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Everything posted by flyer4ever

  1. Nothing has changed in 10 years. Replacing mediocre old players with mediocre young players. There is no easy or quick fix. Sneaking into 8th place is not the way to compete in a salary cap league. You have to bottom out to rise to the top, unless you are Vegas.
  2. Congrats to Oskar. Some good news in Flyerland.
  3. Its wishful thinking, because clearly right now there is none. They quit multiple times the past season. Two years ago was the aberation, the past season is what they are. Slow and soft. Changes are needed, the status quo doesn't cut it, and UFA isn't doable due to cap issues. A little tweak and a 30 year old for a million dollars is just more of the same.
  4. Playing defence in todays NHL is incredibly difficult, there are only 5 or 6 guys I would say are really elite right now. The play is so fast, and the metrics have multiple variables. IMHO, Jones is better than anything the Flyers have currently, age wise he is in his prime years, if they can get him extended at a fair price and term I would make that trade. Jones and Provorov are serious blocks you can build around. Laughton can be replaced by UFA. I'm curious, not being righteous or condescending what the metrics are on the Flyers team that quit mid game multiple times last season? I don't put a lot of stock in metrics, the game is played on the ice and between the players' ears. Zone starts, score of the game, forward lines, matchups, road or home game, 3 in 4 nights, playing through injuries, coach is a dick, all are variables. Getting a player like Jones (I know there will be argument how good he is) in his prime rarely happens. He solves RD issue, and I think he brings accountability to the room, provided the cancer hasn't spread too far.
  5. O.R. i think this group would be fine in November. Come playoff time there is a real lack of sandpaper and put a team on your back leader. Thats not 28 bashing, its just what we have all seen the past 3 years. I think Mason McTavish might be that guy, they would have to trade up to get him. And I am also not certain there is enough speed here either.
  6. Mojo, as i have said before, your positivity is admirable, truely. Second, Dave Scott should stay out of the hockey decisions, his tenure has had no success, and his blueprint is obviously broken. Third, I would love nothing more than this group winning a Stanley Cup, I would cry like a baby watching Oskar do a victory lap. Sadly, we know this is not to be. Fourth, right now I can't get past 81 million US dollars worth of hockey players giving up, quitting multiple times on themselves, their teammates, their families, and a once proud hockey team. That is why I would like to see a gutting of the core of this team. If done right, the assets coming back would put them closer to a serious cup run than if the current group is left untouched, IMHO.
  7. And therein lies the problem. As long as the Flyers strive to pick 14th every year the team will continue along the past decade path of being mediocre. The media keeps saying they are win now mode. Thats not even funny, nor is it close to reality. You could hit home runs in the next 2 drafts, but until the core of this team is gone nothing is going to change.
  8. I think there are some decent guys who aren't Jones or Hamilton. I don't think getting older helps, and I still think there is a virus in the room that needs to be dealt with, and I still think there needs to be some snarl in whoever comes in. They were so soft last year, it was embarrassing. Larrson, Ristolainen (yes Mojo, the crazy one in Buffalo) Oleksiak all can skate and don't mind the dirty work. Im certain Carter Hart would welcome any or all of them.
  9. With the current roster, and what we were forced to watch the past season acquiring Jones for 3 pieces is a no brainer. The current Flyers are not going anywhere near a cup, nor are the prospects in the system making it so. Change is needed on the NHL roster, and change is needed in the overall attitude and chemistry of the team. If anyone on this board or on a contract with the Flyers thinks otherwise is foolhardy. This team gave up multiple times the past season, quit on themselves, quit on each other, quit on a franchise that used to stand for something. That is totally not acceptable, I hope I never see it again. If the same nucleus and so called leadership group is still here in October then we will know that Chuck has no game and he should be bounced. This is not a team that is fixed with a top pair dman and a scoring winger, they need more than that, and Jones is a great first move.
  10. Happy to see we are all at our sarcastic best. I think its sarcasm. I hope its sarcasm. Anyhow, sounds like a group of Ottawa Senators fans are trying to get a lets bring Claud Giroux home for a cup run with the Sens thing going. What can we do to facilitate this happening? I actually got excited reading this, wondering if he would waive his NMC to take a shot with them. They are closer to it than the Flyers are right now. They have a number of really good young players and cap space. Perhaps we can package 28, 93, 25 for something. A great deal for 2 franchises about to turn a corner.
