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Everything posted by flyer4ever

  1. pass on Gaudreau. We already have over paid playoff under achievers. Some size and speed with a dollop of sand paper please.
  2. All the tweaking with the bottom of the roster on this board is nice conversation, the Flyers issue is the top of the line up. The big 3 earners at forward, JVR, Jake and Giroux are probably the worst value in the league. Giroux was a great player, but not any longer. With a flat cap for 2 or 3 more seasons his contract is the new albatross, and there is no chance of trading him. Jake has some value, JVR is also a flat cap casualty. Hard to see a remedy for this. I would love to eat my hat 12 months from now after Giroux lights it up, but don't see it happening. Healthy Patrick, Frost and Farabee are the best hope, with an injection of physicality in the bottom 6.
  3. these awards are candy. There is but one trophy in hockey, it rhymes with manly.
  4. The best we can hope for is another season in the bubble. If they go back to selling seats the corporates will be preaching more mediocrity and sneaking into the playoffs. 5 years of Hextall got this franchise pretty much nothing. There is only one measuring stick. Cups. Its really hard to fathom how the 2nd most competitive player in franchise history (Hexy) compiled the softest lineup in the league.
  5. There are 2 elite talents in the organization. The rest are bottom 6 and 3rd pair players. 5 years of Hextall striving for mediocrity will do that. Drafting 14th every year makes the draft a long odds lottery. That is the reality of where the Flyers are at. All of the naysayers who eschew a blowing it up, this is what the results are.
  6. On the bright side, it should be easy for Fletch to make his Kraken list. I only get to six players I would keep.
  7. I don't care if its a goal or not, I know what Ed Van Impe or Chris Pronger would have done. Barzal would have spit a chiklet or three and not gone back there. He actually thinks hes a tough guy playing this team of softies.
  8. check Johnny Gudreaus playoff numbers, or Claud 28 playoff stats, or Konecknys numbers. Todays NHL playoffs are not little guy friendly, so I will pass on Caufield. Our best chance is Patrick and Lindblom returning healthy and finding some more like them by draft or FA. This was a great turn around season but it is obvious what this team lacks. Fletch needs to manage his assets to the max going forward.
  9. Hard to watch. Flyers forwards are a bag of marshmallows. They are throwing another no hitter. Flyer D get hit every time they turn and chase a puck. Hockey basic 101. Learned in pee wee hockey. They round robin was a big suck in.
  10. This is hard to watch. Pushed off the puck, turnovers in the neutral zone, not skating, too often on the wrong side of the puck, huge gaps, static power play, .these are things a good bantam team does not do. Someone needs to light a fire under this group.
  11. If theres a fine for Niskanen I will gladly chip in. Gallagher is the poster boy for all that ails Butt turds NHL. Little wankers running around with immunity. Well this time he got what he was begging for.
  12. I wont be baited by a cat with a lei on. The Flyers did not compete last night. Period. Gallaghers oversized teeth getting knocked out was the hilight of the night.
  13. Clarke at 70 would battle harder for loose pucks than 14 and 28. They are supposed to be the leaders of the team. They got pushed around last night by a group of trolls. Its the playoffs. You give it all every shift. Thats supposed to be the Flyer way.
  14. Thats embarrassing. Lazy, soft, stupid. Looked like Hakstols team. Captain is invisible.
  15. If there never was a Gretzky, Hawerchuk would be more well known. He was an amazing player. And he gave back to the game he loved after his playing days were over, coaching and financing junior hockey in Ontario. He is missed already, people who really know hockey know how great he was and how greatly he will be missed. I'm sure Flyer Canuck will contribute to this tribute to Dale. He lived and coached in Barrie.
  16. Oskar Lindblom was on the ice practicing with his teammates today. Nothing more to say.
  17. My 2 favorite players in the NHL. Travis Hamonic and Sven Baertchi. The few who have the smarts to say no to the little turd bettmans cash cow. He is such a little dick.
  18. This is a good chuckle too. You have been trying really hard to get a date with Austin covid Matthews, your beloved Leafs went way beyond tanking to get him, yet you would be okay with getting Jesse Pulljarvi out of that draft. Give us all a break.
  19. Buttturd is a useless little trump wannabe. 120,000 americans have died from covid19. Perhaps if HE gets covid19 he will finally get the gist of the risk he is taking. There is absolutely no reason to play hockey this year.
  20. Bettman is just a miniature version of the fake president. One concern only - his money. He has not given a single moments thought to the safety of the players, the their families, the on ice officials. Nothing but greed. The American Hockey League did the right thing. If he an ounce of integrity he would do the right thing and cancel the season, but he has never done the right thing, only the greed thing. He is a shameless little turd.
  21. In the best interest of our fans, our players, our coaches and management teams, our arena staffs, and all the bar restaurant, hotel and airline staffs that contribute to NHL hockey, we are announcing the cancellation of the balance of the regular season and playoffs. It is our hope that the 2020-21 season can commence in October and we can return to the great game of hockey at that time. It is our further hope that everyone takes heed to the social distancing measures currently in place so we can get back to our lives as we knew them. There you go Bett turd, stop festering about your f*&king money and do the right thing. How many dollars are you putting in your coffin when your dead? Health before wealth. Take a f&*king leadership role in this pandemic. Be a f&*king man.
  22. The old rinks had character, they had unique smells, they had noise. The new rinks are just what the little butt turd bettman wants, corporate tombs.
  23. None of this pro rating has any real validity, when you consider how the game has evolved. Fitness, equipment, depth of opponents, rules enforcement, coaching, skill development as young kids, all has improved in leaps and bounds. The only regression in pro hockey is the greed and ethics of the commissioner and the owners. We have been lucky to have watched these great players play the game, the numbers are just bar stool chatter. IMO, Ovechkin is the greatest pure scorer, consider his numbers against league averages in his career. Just my opinion, but lets throw this out there too. If you had to pick one player to start a franchise who would it be. My pick is Nick Lidstrom. Reliable, strong, he was so good and so smart he would go weeks without ever even doing a crossover. He was always right where he had to be, with or without the puck. He doesn't get enough credit because he did it without flash.
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