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Game 50: Flyers at Devils; 4/29/21 @ 7, NBCSP


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22 minutes ago, FD19372 said:

I didn't watch..did AV bag skate 28 and 93 during the game? LOL

No but 93 is now on the point on the PP unit. Put someone back there that refuses to shoot, makes perfect sense🤬

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8 hours ago, mkscrewy said:

I think we've all seen enough of Lyon to know he's not a NHL-level goalie. I'm sure he's a nice guy.




Yes. One thing is for sure they need a better backup and a better 3rd goalie.


I had hope that by now Lyon could secure the backup job. But at the end of the day he just isn't that caliber of a goalie.


So now move on and look for one between Sandstrom, Ustimenkov or Ersson.


After all it's rebuild time.

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Lyon probably the lost the game after the first goal. This team can't score first and it was not a tough stop.  That said, they didn't challenge Blackwood that much.  Our D was what it has been this season.  


I am glad the kids are auditioning.  Cates and Allison may be in our future.  Lyon isn't.  I don't care how you slice it, we have a long slog to respectability. It really is system failure.  

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8 hours ago, Howie58 said:

It really is system failure.  


Chuckles has his plate full trying to fix this squad.


All I know is I won't be buying the season package again next year either.


I really hope they don't ruin Hart.


Seems they are headed down that path.


This is the worst team I have seen in my memory of this club.


Sure they had many that weren't as talented but the old Flyers always gave effort and would grind it out to the end.


This group falls behind early and then just quits.


Giroux 1st

Voracek 1st

JVR 1st

Coots 1st

Hayes 1st

TK 1st

Patrick 1st

Laughton 1st 

Farabee 1st

NAK 2nd


Ivan 1st

Sanheim 1st 

Morin 1st

Hagg 2nd


Hart 2nd


This roster consists of 12 first round picks and 3 2nds.


And this is what we get.


As Howie would say excrement.




Well at least now they are mathematicaly eliminated now and the dream is over pack it up and wait for tee time.









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I wonder about watching tomorrow night.  There will be time to reflect on Center Ice for next year.  I can understand the need for incessant ads for ticket purchase.  Paying good money to watch in person, with possible health issues, is not "cost-effective" given the product.


Fletcher is on the point, even more so than AV.  He was brought in for change and we got a unreal sniff last year.  I think we are behind our Metro competitors in squad development.  It's sad.

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10 hours ago, Howie58 said:

I am glad the kids are auditioning. 


This is the best part of the season.


The saddest part is knowing now you have been passed on the competition ladder by the Rangers and Devils.


Hard to stomach that....

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2 hours ago, OccamsRazor said:

This group falls behind early and then just quits.


Giroux 1st

Voracek 1st

JVR 1st

Coots 1st

Hayes 1st

TK 1st

Patrick 1st

Laughton 1st 

Farabee 1st

NAK 2nd


Ivan 1st

Sanheim 1st 

Morin 1st

Hagg 2nd


Hart 2nd


This roster consists of 12 first round picks and 3 2nds.


And this is what we get.


As Howie would say excrement.



Defense aside, I cannot believe we are THIS bad with THAT roster!!....All of those #1's don't mean 1st overall pick?!?! Right?!?! Just 1st round?!..... (asking for a friend who is too lazy to look it up).



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9 minutes ago, MaineFlyFan said:

Defense aside, I cannot believe we are THIS bad with THAT roster!!....All of those #1's don't mean 1st overall pick?!?! Right?!?! Just 1st round?!..... (asking for a friend who is too lazy to look it up).


Just first round picks. Top would be Patrick and JVR at #2 each. Then (if memory serves) Voracek, Coturier, and Provorov in Top 10. Morin 11.


Then teens and 20s.

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31 minutes ago, MaineFlyFan said:

Defense aside, I cannot believe we are THIS bad with THAT roster!!....All of those #1's don't mean 1st overall pick?!?! Right?!?! Just 1st round?!..... (asking for a friend who is too lazy to look it up).


Something weird and out of the ordinary happened this year. Is it the obvious Because Covid? Whatever it is, guys that make it to the NHL don't generally play with this level of indifference to puck support, to coverage, to protecting the net etc. You're right Maine it should not be this bad.


The usual suspects, the target(s) for blame - it just doesn't explain losing 9-0 and a week later losing again 8-3 to the same team. Division rivalry aside that amount of apathy is practically unheard of in the NHL.


The past 2 games vs. the Devils made it even more obvious. Both will miss the POs this year but one team had jump, played responsibly for the most part and was hungry for goals - and got them. The other team barely went through the motions for long stretches of the games. It's fkn embarrassing to be a Flyers' fan this year. I sure would love to know what's really been going on in that locker room...

