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Carter Hart, ect all latest update

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  The latest on the trial of Cal Foote, Hart, Formenton, Dillon dube and Michael McLeod.


  I just wanted to check in on what exactly is going on with the five players as we enter the offseason.


 As of now there is no court date set and none upcoming. August 13th there is an appearance in assignment court and it is expected that the earliest the court date will occur is April of 2025. All are expected to miss all of next year as well.


  Here is the tricky part. None are 'officially' suspended. Bettman has made it clear that the players would not be playing as it goes through the legal system but none are suspended. Therefor the contracts are valid and are active. 

 Bill Daly has stated that contracts are still valid, if a player reaches UFA they can sign elsewhere. Hart is in his last year at a smidge under 4 million. The Flyers have until June 30th at 5pm to send him a qualifying offer of 4 million for next year, if not he becomes an unrestricted free agent. Same goes for McLeod and Dube who are in the same boat with their teams.

 Briere last week in Buffalo told reporters that he has tried to seek direction from the NHL and has received no direction.


  Bettman, as far as i can tell is not trying to renegotiate the CBA with the players, and is giving management nothing to work with short of signing a player for money who cannot and will not play for the team. The player is not suspended, doing so would cause an appeal by the players union, so management is stuck, do you sign valuable pieces especially Hart and Dube or let them leave the organization. 


  So they wont appear in 2025. No trial date set. Management looking hopelessly to Bettman and Daly for direction and receiving none. It was the bullcrap like this that allowed it to escalate into a thing in the first place. Kicking the can does not work because eventually something has to be done. They kicked the assualt case hoping it would go away, now they are doing the same with the players and their teams. The players should be suspended and treated as frozen assets until the case is adjudicated but they are repeating the same mistake again. Hoping to ignore it and hope it goes away.

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1 minute ago, Icechipper said:

Do they count against the cap?

As of right now. Briere and other GM's are hoping for additional clarification.

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