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Part 2: Flyer trade assets in the rebuild: The "SHOULD BE ON THE TABLE" tier

Tier 2: Should the Flyers actively try to trade these Players?  

18 members have voted

  1. 1. Should the Flyers try to trade Scott Laughton?

    • Yes - he not part of the future
    • Yes - only if the return is right
    • No - he is a team leader and should be part of the rebuild
    • I don't know?
  2. 2. Should the Flyers try to trade / or entertain offers for Carter Hart?

    • Yes - we can get a really high return for him
    • Yes - only if the price is right
    • No - we waited for 20+ years for a starting goalie. He is only 25 and SHOULD BE part of the rebuild.
    • I don't know?
  3. 3. Should the Flyers try to trade / or entertain offers for Travis Sanheim?

    • Yes - I would trade him for a bag of pucks
    • No - He is untradable because of his contract and his extremely horrendous year. No team will want him.
    • I don't know?
  4. 4. Should the Flyers try to trade / or entertain offers for Rasmus Ristolainen?

    • Yes - I would trade him for a bag of pucks
    • Yes - If the right return was available
    • No - He is untradable at this point because of his horrendous contract.
    • Is he even tradable / Is there a market for his services?
    • I don't know?
  5. 5. Should the Flyers try to trade / or entertain offers for Tony DeAngelo?

    • Yes - He is a cancer on the team and needs to be moved ASAP
    • Yes - Only if the right package comes along
    • No - DeAngelo’s trade value is quite low right now in addition his cap hit of $5 million is not worth it.
    • No - suck it up for 1 more year then he becomes a UFA
    • I don't know?

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46 minutes ago, OccamsRazor said:


They were rumored to be interested this past year before the deadline if the Flyers picked up some salary. 


I learned a long time ag o never say never...

Well maybe since he's a Boston kid they might think he'd want to deliver the goods there but he's just such a lazy player I can't see them thinking he'd fit in with their locker room. Now I suppose if Bergeron and Krejci are both retiring they will have a hole at center so I suppose it's not impossible. 


Talk there of trading Gryzelyk (perhaps others) to free up cap space. Could we or would we move Hayes for Grzyelyk and retain salary? It would basically give them a wash on their cap. If we want draft picks, they don't have any left. 

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23 hours ago, mojo1917 said:

I would prefer to keep Laughton and TK because I like the style of hockey they each play

See this is where my disdain for SL comes from. I get liking TK, but SL? Seriously, why? I personally think in the absence of anyone to like for real, on a mediocre team, fans are fooled into thinking this guy is worth a schit


In 10 seasons he averages 8g, 11a, 19pts. and is a career -16 player. I havent heard it lately but it used to be touted that he defends his teammates, but he only had 1 fight a year.


The only argument I've heard that makes any sense, is that he is consistent every year, plays multiple positions and is affordable


Ok, he consistently performs at a level that won't help this team, he plays multiple positions because the team doesn't have better options, and he's affordable because he isn't that talented


I can see why he fits this team. In fact I'm anxiously awaiting the day he is made head coach




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I can't, for the life of me, understand why any team would want Kevin Hayes on theirs. Especially a team like the Bruins who outwork their opponent.


To me it's like raising a white flag. We give up. 

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2 minutes ago, CoachX said:

See this is where my disdain for SL comes from. I get liking TK, but SL? Seriously, why? I personally think in the absence of anyone to like for real, on a mediocre team, fans are fooled into thinking this guy is worth a schit


In 10 seasons he averages 8g, 11a, 19pts. and is a career -16 player. I havent heard it lately but it used to be touted that he defends his teammates, but he only had 1 fight a year.


The only argument I've heard that makes any sense, is that he is consistent every year, plays multiple positions and is affordable


Ok, he consistently performs at a level that won't help this team, he plays multiple positions because the team doesn't have better options, and he's affordable because he isn't that talented


I can see why he fits this team. In fact I'm anxiously awaiting the day he is made head coach





I get hating on JVR, Hayes, TDA etc, but SL? Why? 


He's consistent every year, plays multiple postions, and is affordable. 😁


I don't think anyone LOVES Laughton...it's just theres so many other players to hate that he doesn't really factor into the equation here. 


I look at it this way...can you get an asset for him without eating cap or sending a better asset along with him? The answer is yes. So he's better than pretty much everyone Fletcher brought in.

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My thinking on Laughton is coming from the fact his contract is cheap, he is a versatile player, and he gives his best effort every night, all night. 
I have read he holds himself and others accountable. I think he sets a good example for how to be a professional. He speaks to the press, he gives candid answers.

Guys like him may be a dime a dozen, he is the devil we know. There would be a hole in the line-up that would require the acquisition of a Laughton type, so why not just keep one already on the team?

There are worse guys to have on the team, in fact there are about 8 worse guys on this team.


I don't understand why you hate him so much.

I would trade him if that move improved the team. I wouldn't trade him just to get rid of him.

He's almost the least of the team's problems.


Edit: I just saw he will play for team Canada at this year's worlds...I reckon some other guys think a player of his ilk is of value. 

Edited by mojo1917
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8 hours ago, OccamsRazor said:


Well we could always take prospects in return.


Not sure who that would/could be.

Bruins don't have many of those either. Nobody to get overly excited about. 


Teams I can think of with lots of prospects or picks are Buffalo, Arizona, Detroit. They might want to try to improve now to make the playoffs next season. 

