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Carle to get 5mill a year

Guest orange_crush

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It has been a good day for Mr Carle for sure.

Except that it is a near certainty that Detroit is going to sign Suter. They have to because they don't have a #1 defenseman and Carle really isn't an option for them. So which are the teams that want Carle where Carle wants to play? Not sure there are a ton of them who will outbid the Flyers. Famous last words, I know; really more of a question. Where?

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@terp Don't have the exact teams, but saw a HANDFUL of teams that have to really, really sign a boatload of players just to reach the cap floor. Aves signed a bunch but still have a long way to go.

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@terp Don't have the exact teams, but saw a HANDFUL of teams that have to really, really sign a boatload of players just to reach the cap floor. Aves signed a bunch but still have a long way to go.

He would probably play in CO for an aggressive offer. He won't be on a great team for the foreseeable future but it is still a good young team and a good place to play.

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Interesting stat....

"It isn’t based solely on points and the ratings are in 5v5 situations only, not PP or PK. Over last 3 seasons Suter has 8g, 60pts at even strength and Carle has 6g, 85pts. That is a factor, but it also factors in team performance when they are on the ice vs when they are not."

As taken from an admin post at the article:


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I don't know how these POS players weasle their way into a butt load of money. When Wideman was playing for Boston, I was listening to their sports radio up there. They couldn't stand him. When he just stood there without a stick and watched Gagne skate right by him, the Boston fans wanted to kill him.

I thought he went to another team before going to washington. It doesn't seem like he made any impression and he's two years older. It doesn't make sense.

Carle is the same guy on a different team. The "experts" love him. Everytime he's on the ice, I get nervous. I hope someone like NY, BOS, NJ, PIT, or any other contender in the east gives him $6 mill. I'd love to play against Carle 6 or more times a year.

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Yeah, ok bud, believe what you want. Good luck finding any statistical evidence to support that.

I just can't resist sticking my nose into this one!

2011-2012 Shots on Goal:

Matt Carle- 134 (let the Flyers on Shots on Goal, followed closely by Timmonen)

Ryan Suter- 134

Dennis Wideman- 175

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I think we should let him walk and give Suter his money and add whatever extra Suter wants.

You think Suter is 2-2.25m than Carle? Suter has played 70 more games than Suter, but beats Suter in virtually every statistical category for their careers. The only one that he does not is points and they are seperated by 36 points over 70 games difference (about Carle's average).

You folks are blowing smoke so far up Suter's rear end it is not even funny- mostly because the lynch mob mentality is out for two things:

1) Dislike of Carle

2) Change for changes sake alone (damn becoming cap responsible).

If someone could convince me some how that having Suter instead of Carle would win us say 8 more games directly because of Suters elevated play, I could possibly start to be swayed. How about 5 games??

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You think Suter is 2-2.25m than Carle? Suter has played 70 more games than Suter, but beats Suter in virtually every statistical category for their careers. The only one that he does not is points and they are seperated by 36 points over 70 games difference (about Carle's average).

You folks are blowing smoke so far up Suter's rear end it is not even funny- mostly because the lynch mob mentality is out for two things:

1) Dislike of Carle

2) Change for changes sake alone (damn becoming cap responsible).

If someone could convince me some how that having Suter instead of Carle would win us say 8 more games directly because of Suters elevated play, I could possibly start to be swayed. How about 5 games??

I guess I am guilty of number 2 on that list. I was checking out Suter's stats and they are relatively comparable to Carle. I am not a Carle hater. I do get frustrated with his gaffs, but he does handle the puck a lot and his gaffs seem to stand out to me for some reason. I guess I have in my head, for some reason, that Parise and Suter are a package deal and I want Parise. Has it been said anywhere that these guys are going to the same team? I think I heard the rumour, both to the Penguins, which I would hate. I would be happy to get Parise and resign Carle. If we don't get Parise or Suter, I would love to resign Carle and go for Doan. The UFA list is getting smaller and smaller. I want things to get moving.

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I would be happy to get Parise and resign

What's Parise' current number? I love the player, but there are only a few guys in the league I am paying BIG bucks too. In addition to that, I think a sizeable wing for Giroux (ala) nash would be a bigger priority. Yet, I am a cheap bastard and don't want to give up any of our assets (aside from this years draft class).

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@TimKerrFan12 - http://www.philly.com/philly/sports/flyers/20120703_Flyers__free-agency_gambit.html

"Drafted the same year, Suter and Parise have played together on several U.S. international teams beside that silver-medal Olympic squad. They are great friends, and are said to want to end up on the same team."

If that's the case, good luck to them. I hope it's not the Flyers.

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@TimKerrFan12 - http://www.philly.co...ncy_gambit.html

"Drafted the same year, Suter and Parise have played together on several U.S. international teams beside that silver-medal Olympic squad. They are great friends, and are said to want to end up on the same team."

If that's the case, good luck to them. I hope it's not the Flyers.

Wow....that article got me thinking. Very interesting perspective. Thanks for the link.

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Well, I hope their little bromace works out for them. With the kind of salaries they're demanding and the ricockulous signing bonuses (12 mil now and 12 mil next year), the only teams with enough cap room will be teams that are struggling to get to cap floor......have fun on Long Island d-bags

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Coburns shots never get blocked, ,they are always 10 feet over the net. If you look back on his rookie season,when he actually scored some goals,his shot was actually real good. I may be mistaken but I believe Coburn was on the right point that year,and then he was moved to the left side,ever since.Maybe we need to put him back on the right point. As far as Carle goes ,you are right,he does not shoot much,since his shot is like a limp noodle,but when he does it's usually blocked.

Other than Pronger and Dejardins, I can't remember in modern times when the Flyers have ever been that overpowering with D-men shooting from the point.

When Pronger goes on LTIR is allowed to have any contact with the team in an official capacity? He would be a great assistant coach. Hope I see him there, either Saint Louis or here.

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