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Everything posted by CoachX

  1. @mojo1917 You know, the flyers suck right now. a good majority of flyer fans are pretty bummed. They are going to crap on pretty much every aspect of what any player does, or what anyone's POV is. Players get hurt all the time. Right now, any move Flecth has made is under a microscope. If Ellis returns and plays a season to his level, watch the argument change
  2. I have a hate list too...it only has two names....one is Kuato
  3. This is why you sit at the top of my favorite poster list
  4. I hope this paves his way back to Philly
  5. I think the NHL only exists so the Flyers have a place to play..... I will say this, unrelated, I went to Stars vs. Flyers back in the fall. Nice venue you guys have. If it wasn't for the friggin Cowboys, I might like Dallas
  6. Per Meltzer: Andy Strickland reported on Monday that he has heard veteran head coach John Tortorella is one of the short-list candidates the Flyers are considering for their coaching vacancy. This is not particularly a surprise. During Exit Day, Flyers winger Cam Atkinson publicly endorsed his former Columbus coach as someone who could instill the type of accountability and "f- you" on-ice disposition that Atkinson feels the team needs to adopt to a higher degree. Despite Tortorella's public image as an ultra-demanding and sometimes punitive coach, Atkinson said that all of the Blue Jackets players loved played for him and felt Tortorella was in their corner I would love for Torts to come to Philly
  7. I dont watch the playoffs if the Flyers arent in them, so I wouldn't know
  8. It's really simple....Flyers arent in the playoffs, therefore they suck!
  9. Quote of the century! (no smarm directed at you RJ, at the franchise)
  10. Only thing I'm certain of is they will still wear orange and black, play in Philly, and beers will be overpriced
  11. "Charlie O'Connor @charlieo_conn Following up on @FriedgeHNIC's 32 Thoughts, can confirm per a source that Barry Trotz is indeed in the "top tier" of the Flyers' coaching wishlist. As I've reported previously, money will not be an object in their coaching search. Doesn't mean they'll get him, but he's a target." If money is no object, and that is now out there, and he doesn't accept, does this mean the next guy gets the same offer? I mean, hey applicant, we were gonna pay Trotz whatever he wanted, but you only get X..... I dont see that working out well if you interview for Torts or some other high end coach
  12. Is there a player on the team you like, and is worth his contract?
  13. I dont think "hitting someone" is the same as "laying" them out. Just like dropping the gloves every now and then doesn't make you a goon or enforcer
  14. this has been the Flyers blueprint, dating back to when they hired Hitchcock. Its served them well (smgdh). Wash, Rinse, Repeat
  15. There used to be a person named Kuato who managed to get loose on a Flyer forum some years ago. He was the most irritating douchebag ever. Many, most, couldn't stand the guy Reading your posts over these last few months makes me miss that guy
  16. Wasn't Marsh a little turtle-esque in his skating?
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