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Game 37: Philadelphia Flyers at Los Angeles Kings; 12/31/22 @ 4 PM, NBCSP


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22 minutes ago, GrittyForever said:

As we all would. As every bad team would. But it's pretty unlikely. 


If it's rigged, he will definitely end up in Chicago because the league would like that. Probably where he ends up even if it's not rigged. 


I think rebuilding a culture (which we are supposedly doing) is better  than tanking for one guy. It did not work well for Buffalo at all and Edmonton is decent but not great despite having McDavid. It's difficult to manage a cap team with super superstars that eventually need massive contracts. Leaves you nothing to build the rest of the team. Just look at how Toronto can never find a way to get over the hump with all that Marner and Matthews money going out. And then there are the (possible) busts. Rangers go 2, count 'em 2!  lottery wins and neither seem like they're going to be dominant players. That's obviously not Bedard, he's about as sure fire as it gets, and it would be great to get him, but there are other ways to become a dominant team. 


Ya, I'm sure glad we're spending $20 million on Haysee Ristolainen and Ellis instead of 2 real superstars. It makes us WAY more formidable. 


Heck I'd rather pay McDavid $20 million a year than those 3. At least he's fun to watch. And talented. And playing.

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6 hours ago, flyercanuck said:


Ya, I'm sure glad we're spending $20 million on Haysee Ristolainen and Ellis instead of 2 real superstars. It makes us WAY more formidable. 


Heck I'd rather pay McDavid $20 million a year than those 3. At least he's fun to watch. And talented. And playing.

Can I just say DUH to this or would that be rude? 


Nobody argues these things. None of us like Hayes. Nobody here thinks Risto was a good deal. Everybody knows the Ellis thing was just a head scratching wtf situation. So go ahead, keep saying it over and over again just in case some hermit comes out of a cave and hasn't heard it before. 


The point is you either try to look forward and change things or you just keep whining about the same things from the past over and over again. Just don't see the point in bitching forever about what's already done. Just fire Fletcher, blame him, move on and hope they do what you can do to fix it. It's a long haul. 

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11 minutes ago, GrittyForever said:

hope they do what you can do to fix it.


Who is "they?" You mean whomever the new GM is?   Or the clown car of advisors and Comcast shills?


If the latter still exists, the former won't matter.


We bitch about what's already done because history is predicate. That's actually why many of us knew Fletcher was a  terrible hire.


But, for whatever it's worth, while it's unlikely, here's to hoping you're right.

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3 hours ago, ruxpin said:


Who is "they?" You mean whomever the new GM is?   Or the clown car of advisors and Comcast shills?


If the latter still exists, the former won't matter.


We bitch about what's already done because history is predicate. That's actually why many of us knew Fletcher was a  terrible hire.


But, for whatever it's worth, while it's unlikely, here's to hoping you're right.

They would be whoever will be making the decisions. idk who that will be. Nobody here does. 

Hope is all we have I think. 

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9 hours ago, GrittyForever said:

Can I just say DUH to this or would that be rude? 


Nobody argues these things. None of us like Hayes. Nobody here thinks Risto was a good deal. Everybody knows the Ellis thing was just a head scratching wtf situation. So go ahead, keep saying it over and over again just in case some hermit comes out of a cave and hasn't heard it before. 


The point is you either try to look forward and change things or you just keep whining about the same things from the past over and over again. Just don't see the point in bitching forever about what's already done. Just fire Fletcher, blame him, move on and hope they do what you can do to fix it. It's a long haul. 


Buddy, you're saying it's hard to build a winner when you're paying a superstar or two top dollar. When you lob a comment like that up on a Flyer board it's pretty easy to bring up Fletchers brilliant signings. Meanwhile Colorado wins a cup while paying MacKinnon, Makar, Rantanen. Tampa won two while paying Stamkos and Kucherov, the Caps won paying Ovechkin, the Blues with O'Reilly and Tarasenko, the Pens with Crosby and Malkenstein. Paying good players to play is fine. Paying the players I won't mention so as not to hurt anyones feelings in hopes they become good, even though they've never been results in....this.


You continually telling us "everythings going to be fine" while Flyers brass tries to put out the dumpster fire they've created with napalm isn't changing a thing either. 


"Just fire Fletcher". 


Ya, that's the whole point here. He's STILL the GM. 

Edited by flyercanuck
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20 hours ago, flyercanuck said:


Saw it at Kingswood...you too?

yep. Summer before saw the Talking Heads at The Police Picnic. UB40, General Public, Flock of Seagulls, The Police, and Joan Jett. They booed Joan Jett off the stage. Philly ain't the only hard core fans!

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14 minutes ago, flyer4ever said:

yep. Summer before saw the Talking Heads at The Police Picnic. UB40, General Public, Flock of Seagulls, The Police, and Joan Jett. They booed Joan Jett off the stage. Philly ain't the only hard core fans!


I didn't miss too many festivals, but i missed that one. 

