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Everything posted by flyer4ever

  1. One dman won't fix this team. This team needs a heart transplant. They just don't want it enough.
  2. $8.2 mill puts Giroux 31st highest paid player in the league. He is currently outside the top 100 in scoring. Not really productive in a salary cap world. I am not Giroux bashing, it's common asset management sense. Also, his NMC will cost a piece in the Kraken draft. Finally, he has been a ghost in the playoffs. Not what you want from your captain and highest paid player. I have no problem with Toews staying in Chicago, he has a legacy there. Unfortunately for Claude, the scouts and GMs have not provided him with a team that could do that for him.
  3. 11 years of the same old same old. One common thread. #28. He deserves a shot at a cup, somewhere else. His contract is now an albatross. This team is not close to winning, talent has been overrated, desire is nonexistent, which is unbearable on a team who's icon player personified desire and win at all costs. The next 2 drafts are a crap shoot due to covid, and the Kraken draft will cost an asset. Fletcher has some work to do, this group is not a good sum of its parts. Trading #28 would certainly send a wake up call to the rest of the group. The sneak into the playoffs for the revenue mantra has to change before any positives can come. Drafting outside the top 10 has zero guarantees. So apparently does drafting at #2. Maybe we should blame the scouts.
  4. yep, lets get Gaudreau. They are not already soft enough. I would prefer Sam Bennett. And I would rather overpay for Ristolinen than Ekholm. But what do I know, I've only been playing hockey for 55 years.
  5. I turned it off after Lazar pitchforked Laughton and the response of the entire team was to put their heads down. Hard to believe that this team is softer than the one that got run out the playoffs with their tails between their legs last year. Soft, pathetic, mediocre, from the gm down.
  6. 28 would be an excellent first captain of the Kraken. So much alliteration. Kraken Captain Claude in coffee capital.
  7. a win is a win, no doubt. Beating Buffalo and Pittsburg doesn't make you a contender, it makes you mediocre. There is no light at the end of the tunnel. It aint Frost, it aint Patrick, it aint anyone in the system. If they can obtain elite talent by moving anyone save Provorov and Hart they should do it. The expansion draft is not going to hurt them, the albatross contract of 28 will.
  8. Hard to believe they won this game. No hits, no PP, lots of don't hit me giveaways. Wins a win I guess. Time to buy out 28. He is an albatross contract. He will cost an asset to the Kraken. NBC thinks highly of him though. Maybe he can do the pregame show with Jones and Sharp.
  9. Sadly, 28 has had his day. He wasted his prime time on lousy teams with albatross contracts. Now he is the albatross. Once again Flyer management has mismanaged their assets trying to creep into the playoffs for shareholder dividends. As long as spectacor or whatever the grumpy old white men call their conglomerate have this vision the Flyers are doomed to mediocre. They should take a look at Sam Bennett. Not a sniper, but he plays big boy hockey, not this womens beer league game the current roster plays.
  10. 3 reasons they live most of the game in their own end. First, the system they play is all 5 guys turtle in the slot. 2nd, there is no physical threat whatsoever, opponents run about with immunity knowing they won't get hit. 3rd, I don't know if its hockey IQ or just poor first step quickness (or both) because they react very slowly as the play proceeds. Thats my humble opinion.
  11. When your captain and highest paid player with a NMC contract is also a 4th line player there is no leadership. And when said player gets powerplay minutes and never gets benched or bought out, then you have the current **** show of an entire organization that has the optics of not giving a damn.
  12. Soap rinse REPEAT. We have all been saying the same thing for 10 years. The plan is sell tickets. Beyond that there is no plan. Bryz, Briere, Umberger, Schlemko, MacDonald, buyouts. Lecavalier, Hartnell, salary dumps. You want to send a message and make the future brighter cap wise, expansion draft wise, player accountability wise, picnic is over wise, Giroux buyout. Today. But won't happen. They will just stay mediocre for another 10 years. Extremely frustrating. It used to mean something to be a Flyer.
  13. Giroux (the current holder of most overpaid player in the NHL) will be the most games played as captain in Flyer history. If team history stays consistent he will be bought out today. Kind of explains the past decade in Flyerland. The kings of mediocre. The GMs, the players, the scouts, the coaches, all complicit. If they want to piss away millions of dollars I would be happy to accept a buck or two.
  14. The 2014 Kings played big boy hockey. You had to earn every inch of ice against them. They had a lot of nasty and a lot of leadership. The west final against the Hawks was epic, an all time great series. Doughty and Quick were stars, and they had some guys who got better in the playoffs, no ghosts.
  15. They are soft and they obviously have no pride. They have started the season just like they finished last season. The wins against the Pens were mirages against crappy goaltending.
  16. The 2014 Kings played big boy hockey. You had to earn every inch of ice against them. They had a lot of nasty and a lot of leadership. The west final against the Hawks was epic, an all time great series. Doughty and Quick were stars, and they had some guys who got better in the playoffs, no ghosts.
  17. Modern day athletes. Used to be an honour and a privilege to play in the NHL. Now these kids and their agents try and dictate terms after accomplishing nothing. CBJ would never trade a piece like PLD in division. Looks like a banishment to Winterpeg. No offense intended. Two GMs trading headaches.
  18. Chuck Fletcher, if your goal was to build a roster of the nicest, kindest, most gentle fall down the most players, congratulations, you have done it. The injuries will continue to pile up as long as this group acts like a pin cushion. If you only react to physical play and never get up on your toes and initiate you will continue to get hurt.
  19. If you grew up in Canada in the 60's and onward, you heard all the legends, Foster and Bill Hewitt, Danny Gallivan, Dan Kelly, Don Whitman and others. On this scale, Emrick doesn't measure up. Won't have to mute the NBC broadcasts anymore. Happy retirement Doc.
  20. As I said, I'm sure you will all jump in on the exceptions. Since 2000, approx 4500 players have been drafted. The number of impact players chosen outside the top 10 is less than 3 percent. All I'm saying is the odds are stacked against winning a cup by drafting 15th or higher. Nobody wants this any more than I do. I'm 60 yrs young, was playing competitive hockey when they won back to back. IMHO, this approach will make for a competitive regular season team, not so much come playoff time, just like what we just saw.
  21. I sit and hope that the draft picks develop and contribute sooner than later. However, the reality is that players drafted after 10 rarely amount to very much. I am sure you will all point out the Brayden Points and others, and there is always the possibility, but the odds are stacked against the Flyers winning a cup with the creep into the playoffs approach. You need 3 or 4 top 3 picks to build a legitimate cup team around, and even then a certain amount of luck is required (JVR, Patrick), in addition to astute asset management. So I sit and hope and wait for all the ducks to line up. I just wish the Flyers would play with a little more passion, a little more grit, a little more push back whilst I sit and wait and hope.
  22. He'll fit right in. Soft and mediocre.
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