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Everything posted by flyer4ever

  1. In the NHL prior to bett turd, players stayed on a team sometimes for an entire career. They played for each other, and come playoff time they played for the love of the game. Also there was a code, and if you breached it, you dealt with 20 other guys. A simple body check wasn't outside the code like it is today. Today, an NHL team is 25 independent contractors. Would you work well in an environment where 4 guys make 40 to 50 per cent of the payroll and the scrubs split the rest? Also, today there is no disputing the players are faster, but not bigger, and they are in better shape, which isn't all good. These modern players train so hard and the game is so fast there is very little tolerance for their bodies to absorb the impacts. And lastly, and IMHO, there is no consequence to their actions. In an 82 game season, these guys have no problem sitting a 2 or 3 game suspension. The NHL has zero interest in lessening traumatic head injuries, so the cheap shots will go on and on.
  2. This I support. I don't care who the captain is next year or the year after that. If and that's a huge if this rebuild is done right, the captain is an issue 3 or 4 years from now.
  3. That's why they should trade him too.
  4. If, and it's a big if, Chuck does include Frost and gets Newhook in the return, and the Flyers deem Ellis and Couturier as untouchables going forward, then you will merely be ruining Newhooks career. I have zero faith in Chuck to right this ship, when he has to answer total idiots like Scott and Homer.
  5. Cam Atkinson is a better comparable to Tyler Toffoli. He should also be moved if that is the market value. (Or not).
  6. Hi Mike, you're kidding , right?!!! Call the Flyers office, they might pay you to sit in the seats.
  7. Every cup winner in the salary cap era was built by drafting well. In the case of Chicago, Tampa, Pittsburgh (8 cups) there are multiple top 3 picks. Is good luck needed to have those picks in good drafts, of course. Do the Flyers give anyone hope that they would even pick the right guy in a stacked draft? Have the Flyers of the past decade shown even a trace of proper asset management? Did the presser give us all a feeling of good times a comin? Do I sound like I'm off my meds yet? Thank goodness for netflix.
  8. look like ponzi schemes the government is afraid of. They would lose out on their campaign contributions. Maybe that's what the Flyers have become. Money launderers. That would explain Hayes, Ellis and Coots.
  9. Who are the 30 year olds with injury history and 6 years left at 6.5mill per on the Avalanche? Those are the prospects that chuck the turd is looking at getting back for Giroux. Today left me numb watching the presser. The arrogance and the ignorance is staggering. How the f(&k does comcast make money with that idiot involved?
  10. Arrogance and ignorance has put the Flyers where they are today. Only empty seats are gonna get their attention. These buffoons are probably sitting in the hot tub thinking the injuries are an aberation and they are only 1 or 2 34 year olds away from a deep playoff run. BITFU Bobby C, BITFU.
  11. No air conditioning, no ice in the drinks, no beer, peeing in a trough, great times, yet I was in awe every time I went in MLG. Lots of Marlie games, Toros games, concerts.
  12. The 2020 aberation was due to Carter Hart, period. They got pushed around in the playoffs, it was only due to the goalie it took so long to end. Thats not on the coach, thats on management and the players. You don't need high end skill to have passion and grit.
  13. This will be interesting, judging by Chuck's history. A frequent move in these kinds of trades is to take back salary. However, in the dysfunctional world of Flyers, albatross contracts with Hayes, Ellis and JVR make that moot. Newhook is a solid prospect, but picks from top 5 teams are less than likely to ever be top of the lineup players. Amassing as many picks as possible is the way to go, they then become negotiable assets to move up the draft board. At the end of the day though, I have absolutely zero confidence in this management group to properly rebuild this team. They are stuck in 1995.
  14. When they do decide to tank, they'll win 11 games in a row. That is the dysfunction of the Flyers. Striving for mediocrity. BITFU.
  15. Thats all there is to look forward to. Dreaming of a rebuild. BITFU.
  16. Nothing is going to help this group play better, they are heartless. They do merit several Mike Keenan bag skates though.
  17. Yandle is perfect. Along with JVR and Hayes he is helping them move up the draft board, and for way less money than the other 2. Keep up the really bad work. BITFU.
  18. Rich people born into it don't feel anything. People who have earned and worked hard for it have a sense of community. Comcast and Dave Scott are the non feelers. The rest of the Flyer management group have just suffered too many head injuries.
  19. I would love to see Sanheim and Provorov go postal on someone for several reasons. It would be entertaining, it would show they are frustrated and they care, it would help create an extra nanosecond of time for them with the puck (see Pronger). Right now, opponents forcheck the Flyers with impunity, nobody ever pays the price for jamming the net, and Hart gets pushed around his crease every night. A little nasty goes a long way, especially come playoff time, where anything can happen, ha ha. The Boston game the other night Bergeron planted himself in the crease and Sanheim's reaction was to whine to the referee. His reaction should have been to put Bergeron on his face. I think these 2 players are the best examples of how poorly the Flyers have developed young talent. BITFU.
  20. Well, isn't that special. Who pissed in your fruit loops?
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