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Everything posted by CoachX

  1. This is the problem. They don't need, "can't be worse". They need really good. Really effective. Otherwise, same ol $hit Briere isn't either. And neither is the team. Just because those 2 made it work, diesnt mean he will
  2. I'm fine with them dumping Fletcher. But to do so for Briere is a stupid as the moves Fletcher has made This franchise does not need a rookie making vital decisions at a pivotal moment. They need a proven GM who knows how to fix this unwatchable train wreck That said, I dont think they fire Fletcher. They might move him up and bring in a new GM. I just hope it isn't Briere
  3. Isn't that the basic prerequisite for a lifetime management job in the Flyers front office?
  4. My problem with this post, is it says 5 teams, but you cut it off after one. I feel jipped
  5. so, is LA still interested in Konecny?
  6. Didn't he play for MTL? Doesnt make me feel any better. If a team he didn't play for wanted him, then Id raise an eyebrow. You make good points. Im not really trying to disagree, even though I am. But this franchise is as bad at hiring management as they are players. Berube was a tough bastard. I thought he was a cement head. When they made him coach, I was like "wtf?". I wasn't sure he could draw a picture of a puck with crayons. Go figure, they **** can his ass and he turns out to be a cup winner. I just can't get on board with this Briere thing. What's next, Tocchet as a head coach?
  7. @icehole lots of good points in your post. I get that no current player has talent enough to reverse the current problems. But is the talent they have being stifled because the team as whole is trash. Thats what I think is what we are seeing. If we unload these skilled guys, I fear they would go on to be very impactful for some other team. We have seen that too many times for it to be bad luck. As for TK, Im very disappointed in what he's become, and I wouldn't miss him. But he is exactly what the player I think would turn it back on with a new team. I blame the organization for what the team is About Briere...I keep hearing how smart he is and how he has cut his teeth in a management position. I don't buy it. I think its false optimism. I haven't read anything that wows me about his time as an exec. And since the people grooming him, are the same ones ruining this franchise, I see him as the next in a long line of nepotism. I'd love to be proven wrong
  8. The voices in my head are now screaming profanities at me Thank you
  9. I repeat....back away from the bourbon
  10. Back away from the Bourbon....slowly... with your hands in the air
  11. Wait. What? 5 years? I thought it was two years REPORTED!
  12. So all this talk about trading Giroux has in large part been focused on doing what is right by him. Ok. The Flyers reward him by trading to a contender. Good for the Flyers. Its the right thing to do but what if the Flyers cant make a trade for him and wait until free agency? Will Giroux do the right thing and sign with Flyers, a contract that will help the team?
  13. Any incompetent GM for another team, is still smarter than ours, ten fold. We lose
  14. Is that a "yes" ? I dont do research...unless necessary to prove OC or Ruxpin wrong
  15. Yes. All hail the mighty Briere. Flyer savior
  16. i've had brain surgery...it didn't help
  17. I honestly believe, when it comes to today's injuries and athlete's, the organization doesn't hold all the power. I don't know this to be a fact, it's just a hunch based off reports and observations. I think a lot of what happens to the players, in regards to their injuries, comes from them and their doctors. For example, lets say a certain player is under contract and hates his his current situation. Maybe the team sucks with no end in sight and he feels he isn't going to kill himself for a sinking ship. I could see that guy, and his agent, working with the doctors to keep him out of the lineup. On the flip side, I could also see a franchise who wants to tank for better position, keep a guy on the injury report, and delay their return to ensure the lineup doesn't get better. So the questions was, "Thoughts?". My answer? I have no idea EDIT: oh hey, I did have a thought. Im not used to having one so I wasn't sure what it was. anyway, I digress. Does the team get some kind of financial relief, or cap relief, for keeping guys on injured status?
  18. Have we completely moved on from the head coach issue? Asking for a friend
  19. The problem I have with Giroux is in large part the same problem I have with Laughton. They can be better on the ice. Whatever is, or isn't said, in the locker room is nothing but speculation. I get the guy has good stats over a long period. I also think as a whole, he's the most talented guy in the roster. But when your team is sucking, and you are the "leader", I want to see you bring it every night. And by "bring it", I dont mean just scoring goals. Do something, ANYTHING, to make a difference. Maybe you think he's done that. That's cool. But I havent seen it for a long time
  20. Let's say the franchise came out and said, "hey, it's Hextall fault". What difference does it make? He's gone
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