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Everything posted by flyer4ever

  1. I don't recommend any big ticket UFA signings. Flyerland is already full of bad contracts that will inhibit the team from being a legitimate contender for 4 or 5 years. Wait and see though, they are coming, and perhaps some insane offer sheets too.
  2. Not sure what his purpose is. Hanging out with the training staff perhaps. Maybe teaching the youngsters the art if the blind pass.
  3. I'm trying to figure out your plan. You want to gas everyone over 28 and sign a 29? If you give JG max term, which is what he will want, he will be 37 and undersized at the end of the deal. I will take a hard pass, unless he'll sign a 2 year contract. I do like the gas the over 28s though. I might even dial it back to 26. But we dream with Holmtard and Chuckles still around.
  4. Talk is cheap. I certainly hope for Ryan's quality of life he has figured it out for real . Time will tell.
  5. As a Flyer fan, I am rooting for comcast to wake up this morning and realize how broken the hockey ops are and shitcan Holmgren and Fletcher. Otherwise, does it even really matter how many points the Kraken get
  6. Provorov and Hart will continue to be indifferent as long as management continue to bring in overpaid overaged players. They will care when management pulls their arrogant, ignorant, stubborn heads out of their asses. They should be begging to get the hell out of Dodge while they still are in their prime.
  7. Thanks for the lineups H58. I check every game day to see if I've been called up. Enjoy the time off.
  8. Now that the off season is upon us, my sense of Flyer dysfunction dread is at an all time high. Go Sens. I hope the building is covid empty.
  9. If you bought a ticket or 2 for even 1 game at the WFC to see the streaming dung heap that is the Flyers the past decade, you are entitled to rant like this. The reality of Holmgren is that the only thing that's changed this decade is the price has gone up.
  10. Pro scouting might not be very good, or they might be really good and just don't have a voice in the room, or most likely this was just another Paul (I'm an idiot)Holmgren order from on high. And here we are today at the bottom with little prospect of getting better, due to insane contracts for lousy players.
  11. Not desirable for a normal fan base and hockey ops, yet this has been the MO of the Flyers for over a decade. Seriously, its true.
  12. The Flyers have an identity. Old, slow, injured bad contract graveyard.
  13. I'm not a lawyer or capologist , so I can only trust the writer knows better , his point (sorry I can't remember his name) is that the Flyers rebuild will not be easy. They do not have any elite level prospects, are not well stocked in extra draft picks, do not have ample cap space due to 6 albatross contracts. They can't take on salary from cap strapped teams, which usually means a pick or prospect coming back (see Ghost), they can't even take on young talent from cash strapped teams. They have to hit home runs with their draft picks, which they don't have all of. Not sure Yzrman or Zito could fix this. What a s*&t show.
  14. Soft, lazy, low IQ. Hayes is the poster boy. He must lead the league in blind passes, through the legs give always. He is a noose around Fletchers neck.
  15. Don't rule out a trade. These baboons in the hockey office still think they're a piece or 2 away.
  16. Trust the Flyers to f*&# up tanking. Dysfunction in Flyer Junction.
  17. Just a coincidence, right? Sadly, it's not a league wide malady.
  18. I still don't think it's fair to judge the Flyers d core based on the fact that they have to play with the current forward group. IMHO, the forward group is the 32nd best in the league. They are soft, lazy and low IQ. I could produce hours of video where they are out of position and/or flat footed or just lost in their own end. I hope coaching can help.
  19. Yes sadly most of the flying Frenchmen, Bossy, Mario too.
  20. Always sad to lose our heroes way too soon. Cigarettes are bad.
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