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Everything posted by CoachX

  1. Watching the Flyers is the same feeling I get watching gas prices rise
  2. more like 6. somewhere in there you have to factor that we are two years away
  3. Yeah, after the NFL moves yesterday, Im jacked up with anticipation that something, ANYTHING, will happen I agree on Giroux. Flyers won't miss out on making a HUGE deal out of game 1000. Pomp and circumstance is all they do right.
  4. don't worry, with the state of the Flyers right now, anyone involved in this clown circus will get benefit of doubt.
  5. there are three types of lies.... lies. damned lies, and STATS
  6. If true, did he turn it down? I'm hoping he wants out so bad they have no choice but to move him
  7. Oh, very cool. I will now take the advice I was given, and just wait the five years before watching again. I wonder if we should have a discussion about what 22 year olds, currently in the NHL, will be good vets to have on a team of kids we have no nothing about
  8. If you do this, you are left with Farabee and Hart. So you would have those 2 guys and a bunch of what? You can't just pick the age 30 as over the hill and on the decline The rest of your post I think is solid
  9. yeah, I don't think so. Don't poke the sleeping Bear. Philly is a passionate sports town. It's still a hockeytown, but the fans are smart enough to know you can't piss down our back and say its raining. This isn't a fair weather town. No way. No Sir. Watch what happens if they bring a tough as nails, offensive wizard in. If and when this franchise decides to pull Holmgren's head out of Clarke's ass, you will see those same fans. We are all still here. Dormant. Lying under the surface just waiting for a reason
  10. i go once, spend the $100 on Bourbon and beer. She never sends me again, and I stay polluted its a win-win
  11. so what do you suggest? Should they trade away everyone and start over? What makes you think they could actually get rid of (trade/waive/buy out etc.) every player on the roster?
  12. I've seen alot of it over the last 20. Im a Flyer fan. What's your point?
  13. You sir, have made my day. Second best post i've read today this is the first
  14. pretty sure I heard somone on here say that same thing....wonder who that was oh, thats right...IT WAS ME!
  15. Someone clarify for me please, I just don't comprehend.... When does a player attain veteran status? When does a player reach his peak? when does a player reach the front edge of downhill on his career? It seems to me that whatever the answers, they always seem to be the text book talking point answers. I personally think who the player is, and how he performs, is far more of a benchmark then his age. I realize there is no other player like him, but Ovechkin is 36. I would mortgage this entire franchise to get that guy, and build my team around him. I am saddened to hear to Coots is over the hill and too old. I kinda like that guy and think he is a helluva player. I hope he enjoys his retirement
  16. Thank you. I will resume watching in five years. You have saved me alot of wasted time and anguish
  17. Here's where I have a problem trading a guy like T. K.... not too long ago, the Flyers had a really good prospect pool. I recall it being bragged about. What has that produced? Nothing of significant substance. I seem to recall, TK came out of that pool. So, you had a player who helped make up a deep prospect pool (TK), who now isnt playing well enough to keep. So you want to trade him off, for another prospect(s)? And why would this/these prospects fare any better? If he sucks so bad now that he is worth getting rid of, there is no reason to believe the assets you get for him won't meet the same fate. Now, if you traded him for an established player of substance, believing you helped the team, then "ok". But what are the odds on that happening?
  18. I think Fla is a smoke screen to drive up the price
  19. You competing with OC for most content?
  20. And then call your agent and see who's looking for a GM....or equipment manager
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