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Staal traded... Bye bye...

Guest Polaris922

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Good trade for the Pens getting 8th overall and Sutter. They got 2 solid future dmen in the 1st round and freed up some cap space. If they manage to grab Parise in Free Agency it's gonna get ugly for the rest of the Atlantic/East

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I never considered the Pens in the race for Parise.. but now there is rumor of a trade involving Martin to free up cap space. Add that to Parise being friends with Crosby and the two being together at the Stanley Cup Finals game 3.... it kind of makes you wonder... I think this was a great trade really. That adds yet another highly touted defenseman prospect to go with Joe Morrow and Scott Harrington. If they get Parise....

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Part of me hates to see Staal go, but I think Shero did a good job of getting a decent return when you consider the position Jordan put him in (which was a punk move IMO). I never considered the Pens to be in the Parise race either, but with Z getting shipped back to Phoenix and the Martin rumors swirling, who knows. Getting Martin the he|| out of town by itself would be a great move!

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