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Everything posted by CoachX

  1. The only thing I liked about this game was Scott Laughton wasn't playing
  2. Here's a question i haven't asked in forever.. .. Anyone have a link for the game?
  3. I haven't been following the team at all Has the Allison kid recovered? Is York playing?
  4. the flyers have been in the middle of an aggressive retool for decades. they repeatedly hire tools to run the front office. hiring tocchet would be more of the same,so they probably will do it. I mean why go after an established head coach when you can hire a former player, cheaper. I believe I read AV was making 5 mil a year. Tocchet is worth half that, maybe. He hasn't accomplished much as a head coach, so what would make him think he deserves AV type money. But hey, I'm sure he would tow the line and be a YES man. these are traits the flyers are always looking for. Just ask Dany Briere
  5. you end up with prorate cancer, takes the size right out of it
  6. I don't think the Flyers have ever had a player in his prime. Seems like they could draft a guy, sign him to his first contract, and he's immediately in decline Kinda like when you buy a car. The second you drive it off the lot, it starts depreciating Unless its a Lexus
  7. It's still a BS lottery, correct?
  8. Based on what facts? Also, I'd like to know how you concluded he's making 2.5 mil a year to be an analyst, an amount higher than he made as a head coach
  9. AV was making 5 mil a year. Im pretty sure Tocchet isn't making that being a supporting analyst. His coach salary from AZ was 1.5 mil. Since he couldn't get a HC job before being hired as an analyst, I would guess TNT isn't paying him that. So, regardless of how bad the team is, or who is still there, you throw him an offer of a couple million per, he will accept Tocchet was loved in Philly. He's part of the network, and would be a fit. You're post is based in the premise that he doesn't like Holmgren. But you don't know that is based in fact. It's just a fans POV All this said....I hope he doesn't get the job. It would be more of the same
  10. I'm very happy to know that you are in touch with what Rick is feeling What are his thoughts on dipping fries in a Frosty and does he think Will Smith overreacted?
  11. Right. Which I why I'm taking your earlier advice and not watching for the next five years It was 5, right?
  12. HCs in the Flyer organization are not allowed to hold vets accountable. If they do, they are shown the door
  13. Last two coaches the Flyers had, who had significant W/L records, were Hitch and Lavy. If I recall both got ran out because, among other things, "they lost the locker room". Coincidentally, both had previously won a SC. Successful NHL head coaches don't last in Philly. Prolly cause they don't do things the management way Does anyone see a pattern?
  14. I thought this article was weird. It says, "According to Eric Engels, and confirmed by yours truly, the Canadiens and the Philadelphia Flyers have come to an agreement on the foundation of a trade involving Jeff Petry." Hunh?
  15. That's just wrong Very hurtful.....and just plain mean
  16. @elmatus I posted this Tuesday. You cant steal my whacky ideas
  17. Maybe it's still B Clarke. I could see that guy clinging to his legacy til the end
  18. I think the emphasis is skewed I know SL isn't a fighter, per se, or goon. My issue is anytime a discussion comes up like this, his defenders state his willingness to drop the gloves, as a positive. It's just not true. It's not something he does. Therefore, the "he defends his teammates" attribute is also overblown. Then there are the things he does "in the room". Speculation at best So, he's really a nothing special, dime a dozen Flyer player, who most likely gets all his fan worship because we really don't have anyone better to like
  19. @elmatus The story I read had Coots at the top of the list and probable deserving candidate. My loathing of SL inspired me to go off on a tangent I agree with your above post
  20. You actually think people fear Scott Laughton? The same Scott Laughton that got flipped on his head in a center ice face off, and did nothing about it? And one...ONE, fight a season, is enough for him to send a message not to mess with him or his teammates? Weird that in an entire season, there was just one time he saw reason to respond like that. Maybe that's why I don't see anyone taking liberties with Flyer players.
  21. Hate to disappoint, but if my head exploded, which it will if this happens, it would look like the turkey from Christmas vacation
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