Maybe Seattle or LA or Carolina (if they fail this year) might think they are a few players away. 

Rest of the teams with lots of picks and prospects are mostly in rebuild so they won't want stiffs from us. They likely have longer plans. Only possible on that might be getting to the cap floor. Could be an issue for somebody. Take on a big contract. Always possible. 


Bottom line, I just hope Briere finds some way to ditch Hayes. If he gets anything in return, that's just bonus. 

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20 minutes ago, GrittyForever said:

Bruins don't have many of those either.


You could be right since C19 and the Flyer's suckage i have slack on my keeping up with a lot of hockey it was just too depressing.


I have just just been too out of fuks to give the last year but i am hoping for change soon...


...and the return of happiness when i go back to watching at the start of 2034 or 2035...no not a typo....

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1 hour ago, OccamsRazor said:


You could be right since C19 and the Flyer's suckage i have slack on my keeping up with a lot of hockey it was just too depressing.


I have just just been too out of fuks to give the last year but i am hoping for change soon...


...and the return of happiness when i go back to watching at the start of 2034 or 2035...no not a typo....

lol, 10 years, that's quite the wait. 


I've been enjoying the Kraken as an expansion team. Secondary enjoyment. 


But ya, Bruins aren't the only ones with an empty cupboard. All these teams trying to hang on and dealing away at the deadline are pretty empty for the future. Bruins might be the worst though. They have a good goalie in Providence. Maybe 2-3 possible NHLers, but that's about it. and no first rounders for this year or next. They're going to fall hard soon, so maybe the Flyers can climb a little next few years if they get the rebuild right. 

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30 minutes ago, GrittyForever said:


But ya, Bruins aren't the only ones with an empty cupboard.



Just give me Ryan Mast and name an amount on a Hayes salary pick up and we have a deal...

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20 hours ago, mojo1917 said:

My thinking on Laughton is coming from the fact his contract is cheap, he is a versatile player, and he gives his best effort every night, all night. 

This is part of the issue. His best isnt very much. Being cheap should not be a trait one desires to have


20 hours ago, mojo1917 said:

I have read he holds himself and others accountable. I think he sets a good example for how to be a professional. He speaks to the press, he gives candid answers.

Again, these things should not be your most appealing qualities. You don't win with a bunch of "good guys" who can't play at a high level.


20 hours ago, mojo1917 said:

I don't understand why you hate him so much.

As I previously stated, he averages 8g, 11a, 19pts a season and is a career -16 player. All that from a first round draft pick. And yet, on this forum, people are propping him up to be the friggin captain. That is exactly the same type of mindset that has made this a team that blows goats season after season. They reward mediocrity and then package it as a gem. This guy is JVR light, without any skill, and little bit more effort.

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I understand what you're saying.

On a good team he's a bottom six guy, on this team he's middle six 2nd powerplay unit. He's playing above his ability.

I think if there were better players on the team so he could be slotted correctly, you'd hate him less.


The team was rudderless for quite some time. I liked Giroux but he wasn't a great leader. 

The team is so bad, having a guy that will hold people accountable, and be a ****** Flyer is worth more than a 2nd round pick or whatever he's bringing back in a trade.


As far as 1 round  picks go, he was picked 20th, he's about average maybe a little above average for players picked there. He was the quintessential high-floor/ low-ceiling pick. 



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3 minutes ago, mojo1917 said:


I understand what you're saying.

On a good team he's a bottom six guy, on this team he's middle six 2nd powerplay unit. He's playing above his ability.

I think if there were better players on the team so he could be slotted correctly, you'd hate him less.


The team was rudderless for quite some time. I liked Giroux but he wasn't a great leader. 

The team is so bad, having a guy that will hold people accountable, and be a ****** Flyer is worth more than a 2nd round pick or whatever he's bringing back in a trade.


As far as 1 round  picks go, he was picked 20th, he's about average maybe a little above average for players picked there. He was the quintessential high-floor/ low-ceiling pick. 



Honestly. I would just like to see the guy have a little more fire. Be more like TK. Lay more hits, maybe drop the gloves a bit more. Im not saying be a goon, we all know that stuff is no longer relevant, but get your nose dirtier more often. Back when I watched 🤣, periods would go by without hearing his name called. But you are right, if he could be an effective 4th liner. Im just over it him and most of this team. So I hope they trade him so I don't have to look at his stupid face anymore (assuming I watch again)

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8 minutes ago, mojo1917 said:

I liked Giroux but he wasn't a great leader. 



Well he went to Ottawa his home and he single handedly lead them to the....oh wait never mind....just 12th from the bottom not in the playoffs and not in the top 3 for a pick...yep good riddance.

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15 minutes ago, OccamsRazor said:



Well he went to Ottawa his home and he single handedly lead them to the....oh wait never mind....just 12th from the bottom not in the playoffs and not in the top 3 for a pick...yep good riddance.

I liked Giroux in the beginning. By the end I felt like he was just dialing it in. Who can blame him. The team sucked. It wasn't his fault

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28 minutes ago, CoachX said:

I liked Giroux in the beginning. By the end I felt like he was just dialing it in. Who can blame him. The team sucked. It wasn't his fault


I agree. As I said many times he was Robin in need of a Batman to join him and lead and all they got him was Wonder Woman (Jake)...they failed to build around him.

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