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Everything posted by flyer4ever

  1. The Flyers have been a s*&t show for 10 years, on and off the ice. I really have no reason to believe this off season will be any different. Fletcher has shown us nothing as a GM looking to improve his team. I still believe the lack of talent and character and integrity calls for a total dismantling, when a team collectively quits frequently they deserve no reward but a bus ticket out of town. As far as the draft, the mediocrity and total lack of a plan has prevented a high draft pick, so more of the same is in store.
  2. I hope its the last time for most of this roster. Quitters are not part of my Flyers.
  3. If AV is released before #28 is traded, waived, bought out, retires, whatever, we will all know that Chuck Fletcher has suffered a catastrophic head injury and needs days, weeks, months of rehab.
  4. Really too small a sample, but all the reviews are good. I didn't watch a minute of it, Caps were in cruise control, so hard to say what York is. I hope the room hasn't tainted him though, whatever he might bring. I am still trying to compartmentalize 20 pro athletes quitting on themselves and each other repeatedly over the past 2 months. Sorry, thats my take on the Flyers this season.
  5. Proud of the Ghost. First bodycheck by a Flyer this season.
  6. If there is no $$$ sign, betturd can't read it. Neither play is suspension worthy in a real league. Betturd has pussified hockey for a couple of bucks. Wilson is just another player in the league who would be dealt with when the NHL was played by men.
  7. Giroux was a good player on mostly bad teams. He is now an albatross contract that will cost a viable asset to the Kraken. He has no legacy with the Flyers. Legacies in professional team sports are based on championships. Get what you can for him and move on. I'm sure there's a palatable deal to be made by taking back salary.
  8. trade deadline update: Sam Bennett, 24 yrs old, $2.5 million, acquired by Florida for Emil Heineman(2019 43rd overall) and a 2022 2nd. In 9 games with Florida, 5G 8A. Thats a 45G 114P 82 game pace. Did Chuck make this call to Calgary? Did any of our pro scouts suggest he make this call to Calgary? He traded a 2nd and a 3rd for Justin Braun. This is a bad omen.
  9. I honestly see this getting worse before it gets better, and not in the proper fashion. They will probably overpay and overterm some 35 yr old UFA trying for the quick fix sneak into the playoffs Hextall bulls**t , when the only way out of this is to gas the leadership group and have a couple of solid drafts. I have zero faith in the management of this team to get this right. They did well this week though, creeping up the draft board.
  10. I guess they're all done looking at prospects on the farm.
  11. Extend him every courtesy as he packs his bags and gets a limo to the airport.
  12. I would trade these guys for picks and retain salary today. It's the only way you are going to get the dog turd taste out of my mouth that this group has created. And sorry, I will give you 80 million reasons why covid is not an excuse. Not caring, not trying, BYE BYE.
  13. Every facet of the Flyers is responsible for the **** show we have watched for 10 years. Corporate, GM and scouts, coaches, trainers, everyone, but the apathetic unprofessional crap that has been on the ice the past 2 months is 100% on the players, and most of all the leadership group. Unacceptable in every way you want to carve it up. The most appropriate move right now IMHO would be to send a few guys home for the balance of the season. Hopefully this would send a bit of a message, it would hopefully send them up the draft board, and most of all it would give them a head start on packing when they get traded the hell out of Philly. If #28 wants to come back in 3 years and sign for EL money then fine, but I have 8.2 million reasons to say goodbye. This won't fix itself with a tweak, it needs to be shaken to the core .They are in no position to honor seniority. This ain't the Moose Lodge. I will be shocked to see 3 new faces next season, thats the dysfunction in Flyer junction.
  14. Nothing fancy or special. Just move as a group and skate without the puck. And finish your check.
  15. big guys who can skate, good cap numbers, provide the team some heart, some character, a little pushback, a little protection for the franchise goalie who hopefully isn't already ruined, you know, play hockey like a freakin man, not the current womens beer league roster the Flyers are icing nightly.
  16. Lawson Crouse -6'4'' 220 lbs $1,533,000 for 2 more years. 3 full seasons OHL on a bad team, 2 Team Canada wjc 2015 gold medal, 2015 11th overall, 200 ft heavy game, good skater, good teammate. A player with a heart who will stick up for himself and his teammates. we haven't seen that in O&B for some time. Everything is in play this summer, expansion draft, good UFA crop, flat salary cap, all the names I put out there are gettable.
  17. I loved Elliott's game last night. Play him every night until the bitter end. The draft position will only get better.
  18. I pass on Dougie Hamilton, pass on Gaudreau, my wish list is Jordan Greenway, Lawson Crouse, Sam Bennett, Jamie Oleksiak, Matt Dumba. These players are not ungettable with the assets CF has. If he doesn't rid the Flyers of the so called leadership group, all this conversation is a waste of time, and the mediocre unprofessionalism goes on and on. The culture obviously has to change. An identity of a team that has pride in itself and is hard to play against has to be created. If Fletcher isn't disgusted with what he sees every night then he is a fool and he has to go too.
  19. It seems the Flyers are always suffering these injuries. However it seems, all teams are going through this. These athletes today feel compelled to be in unreal condition, which they are, which is commendable. Unfortunately it leads to core injuries, which are a result of being wound too tight and dehydration. Without fat, the body burns muscle fibre which leads to these hip flexor and hernia issues. Back in the day when guys ate steak and drank beer they played full seasons and playoffs without these types of injuries. Todays players are obviously faster and fitter, but way less durable.
  20. So if the Flyers sweep the Devils and Boston loses....... ha ha ha ha my Mojo moment!. Lose lose lose draft draft draft.
  21. I thought they were going to look at some prospects to wind down the season. Instead it appears they are trying to move down in the draft. Typical dysfunction in Flyer Junction.
  22. Looks like it was the third line that buckled. Does that mean it was Laughtons fault?
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