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Good Article on CrossingBroad


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“One of the fan narratives that exists on the Interwebs is that Bob Clarke and Paul Holmgren are still pulling the roster management strings of the Flyers and they’re the reason the team is still stuck in hockey purgatory.

And while that narrative is completely wrong when it comes to making roster decisions, it’s not far off line when it comes to the malaise that looms over the franchise because of a deep-rooted history of the people in charge all being so intimately linked together.”


Holy Crap are they reading our forum’s…..



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“Because recent events have proven that the Flyers will never fix themselves until there is a complete overhaul of hockey operations and that the new faces in the department are not “in the network,” so to speak.”


in not so many words, many if us have said the same thing…..


 I absolutely amazed how this has literally affected the entire life of this franchise…..

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It's not a about controlling individual decisions.


It's about how the organization* thinks about everything at a fundamental level.


They are staring at five decades without a championship and Dave Scott is declaring they are doubling down.


They can actually physically stop you from doing this at casinos.

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At the very least Flyer brass should go see Dr Melfi. I'm sure she could share some wisdom about nepotism and stupidity. The "list" is so sad its funny.

I agree about the thought process of feeling bullet proof, but these guys were elite, competitive athletes. Surely at some point winning has to matter, doesn't it?

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"Clarke offers an assistant GM job to a 27-year old with no hockey experience. That person is Chuck Fletcher, Cliff’s son."


Assistant GM...to a guy with zero hockey experience. What could go wrong?


That was TWENTY EIGHT years ago....and he still knows nothing about hockey.

Edited by flyercanuck
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3 hours ago, flyercanuck said:

"Clarke offers an assistant GM job to a 27-year old with no hockey experience. That person is Chuck Fletcher, Cliff’s son."


Assistant GM...to a guy with zero hockey experience. What could go wrong?


That was TWENTY EIGHT years ago....and he still knows nothing about hockey.


The very definition of insanity .......   I am still at a loss for words.

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1 hour ago, ruxpin said:

Infuriating article.


While it's nothing that most of us didn't already know, it's  extremely interesting and revealing when put in timeline form like it is.




What is more infuriating is that this crap essentially has been going on since the inception of this franchise.  The behind the scenes handshakes is disgusting.  As one reads the timeline everything begins to make sense especially with most recent events of the Hextall firing.  Agree or disagree with some of his moves is another topic for another day, but the way I am imaging his dismissal is almost how those who conspired to have Kennedy assassinated.   To continue the metaphor used in the article, the Hextall firing, in some aspects,  was equivalent to a mob hit .... plain and simple.... and that disgusts me to the point why should I be a fan of this franchise any longer.


There I said it ......  Unless something drastic happens, I do not expect any real meaningful changes anytime soon......

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Two Points:


1) In a less competitive league with no salary cap, the O and B could survive and thrive as a big market club.  They could, within reason, buy sufficient talent to challenge every year because the same six or eight clubs were dominant while the others were afterthoughts.  


2) Here is a piece from the The Hockey News about our entrance into the "mushy middle" that doesn't add a lot of game-changing talent or lead to playoff success:


Philadelphia Flyers Climb Standings Into NHL's Mushy Middle - The Hockey News


This dovetails with the Mafia piece and what it leads to:  Semper Med!

Edited by Howie58
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3 hours ago, ruxpin said:

Infuriating article.


While it's nothing that most of us didn't already know, it's  extremely interesting and revealing when put in timeline form like it is.



Agreed. It's funny that the team component of a franchise is all about winning titles, but the front office component in this case, is just about ensuring financial career stability and taking care of your friends. How nic that all those front office execs and team managers have had successful years while the team failed and the fans suffered


but hey, they did give us Daniel Carcillo and Nic Delauriers. Yay us

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Sadly, I think the whole Stanley Cup/Pre-Salary Cap-Strike cohort will need to pass from the scene.  People have said it here before.  It is sad but real.  Comcast divestiture might help and speed the process.  But I am not holding my breath. 

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2 hours ago, pilldoc said:

As one reads the timeline everything begins to make sense especially with most recent events of the Hextall firing.  Agree or disagree with some of his moves is another topic for another day, but the way I am imaging his dismissal is almost how those who conspired to have Kennedy assassinated. 


This has always been my narrative.  I think it's pretty obvious in the context of that article.

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10 minutes ago, GratefulFlyers said:

I always assumed Chuck Fletcher had “friends in high places” - how else could he possibly be an NHL GM 


His dad was a GM. 


He's like Chris Farley in Tommy Boy. Doesn't have a clue what he's doing trying to run the business his dad built. Except this movie doesn't have a happy ending...and Chuck isn't funny...at all.

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22 hours ago, flyercanuck said:


His dad was a GM. 


He's like Chris Farley in Tommy Boy. Doesn't have a clue what he's doing trying to run the business his dad built. Except this movie doesn't have a happy ending...and Chuck isn't funny...at all.

Remember that time when the Flyers won two Stanley Cups?  That was pretty awesome

Image result for chris farley remember

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11 minutes ago, Cheesesteak said:

Remember that time when the Flyers won two Stanley Cups?  That was pretty awesome


I remember it well, I was six to eight years old.


OK, maybe I don't remember it all that well.


Now I try to cope with it still being when I was six to eight years old with something that's disturbingly? conveniently also six to eight years old...


The Chuck Cowdery Blog: Wild Turkey Takes a Broad Swipe at Traditional ...

If the glass is half empty, add ice - it's hockey.


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3 hours ago, Cheesesteak said:

Remember that time when the Flyers won two Stanley Cups?  That was pretty awesome

Image result for chris farley remember

WOOO, this post threw me over-the-top, I'm a Collaborator now !! 


Sounds better to say :I'm collaborating" than "I'm posting on a message board" :NinjaLookLeftRight1: 

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