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1 hour ago, MaineFlyFan said:

Defense aside, I cannot believe we are THIS bad with THAT roster!!....All of those #1's don't mean 1st overall pick?!?! Right?!?! Just 1st round?!..... (asking for a friend who is too lazy to look it up).





Yeah no 1st overall picks Flyers never seem that lucky.


These were just guys and the rounds they were drafted in.


So it isn't like they haven't spent the resources.


So I comes down to the picks themselves.


On the surface well it seems their evaluation of the talent and guys they might have taken instead is flawed.


However hindsight is always 20/20.


Long story short it seems like a collection of over rated talent and/or underachieving.


A huge mess to sort out.



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52 minutes ago, GratefulFlyers said:

Whatever it is, guys that make it to the NHL don't generally play with this level of indifference to puck support, to coverage, to protecting the net etc. You're right Maine it should not be this bad.


The usual suspects, the target(s) for blame - it just doesn't explain losing 9-0 and a week later losing again 8-3 to the same team. Division rivalry aside that amount of apathy is practically unheard of in the NHL.


And on top of that - at this point in this season - to be saying that they're really one of the best teams in the league and just need to play more consistently.


You've won one playoff round in nine years. You're about to miss the playoffs for the fifth time in that stretch. You started the month four points out of a playoff spot in fifth place and are ending it 13 out in sixth.


And you honestly think you're one of the best teams in the league??


I just see a fat and happy team that would sure like to win but doesn't really hate losing.


That's the thing for me. I want more guys that hate losing.


52 minutes ago, GratefulFlyers said:

The past 2 games vs. the Devils made it even more obvious. Both will miss the POs this year but one team had jump, played responsibly for the most part and was hungry for goals - and got them. The other team barely went through the motions for long stretches of the games. It's fkn embarrassing to be a Flyers' fan this year.


This is where I think AV is falling flat. If there is a "coach's fault" in this scenario it's letting guys get away with this lackadaisical and lazy play.


Buffalo lost their Captain and top scorer, traded away a former league MVP, and played hard. The results weren't always there, but the effort sure has been.


And your point about the Devils is spot on. That's a team that's 2-7-1 in their past 10 games. Those two wins? Against the Flyers. Their last win prior to that was April 8. They had one one-goal game in that stretch prior to this four game set against the Flyers.


And a team that "is one of the best in the league when they're on" gave up 15 goals to that team in three games and lost twice. Got all of two points while the Devils got five.


I am done with this "leadership group." Get rid of everyone - everyone - over 25 and start over.

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Mathematically Eliminated #AnytimeAnywhere.


There is one personal positive takeaway from this season. After being a fan of this organization for the past 35+ years I no longer really give a sh&t. I am tired of the same thing over and over... and over. Poor starts, low IQ hockey, a nonstop coaching carousel, 3 years from being 3 years away, falling behind quickly, giving up, slow players and everything else that I can't think of at the moment. 

I love this team but until this hockey club gets their heads our of their asses I will just try and be a casual fan. This team needs to stop overvaluing their own players and begin to deliver. It is not one player, one coach or management. It is the entire franchise at this point. 


Something is rotten. Chuck has a lot of work to do this off-season. Can he get it right? Maybe but I am not confident. Go Sixers.


This team is not worthy of the fans attention. 

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12 minutes ago, OccamsRazor said:

And another opinion some here won't like and IDGAF.


Sam Morin is a better defenseman than Phil Myers.


Now put that in your pipe and smoke it...




Myers has all the intangibles but he has been a total dumpster fire this season. As of right now I can't see how anyone can argue your point. 

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Every facet of the Flyers is responsible for the **** show we have watched for 10 years. Corporate, GM and scouts, coaches, trainers, everyone, but the apathetic unprofessional crap that has been on the ice the past 2 months is 100% on the players, and most  of all the leadership group. Unacceptable in every way you want to carve it up. The most appropriate move right now IMHO would be to send a few guys home for the balance of the season. Hopefully this would send a bit of a message, it would hopefully send them up the draft board, and most of all it would give them a head start on packing when they get traded the hell out of Philly. If #28 wants to come back in 3 years and sign for EL money then fine, but I have 8.2 million reasons to say goodbye. This won't fix itself with a tweak, it needs to be shaken to the core .They are in no position to honor seniority. This ain't the Moose Lodge. I will be shocked to see 3 new faces next season, thats the dysfunction in Flyer junction.

