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Everything posted by flyer4ever

  1. And if my aunt had balls......, or When pigs fly..........,
  2. I don't believe anyone with any credibility and integrity would take the Flyers job with the current food chain in place. As long as Homer and the suits at comcast stick their thumbs in the pie it will not turn around.
  3. The Devils are way better off than the Philly Dysfunctions. They DON'T have chuckles tearing them apart.
  4. Mojo for president. His rose coloured glasses will put a positive spin on a dark organization. Flyer canuck for GM. After chuckles and his ignorant bliss we need a gm with some snarl.
  5. You can't rebuild a bad team drafting in the middle of the first round. Hextall's drafts weren't horrible, his mandate to remain mediocre while trying to rebuild was his sin. And that was a corporate decision. Chuckles MO of giving away draft picks like candy ensures the hot mess the Flyers are will continue for another decade. Add to that the ludicrous contracts he has signed and traded for assures it. Honestly, how can an entire hockey ops be so effing stupid.
  6. Nothing positive is going to happen with the current lack of a proper hockey ops. So until the day comes when there is a stable, educated management team in place, there is zero reason for optimism. Even if the current gm decides to BITFU, he will f*&# that up too. IMHO, there are enough decent assets on the roster to turn this around, but chuckles is very obviously not equipped to do it.
  7. I'm sure someone else must have said this in a post, but it is quite ironic that they were prevented from handing out another disastrous albatross contract to the latest shiny toy because they have already handed out too many disastrous albatross contracts to other shiny toys. How long will the dysfunction go on?
  8. Here is what you need to know about the Flyers upper management. Chuckles HASN"T been fired. They are as inept as he is. Arrogant, stubborn, and obviously ignorant.
  9. No plan, no process, no procedures, perhaps the worst medical staff in pro sports, no player development, no asset management, no vision of value contracts, just see the shiny toy and react. Hayes is a disaster, Ellis is a disaster, Couturier is potentially a disaster contract, Risto is a disaster contract, Laughton is a no value contract, Atkinson is a diminishing asset ,Deangelo was totally over valued, both in the trade return for Carolina and his contract. I'm quite certain JVR could have been moved at the deadline last year, someone would have taken him on for his power play skill. I'm sure I left some other things out. Chuckles could obviously have gotten something in return for Oskar, though he should not have moved on from him. He was starting to play well last season considering who he had to play with. He wanted to upgrade skill, so he waived Oskar and signed Deslauriers. That should have got him fired. And perhaps it's not all his fault, perhaps he is getting leaned on by Scott and Homer, but to me that makes it worse. He has been neutered and has had his spine removed, or else he's just an idiot like we all believe to be true.
  10. That's wishful thinking. This buffoon thinks he's a piece or 2 away.
  11. After today's brilliant performance by chuckles I fear they would win the lottery next year and he would trade the pick for a washed up 30 year old. What a dick.
  12. Said this a week ago. And here we are. And chuckles is getting paid to do this.
  13. Nick Deslauriers 506 games played, including 4 years of major junior in Quebec. 44 goals, 41 assists. This is chuckles idea of more skill. Somebody buy Holmgren a broken bike and put him on it at the top of a steep hill. Can it get any more insane in dysfunctionland.
  14. This has to be the final act. If he isn't fired today then the people who should fire him should be fired. What a dick.
  15. That's how you retool. BITFU. See Colorado, Tampa, or how not to, see chuckles (I'm an idiot) Fletcher.
  16. Loved Sami as a Flyer! My son had a Sami jersey back in the day. He must have suffered brain trauma , otherwise he wouldn't have been hired. No sanity or intelligence allowed in Dysfunctionland.
  17. I'm staying. This is the only forum I can vent on and call these bumbling idiots bumbling idiots. I resigned myself to the Flyers sucking until I'm dead and gone 11 years ago. There really is no end in sight to the dysfunction. Apparently Comcast is okay with the steaming turd pile the Flyers have become.
  18. First coherent thing chuckles has said since arriving in Philly. The shiny toys hypnotize him. Sure hope ASF is correct.
  19. So now we know chuckles is a dispassionate dick, does this mean we will see Hayes on waivers? If you want to free up cash, then free up CASH.
  20. we all know chuckles is an idiot, now we can add sick, dispassionate prick to his resume. A new low in Flyer dysfunction.
  21. If chuckles does absolutely nothing more to poison this once meaningful franchise, it will be 5 years before anything good happens to it. But we know that's not reality. There are too many shiny toys hanging on the mobile above his playpen. What a dick.
  22. Dumping assets to dump salary to sign a shiny toy you will be trying to dump in 3 or 4 years. Its genius! Pure genius! How did this guy ever get out of Minnesota!
  23. He could have moved salary at the trade deadline, but without a plan, without any concept or idea of how to do this chuckles gets backed into a corner and ends up making a Ghost deal. Dumb as a tree.
  24. The next GM will have an easy time. He probably won't have a draft pick for 3 or 4 years, the rate chuckles is throwing them down the drain.
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