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Everything posted by flyer4ever

  1. whats a chuck pudding without a little Ellis on top?
  2. A duel at high noon outside the Wells Fargo Saloon. Hayes and the chucktard. May the worst man lose.
  3. Apparently the current management team likes losing, just often enough to never draft anyone of consequence. If I'm Carter Hart I'm begging for a trade out of Philly. There is no end in sight. The very fact that the chucktard is still in place is all the evidence needed. These imbiciles really do believe that Ellis, Couturier and Atkinson healthy make them a playoff team. All they do is move the mediocre draft pick lower. Total dysfunction in Flyer junction. How's that Gritty, whiny enough ???
  4. These conjecture conversations regarding our beloved Flyers are pure fantasy. Until the day comes when they have a 21st century hockey operation with a capable GM it is just all jibber jabber. they obviously have zero clue about asset management and no idea about development, along with a more than obvious deficiency in recognizing and treating core and overall player health. So until they address these issues there is no point in really getting too upset about it. This ain't being a critic Gritty, these are unarguable facts. It has been like this for a decade plus. They are clueless, and there is no end in sight. I was in the building at Maple Leaf Gardens in 1969, Flyers had a rookie in the lineup who dominated Dave Keon that night. It is very sad to me to see what has become of his team, regardless of what his involvement is today. When he arrived back then the team was much as it is today. 6 years later 2nd cup in a row. Its doable, but not with the current GM.
  5. Does that mean that comcast will give me $60 to sit in the rink and watch their garbage? How much will they give me to drink a beer?
  6. anyfreakingbody. Nothing the chucktard has done should surprise anyone. He did the same thing to the Wild. Someone who gives a shite more than me should list all of his deconstructing moves he has done to the Flyer fan base. I say that because comcast obviously doesn't care.
  7. Maybe we can convince Elon Musk to buy the Flyers from Comcast and then BITFU like he did to twitter. It is currently the only conceivable way this gets fixed in the next 5 years. Right now the hockey ops has very little value. I can't believe Torts took this on. I thought he was smarter than this. The chucktard has done a number on the Flyers and nobody seems to GAF.
  8. or an untrained monkey. The chucktard should have been exiled from hockey years ago, yet here he remains. Doesn't say much about the untrained monkeys who hired him and stand by him.
  9. How much were they paying people to enter Nationwide Arena to watch this toilet bowl?
  10. Whoa, easy there bubble boy, I didn't mean to hurt your feeling. In some parts of the world we call this a conversation, sharing thoughts and ideas, respecting each other even if we agree to disagree. You need to come up out of your cellar and breath.
  11. Nobody here is dooming anyone to anything. We are all diehard fans who are realistic enough to realise that the current hockey ops may be the worst in Flyer history and until the house is cleaned there will be no joy. Even the Eagle stumbled to a title with a back up QB who has done nothing since. Most NHL teams need to draft 2 generational talents minimum before even a whiff of a title. And to all the canucks on this board, have a safe and happy Thanksgiving!
  12. Hart is a good western Canadian boy, he wants to win and excel at his craft. A very decorated junior, full of promise coming into the NHL. Hart at one point in his career was tagged as the successor to Carey Price in the Team Canada net. He obviously needs to grow as an NHL goalie and work at improving, every day. However, he has seen first hand the NHL team in front of him quit on multiple occasions, and he has probably been the one guy who has suffered most from the chucktards' constant foolishness building a terrible team. I would not blame Hart one bit if has asked to be moved. There is zero reason to believe the Flyers will be competitive while he still in his prime years.
  13. #14 is a 2nd line center on a playoff team. So from where i sit, Hayes is a 3C at best. After that a bunch of 4's. And do you know why you are playing on the 4th line? Because we haven't got a 5th line. You go chucktard, keep up the fine work you're doing!!
  14. I'm enthused. They scored more than once last night! And the chucktard is excited today, all the broken 30 somethings will be on waivers across the league today.
  15. Torts is the latest brand of lipstick on the pig. The Flyers are a coach graveyard, and the chucktard is the latest undertaker..
  16. Who cares, whatever they decide they will continue along their arrogant, ignorant, stubborn road to hockey nowhere. Until the chucktard, Scott and Holmgren are dead and gone the once proud Flyers will flounder in the water. Under normal hockey ops, I would definitely resign him. He is on the typical curve of development for a middle six NHL dman. IF IF IF the Flyers wake up one morning and go "holy ****, we suck, we need to blow this up" then I would say resign him and then trade him at the deadline for picks and prospects. Yet my crystal ball sees the chucktard trading him for another broken 33 year old for the playoff push, while they sit 47 points out of the playoffs.
  17. They are already scattered all over the ocean floor. The chucktard is an iceberg of epic proportions.
  18. The injured players shouldn't even be here. Ellis should never have been acquired, even he was healthy, and under any GM who knows even the smallest amount about asset management Couturier should have been traded for picks and prospects. The Flyers when they were acquired and signed to albatross contracts were already in a freefall. The chucktard just sped up the process. So the injuries are a lame excuse, a smoke screen call it what you want.
  19. David Poile is still giggling about this one. He wouldn't have given him away if he wasn't damaged goods. The chucktard has built quite a legacy in Philly. Hayes, Ellis, Couturier, Risto, he's a freaking genius.
  20. As per the chucktard, Ellis is done for the season. He has become the new posterboy for chucks career. The very fact that this buffoon still is employed as a GM in the NHL speaks more to the total incompetence of Flyer ownership and upper management than it says about the chucktard himself. My dog, who is old and deaf could out manage him. When, oh when is reality going to set in at the WFC? How freaking bad does it have to get, because it really can't be any worse. WTFU Homer.
  21. Yep. 100% like having security for the youngsters. Now all we need is some youngsters. How many times does the chucktard have to be hit upside the head to figure things out. Its a youngster game. This process of signing old men doesn't work. Whats the over under game for Atkinson to suffer a season ending injury?
  22. Which youngins? Deslaurier? Anisimov? Roussel? Braun? Atkinson? JVR?
  23. Was there any other possible outcome than this? The dysfunction in Flyerland has included the medical and training staff for decades.
  24. This begging of the fans to PLEEEEEASE come to watch our crappy team play is so laughable it hurts. The upper management of the team is basically saying we suck, we don't care and we aren't doing anything about it. They have taken stubborn and ignorant to another level. My pledge to comcast is when they fire the chucktard and Homer I will happily drive to the WFC and throw away some money.
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