equation you are not figuring in is....what if Bryz gets hurt. You know the team will not just give up, they will make what they deem an emergency move and give up a huge asset to get a legit goalie.

no, they won't. they'll pull a hackett and grab some guy off the scrap heap for a 2nd round pick. so long as bryzgalov is under contract and not injured to the point of never playing again, the flyers aren't going to spend on another goalie.

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@ "no, they won't. they'll pull a hackett and grab some guy off the scrap heap for a 2nd round pick. so long as bryzgalov is under contract and not injured to the point of never playing again, the flyers aren't going to spend on another goalie."

There is some merit to that arguement, I'd have to say you're right and I'm fighting a losing battle....LOL!

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@SoCalFlyfan Any goalie can get hot, they both showed their true stripes eventualy during that run. If Leighton is so good, why did every single GM in the league pass him up at half price on re-entry waivers? That speaks volumes in my mind.

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about something positive........

You would have to send OC a dictionary to show him what "positive" means. That said, I do think he is accurrate. Make or break year for Breezy. Bobs will post 30 wins in Columbus, despite their inept management.

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Boy oh boy, one wonders what the Flyers will do when and if they get the one buy out in the new CBA like the last one. Do they dare pay out 50 mill to admit they were wrong? This guy is beyond flakey, to pin the next 10 years of Flyer hockey on this tool is unforegiveable. They have to pay him out if they get the chance IMHO.

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Do they dare pay out 50 mill to admit they were wrong?

fwiw, as i recall the number is only $27mil at this point. $10mil has already been paid, and the buyout price would be 2/3rds of what remains.

not holding my breath, but...........

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Do they dare pay out 50 mill to admit they were wrong? This guy is beyond flakey, to pin the next 10 years of Flyer hockey on this tool is unforegiveable. They have to pay him out if they get the chance IMHO.

I would and then go after Luongo. Yet, I am not backing up the asset truck to get Luongo. He is an albatross to Van now because they have made it clear that Schneider is there guy (and rightfully so). Luongo is 10X better than Breezy- and can endure the media pressure here (Vancouver has to be third overall in media microscope behind Toronto and Montreal).

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fwiw, as i recall the number is only $27mil at this point. $10mil has already been paid, and the buyout price would be 2/3rds of what remains.

not holding my breath, but...........

Yup and the buyout damage would not be felt in significance for another 7 years. http://www.capgeek.com/buyout_calculator.php?player_id=1141&buyout_y=2012&buyout_m=07&buyout_d=20

Snider can sell one of his jets for the eff up.

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@orange_crush Been saying this from day one of the Leaky Leighton signing. He may have a few good games (doubt even that happens), he will have a string so brutal that it will become apparent that he does not belong in the NHL, and YES....the Flyers will have to overpay LARGE to fix this problem. All because they undervalued the back up position so badly that they didn't want to give Montaya a few hundred thousand more than Leights. He signed on with the Jets as a back-up, so he surely would have signed with the Flyers as a back up, esp with the possiblity Bryz may implode and he might just get a starting job with a top team.

,This whole move REEKS of incomptance!!!

Don't want to add fuel to the fire but Capgeek has Montoya signed for 600K...Leighton is going to make 900k...something wrong with that....

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Man your going to have to make a new username after 550 posts. Thats sad.

Flyers traded away Bob so no one will be breathing down his neck for competition in net. Please see Carey Price and Halak in 2010-2011.

Your honestly comparing Bryz/Leighton to Price/Halak..cmon man.. Bob was atleast a viable option to put in net when Bryz struggled...Leighton is a total joke..

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You would have to send OC a dictionary to show him what "positive" means. That said, I do think he is accurrate. Make or break year for Breezy. Bobs will post 30 wins in Columbus, despite their inept management.

I'm not negative I'm realistic...being a long time Flyers fan how can you not be negative every enduring decades of this BS..

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