  11. The 85 team had ONE regular in the lineup over 26 yrs old, Mark Howe. He was 29. The captain Dave Poulin, was 26. There were 7 regulars in the lineup 21 or younger. Marsh, McCrimmon and Crossman were 25, 25 and 24. Pelle Lindbergh was 25 and the backup, Bob Froese was 25. The notion that you have to have veterans is pretty much put to bed when you look at the roster of this team. They drafted guys who had character and guts to go with their skill. The y were molded into a team that would do anything for each other by Mike Keenan. This can be accomplished today, but it requires some work by your scouts and having a coach whose system is based on trying to win, not playing to not lose, and having the balls to let the kids learn on the job. And, they were fun to watch, win or lose.
  12. Without hurting anyone's feelings, I can't believe how many people are saying we need a veteran on this topic. That approach hasn't worked for anyone since the salary cap. Veteran equals slow, soft, and cap crunch. It also equals dysfunction in the room. I think thats obvious after this season. The Flyers are not one or 2 vets away, they are 2 or 3 dmen and 2 lines away, if the goalie returns to form. Tampa is not a fast team, they are an all for 1 team with hockey smarts. Bigger, younger, faster is the way to go, and if it takes a year or 3 so be it. Drafting 14th also won't get it done. Ottawa was a great team to watch this year, the Flyers were by far the most boring, and they are closer to a cup than the Flyers. A vet or 2 gives us more of the same. Making the playoffs in the 8 seed is a fools errand, we have all seen that lousy movie frequently. Time to try a different approach, 46 years was a long time ago.
  13. If Patrick had a brain he would hire Giroux or Voracek or Hayes' agent. Look at the cushy deals they milked the Flyers for.
  14. Read an interesting piece Sunday regarding the Coyotes. Their coach left, the GM would like to build his team, and well its the Yotes, so on it goes, much like the 21st century Flyers. They have a couple of nice young assets and no 1st round pick. Perhaps a deal can be made. Chychryn and Crouse are big and fast, Chychryn has a cannon from the back end.
  15. How has that been working the past ten years? First you need some veterans who don't quit every other night. The Flyer veterans are honey badgers. They don't give a s#*t. The current crop of veterans on the Flyers have had ample time to lead and teach and have failed miserably.
  16. This team quit multiple times for games at a time. There is absolutely no excuse for this. NONE. If you're over 25 years old, pack your bags, I will send a cab to take you to the bus station. This is all on you, the so called leadership group. 10 years of the same old crap is enough. I want the GM to retool this team so another ten won't happen. Thats my dream .Alas, the reality is the country club will stay open, the coach will get fired, and the dog bangers will continue to coast along for $8.2 million a year.
  17. Looked real good at the U18 wjc. I liked the tournaments Othmann, Allen and McTavish had too. Doubtful any of these 4 will fall to the Flyers pick.
  18. Funny you say that because a real Canadian farm boy does have a high hockey IQ, and more important, he NEVER quits, and 3rd, he will run you over to score or help a teammate in need. This Flyer roster has none of that.
  19. The Flyers have been a s*&t show for 10 years, on and off the ice. I really have no reason to believe this off season will be any different. Fletcher has shown us nothing as a GM looking to improve his team. I still believe the lack of talent and character and integrity calls for a total dismantling, when a team collectively quits frequently they deserve no reward but a bus ticket out of town. As far as the draft, the mediocrity and total lack of a plan has prevented a high draft pick, so more of the same is in store.
  20. I hope its the last time for most of this roster. Quitters are not part of my Flyers.
  21. If AV is released before #28 is traded, waived, bought out, retires, whatever, we will all know that Chuck Fletcher has suffered a catastrophic head injury and needs days, weeks, months of rehab.
  22. Really too small a sample, but all the reviews are good. I didn't watch a minute of it, Caps were in cruise control, so hard to say what York is. I hope the room hasn't tainted him though, whatever he might bring. I am still trying to compartmentalize 20 pro athletes quitting on themselves and each other repeatedly over the past 2 months. Sorry, thats my take on the Flyers this season.
  23. Proud of the Ghost. First bodycheck by a Flyer this season.
  24. If there is no $$$ sign, betturd can't read it. Neither play is suspension worthy in a real league. Betturd has pussified hockey for a couple of bucks. Wilson is just another player in the league who would be dealt with when the NHL was played by men.
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