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Travis Sanheim's future...


Keep or Trade him  

15 members have voted

  1. 1. Extend or Trade him

    • Yes extend him.
    • NO trade him for best return.

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So I guess to give us something new to discuss or complain about.


Travis Sanheim needs a new contract after this season.


So should the Flyers extend him or trade him before the deadline?


Edited by OccamsRazor
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Who cares, whatever they decide they will continue along their arrogant, ignorant, stubborn road to hockey nowhere. Until the chucktard, Scott and Holmgren are dead and gone the once proud Flyers will flounder in the water.

Under normal hockey ops, I would definitely resign him. He is on the typical curve of development for a middle six NHL dman.

IF IF IF the Flyers wake up one morning and go "holy ****, we suck, we need to blow this up" then I would say resign him and then trade him at the deadline for picks and prospects.

Yet my crystal ball sees the chucktard trading him for another broken 33 year old for the playoff push, while they sit 47 points out of the playoffs.

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I think a lot depends on what the team is looking like at the deadline.

If they're out of it and not buying in to Fonzie's message then one of Provorv or Sanheim should be dealt to recoup picks from Chuck's disasterous off-season.

I think I'd deal Provorov.  If that's the case. 


If they're out of it but looking frisky, not winning many games but competing hard ( losing a lot of 1 goal games ) but there's effort, I think that changes how I'd operate.

I think having a decent to good, in their prime, defense core group of players in place would be beneficial to the young and hopefully highly talented forwards that are drafted in 23 and in system, Gauthier, Ol' Forrester. 

So I would be for either dependent upon what the team is doing. 

If the return package for Sanhiem is greater than it would be Provorov I'd trade him. I don't think that would be the case though.


Having a few good players in place is helpful to young talented guys. If the group is buying into the hard work message I don't think I go full Blackhawk.

I don't like that method of team building, never have thought it to be effective. When I think about all the teams that are good now, they had down years where they drafted in the top 10, but there were still a few good players on the team to scaffold upon. 

Starting from scratch the way the Flyers did with Lindros and the Oil are struggling to build from ground zero during the prime of McDavid would be just as frustrating because...damn that's the best player in the world and our team still blows.


I think Sanhiem would be good pro to have around should the Flyers get lucky enough to land a generational player in 23 or 24.

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Sadly, Flecther is HERE or I'd say trade Risto and call it a day.


But since Fletcher is here, there's no one stupid enough to take him.


Can we trade Gritty?  I hate him like I hate Gus the groundhog.  Keep on scratching THIS, Gus!

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The Flyers are going to **** the bed again this year and they won't be close. The only hope is that Schmuck is fired will before the deadline (I think the retard is on thin ice, so I'm optimistic he'll be gone by November) and that whoever replaces him will convince everyone a property rebuild is the way to go. If that's the case, then I think they start the Sanheim auction. If I'm GM, not only do I auction Sanheim, but I auction off Provorov and Ristolainen as well. 

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4 hours ago, OccamsRazor said:

So I guess to give us something new to discuss or complain about.


Travis Sanheim needs a new contract after this season.


So should the Flyers extend him or trade him before the deadline?


Wait to see how this seson plays out. If the deadline gets here, and he is a POS, you won't get a good return. There's one answer. If he plays great, has trade value that helps alleviate the pile of crap they have created for themselves, trade. That's two answers. If he plays great, asks for too much money, deal him. There's three. If he.....


awe Fck it! I never liked him anyway. They can do what they want. I'm way past GAF

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18 minutes ago, BobbyClarkeFan16 said:

not only do I auction Sanheim, but I auction off Provorov and Ristolainen as well. 


What's the point of acquiring assets for Sanheim and Provorov if you have to deal them to get rid of Ristolainen?



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There's no point in trading Sanheim even if the Flounders go 0-82 this year. So you haul in a nice return of picks/prospects and then what? Hope one of them turns out as well as TS? Same with Provorov, Konecny, etc.


The young guys, the mid-20s guys are not the problem it's the rejects that Fletcher overpaid for - they're the ones that have killed the Flyers' future. Now with Couturier out we get to see just how embarrassing it will be...Hayes centering the "top" line...good lord.




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the so called "core" of this team, meaning all veteran players with less years of experience than Joel Farabee, should be trade fodder. All of them should be dealt to undue the current disaster, and to bring back players, cap or anything else that can help them right the ship. Let teh coach have a chance with a young lineup and see if he can cultivate thee current assets into viable NHL players.


