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Everything posted by flyer4ever

  1. Yep big and slow bad. Flyers have been soft with no character, no identity, no push back for a decade. Very hard to watch.
  2. I think Torts would prefer big and fast to little and fast. So would I. See Avalanche, Colorado.
  3. Every line change in the history of hockey has too many men on the ice. Cooper is trying to get the next call. Desperation time.
  4. Heres a better question. Who on the Flyers has value on their current contract? AAV, term, clauses. Not very many. Maybe 5. Anyone not on that list should be gone. That's the only way to be a contender.
  5. Trotz turned down $7 mil per. Says a lot about the dysfunction in Chuckie junction. Tort signed for 4 per for 4 years. When do you think he starts to regret it.?
  6. The little turds state of the union blessed us with the knowledge that the 32 greedy old white guys made 5.2 billion dollars this season. No Olympics, no World Cup, Coyotes to play in a peewee rink, no increase in salary cap. So, nothing for the fans, nothing for the players, only money for the gang of 32 the little turd whores for. Thanks for not much.
  7. All 32 teams have the same access to the internet and technology. 30 seem to have figured it out, Fletcher and the Yotes not so much. I hear your thought about not being a click away from the info. I also know that in Toronto in the 70's if I saw Keith Allen's name in a morning headline it meant the Flyers had just gotten even better. Now when I see Chuck Fletchers name anywhere it means the Flyers just got worse. As long as we're talking technology, I get a good laugh whenever I see anyone on the Flyers bench looking at their Ipads, and then going back on the ice and repeating the same lazy assed behavior. The team currently has no accountability, in every aspect of a hockey operation. If Briere and/or Torts can add even an iota of it, there will be an improvement.
  8. I'm still dreading trade. These twits still think healthy coots and Ellis put them back to mediocre.
  9. What does JG want? What do all the shiny toys want? Do they want the money , does he want to come home, does he want a cup, does he care if he plays for a team that sucks, what does he want? IMHO, Philly is currently at the bottom of the list for desirable places to play. Which is the saddest part of this whole discussion. Ed Snider didn't leave this dogs breakfast behind when he departed. The team sucks, there appears to be no plan whatsoever to get better, winter, and let's be honest, a not very good winning tradition in major league sports. So how does Chuckles sell it to UFA's or potential offer sheets? Seriously, what is life like in Philly? Is it a place a 27 year old millionaire wants to settle and raise a family? (I know JG isn't 27, I am speaking generically, don't go off on it). This is why you need to build a foundation by drafting and development.
  10. There is only one way out of a deep hole. Stop digging.
  11. Which rising player would that be? Do we have one of those? Giroux was trying to do that for 10 years. How did that go? I would love it if the Flyers were in a position to take on a shiny toy like JG, I would. I just don't see it being a positive stepping stone in the current mess that they are.
  12. I don't recall any recent cup winners or finalists having any contractual value that resemble any of Hayes, Ellis, JVR, Atkinson, Laughton, Risto and even Couturier if his health is less than 100%. Until this mess is resolved there is zero reason to add any more declining asset pieces to the mix. I get the shiny toy mentality and the local boy thing, but I ask, who is he going to play with that will get him any where near 70 points? Chucks cap crunch makes it unrealistic to set JG with linemates. I am still in the BITFU camp, and here i sit and wait to see what Chuckles does to set the franchise back even further. The dysfunction in Flyerland needs to be wiped out. The let's strive to be mediocre mind set is disgusting, and they can't even pull that off.
  13. That's at the trade deadline. Gotta keep some trash for the lottery pick. See, it's not that hard.
  14. I see absolutely no reason to be honest and sincere in speculating on any future moves for the Flyers as long as chuckles has a say. He has done nothing positive for the future of this team. I don't think anyone should say sorry or be over critical to others on this board. Every one of us would do a better job than the current hockey ops. So here's my start to the retool. Hayes Fletcher and a 2nd, to anybody. For nothing in return. Just take it and go.
  15. Guess who was on the ice in OT when Connor McD won the series?
  16. And we're back, to the coach carousel. Interesting remarks from Scott Burnside on The Daily Faceoff. Of the six coach openings, Flyers are ranked -wait for it- sixth. Last in talent, last in prospect pool, and I will add, last in hockey ops ability to fix any of it. Whoever the next coach is, it will be a plan B gor the lucky winner.
  17. Hockey gods got even with Calgary. Counted at least 3 slew foots in period 2 last night. Used to be a deadly sin in hockey. In bett turds nhl it's just another day.
  18. Risto is just the latest member of chuckles' legacy club. Praise, Suter,Hayes, Ellis, Risto. Most people get fired after 1 asinine move . Fletcher has made a career of it.
  19. Looks like the refs got the same email in Edmonton as they got it newyork. The bett turd wants long series. More revenue.
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