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Everything posted by CoachX

  1. I'm curious, what have you seen him do, or heard reported, that makes you think this? I dont see him doing much of anything. He's one of numerous players the Flyers have had that fit this role. Gotta call bs here. He averages 1 fight per season. Last time he fought twice in a season was 2018 (according to hockeyfights)
  2. Just read a report that said Laughton would be a good candidate for captain. I punched the person sitting next to me. Old lady never saw it coming
  3. Another weird possibility regarding FLA....covid restrictions I'm not trying to start a political debate. I don't care what side of the argument anyone is on. But it's been regularly documented how people have been going to FLA and enjoying the lack of restrictions
  4. Challenge accepted Giroux wins a cup and is MVP of playoffs. In his post game presser he bashes the Flyer organization and challenges bob clarke to drop the gloves, while stating he wanted to shove that silver hockey stick up his a$$. Fletcher gets fired, signs to be GM in FLA, hires AV as his coach, then goes on to win two more cups with FLA, after fleecing the Flyers in a trade for Provorov
  5. i'll tell you my own personal conspiracy theory.... I think the plan was for him come back. This is like a vacation for him and the family, so he can play some meaningful hockey. He decides whats best for him (Florida), gathers some helpful pieces for his true team (Flyers), while creating some space (bunny and the other guy), then comes back to help the team rebuild, all while setting himself up for a future front office job with the organization. Also, this allows the team to select a new captain, relieve him of the position, which he may not want, all while saving face
  6. Even though G said this, I didn't take it literally. Maybe he went into with a list because he wanted to see what was best. Then in the end, settled only on FLA Many on here are so frustrated, they want someone to pay harshly for what we are forced to watch. And they desperately want Fletchers head on a spike. So any little thing they can grab on to, will be validation for their POV First it was AV. He got axed and the result is the same. If CF goes right, the result will be the same....at least for now I see changes happening, and attempts being made. I wont compound my unhappiness of how bad my team is, by nitpicking every attempt at change. Especially when I'm not anywhere close to being smart enough to understand what is really going on
  7. Actually, I'm intrigued. First, I have no idea who is in the team. Someone fill me in. Second, although G is still a favorite I will miss, I'm thinking I might want to see who might step up. Since they have nothing to play for, maybe they will relax, have fun, and play harder. It's like preseason all over Also, I will wait til playoffs, which I never watch, so I can tune in to root for G Yay. Hockey is fun again
  8. I'm in the camp too. Hate Fletcher. Hope he gets fired. But I think this was best deal, and G will be back
  9. Here we go.....someone check the grassy knoll
  10. You're right. We are all wrong. We have no business even posting our opinions Let me know when everything is better so I can come back
  11. I think most agreed the Ellis trade was a win
  12. Ok. Send us a postcard. Be well
  13. Totally agree. Mix of vets and youngsters is necessary.
  14. I really think you completely missed the point. Take a breath. It'll be ok
  15. I feel pretty confident Florida knew. Assuming Chuck wouldn't tell them is fine, by why wouldn't the other GMs from teams G turned down? And then there is the agent
  16. They bring G back and put him between these two. A Ginger Oreo Speaking of Ginger...had a new beverage on St. PATS. Jameson Irish Cola: Jameson, GINGER BEER, cola liquor Very tasty
  17. Count me in. I will be watching the playoffs and rooting strong for G
  18. Alot has been said. And there is alot to digest. Let me start by saying I think CF is horrible and has wrecked what was left of this team. That said, I'm not ready to accept that incompetence is responsible for the result I think G will come back. So getting a 1st round prospect and another 1st for him, is not bad. That's how I see it. 2 firsts, for a rental. Plus G had all the say. If he only wanted FLA, what could chuck do? Say "No" to the offer? If he did that, then G walks, we would be burning down the city and pissing on the ashes. As for Rubstov and Bun, good bye and good riddance. Who cares. I get that many of us accept that this team can't develop players. I feel the same. Tippett might be a wasted prospect. But I prefer to sit and wait to see what happens next. I dont think they (flyers) are done
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