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Everything posted by CoachX

  1. They are. Problem is, they aren't physical either
  2. @Howie58 Great post Howie. I'm simply holding on to the belief that when you sink this low, you can only go up. All I want in the immediate, is a team that is fighting and competing on the ice, while getting better I hate boring, uninspired hockey.....and Scott Laughton
  3. After the season he just went through, I think the guy deserves a break Laughton sounded more useless to me. I love how he talks about the team needing guys who are tougher and fight more. I keep hearing from all his cheerleaders in this forum that he's that guy. I guess not.
  4. Yes, I really wish the Flyers would be like all the rest of the teams in the NHL and tell us fans the whole truth whenever we want it
  5. I'm pretty sure Ellis hasn't been sitting around catching up in Yellowstone
  6. It's not fair to expect a solution from a person who's so dedicated to identifying the problem You're being unreasonable
  7. When a franchise leaves dinosaurs in control, and those dinosaurs are incapable of adapting, the consequence will be failure. As a comparison, look what happened to the Raiders under Al Davis. In a league that is evolving and changing, you need people who can evolve with it. The Flyers are like my father in law, who can't figure out why his flip phone can't connect to the internet Just prior to the trade that brought Eric Lindros, the Flyers were unwatchable. I think, as bad as they are now, the excuses are hollow and the damage is obvious. They have no choice but to change direction I think I'll have hope
  8. I was going to ask the same question. I'm curious to hear the answer
  9. Make sure you let us know when it's ok to have hope or start being supportive of the team again
  10. Hope I never see Yeo, JVR, or well, most everyone else, especially Scott Laughton. I turned the games off in January. No anxiety or depression here. YAY ME! To all of you, CHEERS!
  11. This is my point. It's irrelevant to me who jake was traded for. The point is, as you stated, anyone is tradeable. If they really want to move Risto, they will find a way Right now, they DONT want to
  12. Many said the same about Jake. That said, he's here. They want him here. No point in stressing over something you can't do a thing about
  13. Weird, I thought I read a post here recently detailing a Provorov trade. Now he's playing good and shouldn't be traded? That's Flyer fans for you. With the team being this bad, there have to be changes. The only one I want to see for sure is JVR. That guy is the root of the dysfunction from the time he was drafted (imho)IMHO. Whatever it takes, I cant stand him .... oh, and of course, Scott Laughton
  14. thisisnt being reported on anywhere else.For allwe know, PB was running off a the mouth, or jumping to conclusions. RE looked good for the 4 games. Any or all of this could be true. But its entirely also possible the injury occurred in Philly. I don't like Chuk-fuk at all, but I need more evidence I feel pretty good about the fact thst he has been shut down. If it a recoverable injury, the Flyers are not rushing him back at a time when they damn sure need him. Flip side of that, it could be a career ender i'll wait to see what happens before losing my mind
  15. that pretty good stuff and i appreciate it get a Mod in here to start a new thread for this
  16. You can do alot with a 25lb kettlebell. At 54 my metabolism is slowing so my weight is up (200lb), but the kettlebells are still effective. As for being able to compete at any level, that may be another thing. I have an 80lb Lab dragging my tired a$$ all over the airport. He thinks I'm 18. Im also about to head back to the beer league after a 2 year hiatus. I guess we will see, but considered I was one step above a broken pylon, I doubt I will be able to tell if its age, or that I still suck
  17. The Flyers are just a beaten team. I would guess each player is functioning individually, focusing on their own game. They know their fate is sealed and everyone is waiting for this season to end. Since they are playing like its over, I will go back to participating like its over (not watching). Deep admiration for all of you who are passionate enough to stick it out and offer perspectives on what is happening. In my mind, doing this would be a effective as offering health advice to a corpse. Im holding out that the ax falls and Fletcher and Yeo bare the brunt of responsibility. But more than likely they will be given a pass, with the blame being shifted to injuries. If I was presently in a more suitable circumstance, I would raise a glass and toast to the end of the season, with no injuries to those left standing
  18. Last time I watched a game was before the AS break. I tuned in last night to see a different lineup produce the same result. Luckily, i had this recorded so I just FFWD through most of it I miss Voracek
  19. I'm going to go out on a limb and say you've played goal?
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