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Everything posted by flyer4ever

  1. They are grooming him for a GM position in the future. He already knows all about albatross contracts.
  2. The little turd reminds me of Frank Burns. A greedy little ferret faced dick who got power wedgied and stuffed in a gym locker daily. His accomplishment in hockey is that he has made a small handful of already wealthy old fat white guys wealthier. Thats it. He has deprived fans over and over the chance to see best on best tournaments. He has deprived elite players the opportunity to earn what their true value is, and he has deprived traditional hockey markets franchise opportunities in order for his rich old fat white guy governors to receive expansion fees. So if the measuring stick is making a small group of rich guys richer, hurray for betturd. Otherwise, he hasn't done a damn thing to improve the game and its fanbase.
  3. Hockey lost another giant today. The great Bobby Hull has gone to hockey heaven. I can't explain it if you didn't see Bobby live in the Hawk uniform, he played with a passion and joy few have ever matched. He pissed off every zamboni driver in every rink he played in. He would stay on the ice after warm ups and sign every autograph that was asked for. Gone but never forgotten, and irreplaceable.
  4. Trading Provorov for the right package back, including Jesse P doesn't concern me, nor does the 6 year extension with a NMC that the chucktard is sure to give him the week after he arrives. What does concern me is the announcement the following week that Jesse has a career ending core injury that he has been playing through for 3 years. The chucktard loves those guys!
  5. I don't have to justify my total and utter disdain and amazement at how bad the chucktard is at his current job, we have all seen the results. Having said that, I think it's safe to say that every GM has passed on an 18 year old prospect who developed better than the choice they made. My disbelief with the dysfunction that is the Flyers is how they seem to fail repeatedly at developing young players. It becomes even more amazing to me at this failure when you think how they relate to and nurture each other after retiring, and how they appear to not put any such man love and nurturing into their young prospects. It appears to me they draft these kids and then virtually leave them to be, as we saw with Richards and Carter and Lupul, through to the handling of Patrick and the obviously misguided training and medical staff, all the while having the lovefest in the executive suite. I'm sure there's a netflix or HBO miniseries to be had here, in the dark comedy genre.
  6. Sadly, this board and its eclectic group of contributors is far more entertaining than the dysfunction that is the Flyers. Arrogant, ignorant, irrelevant. Team Chucktard.
  7. OR flip it around another way. Who in the salary cap bett turd era has won a cup without multiple top 5 picks? It isn't just getting the first pick in a BITFU. it usually includes getting rid of multiple albatross contracts and getting free from aging once great players who were signed to much earned contracts, or in the Flyers case, giving away contracts to broken bodies and just REALLY BAD asset management. Boston this season may prove us wrong, but it is really hard to build a cup winner having not bottomed out.
  8. At the very least Flyer brass should go see Dr Melfi. I'm sure she could share some wisdom about nepotism and stupidity. The "list" is so sad its funny. I agree about the thought process of feeling bullet proof, but these guys were elite, competitive athletes. Surely at some point winning has to matter, doesn't it?
  9. There is nothing to bitch about. when you are full on mediocre anything can happen.
  10. Chicago and Anaheim will both win a playoff game before the Flyers. But not tanking is the way to go.
  11. The chucktards vision of steaming toward mediocrity is being fulfilled. We are celebrating our #6 dman and a legit #3 center, all the while slipping down the draft board whilst being lit up by legitimate playoff teams. Lets Go Flyers. I honestly wish there was something here to look forward to, but right now there is not.
  12. the chucktard will trade the pick for a 30 something with a career ending core injury, because anything can happen. Dysfunction in Flyer junction.
  13. Yeah, but does he have a career ending core injury?
  14. Hey, what did Labrador do to deserve that? The chucktard should be working in a rehab clinic for broken down old men. He has a passion for surrounding himself with them.
  15. This is all the evidence you need to know that the little bett turds all star game is broken.
  16. You don't pay Bedard or Gretzky or Lemieux to play in his own end.
  17. Is there a 34 year old goalie on IR somewhere that the chucktard can acquire for a 2nd and a 3rd, and then extend for 5 years with a NMC? Only then would I trade Hart. Because anything can happen if you win 3 games in a row.
  18. You are my pick for the next GM. Definitely a move an astute asset manager would make. Don't disagree with that, but poor Carter Hart will be shell shocked and worn out before this team is ready for a serious cup run, and to me that is the only acceptable goal. I would like to see Hart play for a decent team, it would make him the front runner to replace Carey Price as the go to national team guy, ( if the little turd bettman ever lets that happen). He has earned it.
  19. Cutter Gauthier 19 yrs young, 2G, 6A, 8 points. Connor Bedard 17 YEARS YOUNG, 8G, 13A 21 PTS. Anyone who thinks there isn't a difference between drafting top 2 or top 5 or top 10 shouldn't watch hockey, or be the GM of a peewee team, let alone a once proud NHL franchise.
  20. The pursuit of less than mediocre takes another giant leap forward! Even the Ducks are playing down to the competiton . Why draft top 2 or 3 when you can pick 8th.
  21. REC was my hockey hero as a kid growing up playing. He made a few good moves as GM and had a couple of good drafts. He also showed his first crack as an asset management GM when he got pissy with Brad McCrimmon. The beast should have retired as a Flyer. We all sadly know what happened later on.
  22. The good old days, bake all day in the sun, inject vodka and tequila into a bag of oranges, and then throw said oranges at Joan Jett after sucking them dry!
  23. yep. Summer before saw the Talking Heads at The Police Picnic. UB40, General Public, Flock of Seagulls, The Police, and Joan Jett. They booed Joan Jett off the stage. Philly ain't the only hard core fans!
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