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8 hours ago, flyercanuck said:


Buddy, you're saying it's hard to build a winner when you're paying a superstar or two top dollar. When you lob a comment like that up on a Flyer board it's pretty easy to bring up Fletchers brilliant signings. Meanwhile Colorado wins a cup while paying MacKinnon, Makar, Rantanen. Tampa won two while paying Stamkos and Kucherov, the Caps won paying Ovechkin, the Blues with O'Reilly and Tarasenko, the Pens with Crosby and Malkenstein. Paying good players to play is fine. Paying the players I won't mention so as not to hurt anyones feelings in hopes they become good, even though they've never been results in....this.


You continually telling us "everythings going to be fine" while Flyers brass tries to put out the dumpster fire they've created with napalm isn't changing a thing either. 


"Just fire Fletcher". 


Ya, that's the whole point here. He's STILL the GM. 

Buddy, I'm just trying to be more optimistic cause pessimism just sucks. Wallow in it if you want to. Sucks to be you. 


Most of the examples you gave include underpaid players and please, let's not talk Tampa and how they cheated the cap. (lol, maybe that was Fletcher's plan, keep everybody on LTIR and bring them all back for the playoffs - haha)


Fire Fletcher. Yup. Why are we arguing????

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5 hours ago, flyercanuck said:


I didn't miss too many festivals, but i missed that one. 

The good old days, bake all day in the sun, inject vodka and tequila into a bag of oranges, and then throw said oranges at Joan Jett after sucking them dry! 

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19 hours ago, GrittyForever said:

Most of the examples you gave include underpaid players and please, let's not talk Tampa and how they cheated the cap. (lol, maybe that was Fletcher's plan, keep everybody on LTIR and bring them all back for the playoffs - haha)


Well that's the point...Chuck overpays both in assets in trades and in a lot of his cap management. 

You and i both know Chuck has no plan. 


19 hours ago, GrittyForever said:


Fire Fletcher. Yup. Why are we arguing????


No argument there. 🍻

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If Fletcher is still GM on draft day….and assuming the Flyers don’t get lucky enough to pick 1st…we’ve already seen him throw away precious assets on terrible players…


Provorov, Hart and Konecny (plus whatever picks the Flyers have left in this decade) to LA or Chi or Whoever, for the #1 pick…


“Be careful what you wish for” comes to mind.

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5 hours ago, GratefulFlyers said:

If Fletcher is still GM on draft day….and assuming the Flyers don’t get lucky enough to pick 1st…we’ve already seen him throw away precious assets on terrible players…


Provorov, Hart and Konecny (plus whatever picks the Flyers have left in this decade) to LA or Chi or Whoever, for the #1 pick…


“Be careful what you wish for” comes to mind.

I'm not sure what you're suggesting, but no team is trading away Bedard even if you offered them your entire roster. 

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18 hours ago, GrittyForever said:

I'm not sure what you're suggesting, but no team is trading away Bedard even if you offered them your entire roster. 


I don't know about that. If the Flyers end up with a top 4 pick and offered that plus a classic Fletcher Overpay© ... start with Provorov, Hart and TK, add in a few "worthless" 2R and 3R picks (if there's any left) ... alright fine I'm exaggerating ... or am I? After Hayes' SEVEN FU----- YEAR contract anything is possible. And I mean anything. Nothing is too stupid, too shortsighted, too ridiculous.


It'll depend on whether the Flyers have a top 4 maybe top 5 pick. If they do...look out!



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12 minutes ago, GratefulFlyers said:


I don't know about that. If the Flyers end up with a top 4 pick and offered that plus a classic Fletcher Overpay© ... start with Provorov, Hart and TK, add in a few "worthless" 2R and 3R picks (if there's any left) ... alright fine I'm exaggerating ... or am I? After Hayes' SEVEN FU----- YEAR contract anything is possible. And I mean anything. Nothing is too stupid, too shortsighted, too ridiculous.


It'll depend on whether the Flyers have a top 4 maybe top 5 pick. If they do...look out!




There's no way in hell Fletcher would trade for Bedard. Let's look down Chucks "intangibles" trade list. These are what he looks for when making a deal...


First and foremost, is he from Minnesota?  Nope

Is he Haysees brodog? Nope

Does he suck? Nope

Is he injury prone? Nope

Can he grossly overpay him when he gets here? Nope.


Well, there you go. 😉




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4 hours ago, GratefulFlyers said:


I don't know about that. If the Flyers end up with a top 4 pick and offered that plus a classic Fletcher Overpay© ... start with Provorov, Hart and TK, add in a few "worthless" 2R and 3R picks (if there's any left) ... alright fine I'm exaggerating ... or am I? After Hayes' SEVEN FU----- YEAR contract anything is possible. And I mean anything. Nothing is too stupid, too shortsighted, too ridiculous.


It'll depend on whether the Flyers have a top 4 maybe top 5 pick. If they do...look out!



You're living in Lindros dream land (arguably a bad deal for the Flyers). Trust me, Bedard is going to whoever wins the lottery and there will be no discussion of any other possibility by that team. My money is going to stay on Chicago being that team. 

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