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37 minutes ago, radoran said:


And your point about the Devils is spot on. That's a team that's 2-7-1 in their past 10 games. Those two wins? Against the Flyers. Their last win prior to that was April 8. They had one one-goal game in that stretch prior to this four game set against the Flyers.


And it applies to the Rangers too, not the same situation but similar to the Devils when they met the Flyers - also as you noted, the Sabres too. Look out Flyers' fans...this year was bad but next year could be worse. The outlook is dismal for a quick turnaround over the summer. Unless - and I believe there's a good chance this is true - unless this mess is mostly Because Covid.


6 minutes ago, flyer4ever said:

I will be shocked to see 3 new faces next season, thats the dysfunction in Flyer junction.


Well there is the Kracken draft so that'll shake things up a bit. But I agree with you, I'll be shocked if there are any big, bold moves by Fletcher.

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3 hours ago, murraycraven said:


Myers has all the intangibles but he has been a total dumpster fire this season. As of right now I can't see how anyone can argue your point. 


Guess we should've taken that offer for Nylander while it stood.





Edited by OccamsRazor
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3 minutes ago, GratefulFlyers said:

Unless - and I believe there's a good chance this is true - unless this mess is mostly Because Covid.


Buffalo had a worse outbreak than the Flyers did and are ending the season still playing strong. Not necessarily winning but at least playing.


Colorado has had issues with losing players like Rantanen and Donskoi and they're second in their division with a clinched playoff spot.


The Caps started the season without Kuznetsov among others and are first in the division.


Dallas was ravaged early in the season and sit two points out with a game in hand.


If the Flyers decided they would use COVID as an excuse to simply fold tents and go golfing rather than play hard down the stretch that's 100% on leadership and, to a lesser extent, coaching.


And that's what I mean by having players that hate to lose.


Too many of these guys are sitting around patting themselves on the back, saying how good they are, and collecting a paycheck.

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1 hour ago, radoran said:

to be saying that they're really one of the best teams in the league and just need to play more consistently.


I don't know if you're referring to Couturier's quote but he said something like this, although he began it with "when we're on we're one of the best teams..." I forget the exact words but that was the gist. And I think there's some truth to it. Or, to put it in reverse (sort of), I don't believe for a second that this is the best this group of Flyers can play.


re: the other teams and Covid - yes to all of that...no denying the facts. The only "but" is one more fact, and that's that everybody reacts differently. Not just to the virus itself but all the disruption, the zero practice (which I believe has really hurt the younger guys) and the uncertainty surrounding everything this season. It's not an excuse it's just the way it is.


Am I disappointed in them, esp the veterans? Of course I am, although Giroux, Voracek and Couturier have all had solid seasons. Collectively they stink, no two ways about it. I just don't believe the effects of Covid can be quantified. We'll never know how much it played into their overall suckage.

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38 minutes ago, flyer4ever said:

Every facet of the Flyers is responsible for the **** show we have watched for 10 years. Corporate, GM and scouts, coaches, trainers, everyone, but the apathetic unprofessional crap that has been on the ice the past 2 months is 100% on the players, and most  of all the leadership group. Unacceptable in every way you want to carve it up. The most appropriate move right now IMHO would be to send a few guys home for the balance of the season. Hopefully this would send a bit of a message, it would hopefully send them up the draft board, and most of all it would give them a head start on packing when they get traded the hell out of Philly. If #28 wants to come back in 3 years and sign for EL money then fine, but I have 8.2 million reasons to say goodbye. This won't fix itself with a tweak, it needs to be shaken to the core .They are in no position to honor seniority. This ain't the Moose Lodge. I will be shocked to see 3 new faces next season, thats the dysfunction in Flyer junction.


you have to give fletch a chance, it's only his second season here and the coaching staff as well, it's not fair to them because we are playing alot of young players and no practice time, they need that, lindblom not the same player because of his illness, patrick dealing with his headaches, he's not the same player, losing players that were on this team nisky, thompson, pitlick, grant heck hart could be dealing with an injury we dont know about. it's been a bad year for us. fletch admits his mistakes and he will fix it.


we are not the only playoff team that's been affected and taken a step back, look at dallas, chicago, st.louis, jets, bluejackets, montreal. alot of teams that have made the playoffs kept most of their players and they have stayed healthy. it wasnt the case for us, stuff happens we move on to next year.


actually i thought this team wasnt going to make the playoffs after that offseason because we lost alot of players and didnt replace them and relyed on inexperience players which i thought was a bad move and with the injuries to current players that were playing well last year, it made it more unlikely. that's why im not panicking because i knew it was going to happen and the leadership has to go so we can get better players for the future as a result of them slowing down.



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