Oh, and fire the FCK out of Fletcher, burn his office, and piss on the ashes

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2 hours ago, radoran said:


What's the point of acquiring assets for Sanheim and Provorov if you have to deal them to get rid of Ristolainen?



I normally disagree with Shill Meltzer on numerous things, but I'll agree with him on Stinktolainen.  There will ALWAYS be an organization out there that will take a chance on a guy like him. Fact is, he's big, he hits and he has power play experience. Not saying he's good, but there are teams that eat that **** up in terms of what Stinktolainen brings. There will always be a team out there that will think that they can change him or are where they can simplify his game and he can turn it around. 

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20 minutes ago, BobbyClarkeFan16 said:

There will ALWAYS be an organization out there that will take a chance on a guy like him. Fact is, he's big, he hits and he has power play experience. Not saying he's good, but there are teams that eat that **** up in terms of what Stinktolainen brings. There will always be a team out there that will think that they can change him or are where they can simplify his game and he can turn it around. 


And this is why Chuck Fletcher keeps getting jobs.



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35 minutes ago, FireDillabaugh said:

bringing stiffs like DeAngelo, Risto, Braun and Seeler who can't play defense and are only getting in the way, the team will benefit from it.


can't agree more.  I hated every single one of these moves ....... what a bunch of idiots and then to be suckered into giving Risto an extension, my gawd are they stupid.

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11 hours ago, SCFlyguy said:


Why not both?

I thought I explained my thinking a few sentences later in that post.


I can add this; even the most talented young players lack maturity.  Having a skilled veteran player or 2 around to help them through the "whining years" is preferable to letting them figure it out on their own.

The vets can't be talentless oafs, those guys don't carry any credibility. 

See: Bill Guerin's effect on Sidney Crosby, I think had Shero not brought BG in, there would be 2 less cups in the Pens trophy case.

It doesn't hurt to have a couple of good pros who can play and hold the young guys to a standard in the room. 

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Well, I think the absolute worst thing the Flyers could do in the next couple years is to assume that some nominal outcome (.500) is a foundation for them to build on.


They did that for 10 years and this is what it got them.


I don't think they'll even have a nominal outcome, so if they are bad, why not trade both?

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25 minutes ago, mojo1917 said:

See: Bill Guerin's effect on Sidney Crosby, I think had Shero not brought BG in, there would be 2 less cups in the Pens trophy case.

It doesn't hurt to have a couple of good pros who can play and hold the young guys to a standard in the room. 

I think this is a reach. Certain players are so good they will succeed regardless. If you are Talking Crosby, he's in the same class as the greats. 


I think you point otherwise, is valid. Problem is, the Flyers aren't a team that maintains good good vets to help mentor youth. He'll as soon as a young player shows he's a top talent, the promote him to captain and ruin him

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hard for me to answer given our GM. on paper, I'd say trade him and stockpile picks. In reality, Chuck would need to give away our 2023 first rounder in order "to get someone to take him," with minimal return.

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35 minutes ago, mkscrewy said:

hard for me to answer given our GM. on paper, I'd say trade him and stockpile picks. In reality, Chuck would need to give away our 2023 first rounder in order "to get someone to take him," with minimal return.


You don't mean Sanheim do you?


If we're talking Hayes or Ristolainen I'd love to see Chuck make one of his patented overpays to get rid of them both. Next year's draft is looking too good to part with our #1 (we do still have our #1 pick for next year don't we???) but anything and everything else should be on the table.


But of course it'll never happen. The Flyers love what those 2 bring....all those exciting Big Hits, the groovy dangling with the puck! Oh yay.

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I don't think the Flyers are a .500 team this season.

I'm hoping they're much worse. 


Also, what would be the return?

A bunch of picks in 24-26? 


There are terrible contracts to get out of, TDA, Risto are significantly overpaid imo.

Paying Sanhiem and trading them would be preferable to me.


I think the team is a mess I don't see where getting rid of all the decent "not the problem" players is a fix.



I don't think the Pens win the first cup vs Detroit without BG in that room.

How long would it have taken Sid to learn those things on his own?


I agree about his greatness being transcendent.  Having a presence to help guide him, sped up his maturation.

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