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Everything posted by flyer4ever

  1. The 3 forwards on the ice when the Habs tied the game shorthanded couldn't collectively punch their way out of a soaking wet paper bag. That's on the coach, and on the gm for assembling a soft slow, heartless team. These results are inevitable.
  2. Any loss is a good loss. Move up the draft board. If only we had a GM with a brain.
  3. Risto and Yandle will be the shut down pair next season. Chuck's quick turnaround.
  4. At this point in history, I am totally confident Chuck gets fleeced in all his moves going forward, Giroux included. He has done absolutely nothing positive for this franchise, in fact he has only hurt.
  5. With every player currently signed and healthy, this Flyer team is mediocre, at best. It seems that is the goal.
  6. A month ago I was anxious to see what the trade deadline would bring. Now I anticipate it with a sense of foreboding. All the rumors and blogs I read say the same thing. Chuckles is looking for a quick turnaround. I will be stunned if he doesn't get bent over the back of the couch.
  7. I fear the only way any of these young men become bona fide NHL regulars is to trade them to other organizations. There is little evidence to prove otherwise. Dysfunction reigns supreme in Flyer junction.
  8. And VERY LOW on NHL calibre front office hockey ops people at every position.
  9. S A R C A S M. Yet the reality is they are going nowhere. They have zero value. Their health and contracts make them unmovable. Dysfunction in Flyer Junction.
  10. I think he trades the pick to Montreal for Shea Weber.
  11. If they play this out properly Buffalo and Seattle will pass them. Unfortunately it's been 46 years since they played it out properly. One of the STBs should have cross checked this dumb ass in the mouth. They are all so freaking arrogant. What a waste of everyone's time.
  12. Nobody wants to get bent over. However, every cup winner since Bett turds salary cap has had a bent over season or 3. The GMs around the league (except the Flyers) are too savvy. Multiple lottery picks is really the only way .
  13. I dont disagree you need a veteran presence to guide the kids. IMHO, Coots and Ellis aren't those guys. They are on the downside of their careers and will more than likely struggle to stay healthy. There are young guys who are natural leaders, though we don't know their off ice habits. Jonathon Toews was one of those guys, I think Alex Newhook may be another. Our very own B Clarke was one too, as was Mike Richards. This deadline and the next 2 drafts is a great opportunity for the Flyers to build a great nucleus of young players. I have a hard time getting excited about it though I would like to be. None of this conjecture matters much, Chuckles is probably going to be guided down the same old path of bringing more bad contract 30 yr olds to creep back to mediocre.
  14. The LA Kings have perhaps the best prospect pool in the NHL. I would definitely call them back re TK. Sadly, the dysfunctional hockey ops that is the Flyers are still thinking this is a piece or 2 away, and they will be looking to get back some 28 year olds with injury history. I get excited for a moment thinking what could be, and then come back to reality and realize there is zero reason for optimism with the current personnel in charge. It is sad really, that they can be be this misguided and uninformed. I can only hope the building is empty next season and the suits at comcast blow up the front office. It seems to me that is the only way this is ever going to change. Pinning your hopes and playoff dreams on Coots and Ellis is laughable.
  15. Whats up with Koneckny? Only watched the 3rd period, no sound. Didn't see #11 on the ice.
  16. These conversations are nice time wasters, intere sting opinions shared by all us experts. The Flyers lack of brain trust has their own stubborn, dementia driven plan to rebuild the team to mediocre. IMHO, the question you need to ask regarding every player in the organization is will he be a contributor to a serious cup run in 5 years, where does he fit in the salary cap in 5 years. The LA Kings have perhaps the best prospect group in the NHL. If Chuck and Dan can pry a piece or two out of them, I think you definitely look at trading with them. Maybe you can package him with Atkinson or JVR and get a significant return. Retaining salary is another asset in a trade. But I digress, the Flyers are just a piece or 2 away, a couple more $6.5 mill per year injured 32 year olds away from a hard run at mediocre.
  17. I get your point. It seems from the outside looking in the Flyers have this stubborn, frustrating ignorance about every aspect of the hockey ops. No matter how many times it bites them, they refuse to adopt to anything successful other organizations are doing. I admire and respect the loyalty to and from the alumni, it's a great club to be a part of. You can still be smart about the business of hockey and have a strong alumni club. For some reason, they refuse to be both. If they truly believe that Hayes Ellis and Coots are going to be healthy and lead them back to almost mediocre, then there really is no hope.
  18. If these are the 3 guys you are pinning your future hopes on then IMHO the only future is barely mediocre, at best.
  19. No shame in today's loss, this was a trap game for the Canes. Yeo should pull the goalie in tie games, he doesn't have the skill depth to compete in overtime or a shootout. I actually watched this game to see the Canes, usually they are fun to watch. This Flyer team has 3 guys that might be contributors to a Cup run in 4 or 5 years. The rest should be traded. It's good to dream. The bozos are probably still thinking they are a piece or 2 away from a run at a wildcard.
  20. SHHHHHH! Don't give Chuck any stupid ideas.
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