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Everything posted by CoachX

  1. what is that price? Flyer fans are rarely ever willing to pay the price another team wants. We value our jumk immensely
  2. Well you're drafting a guy at #5, and you just freed up alot of cap space, and maybe I mentioned Chi is including another player, possibly a D man. If Ellis returns, there is another option. If not, seems like cap space again
  3. How about TK, JVR and Provy for DeBrincat and another piece Then the Flyers draft a defenseman at #5
  4. How many times have we seen the Flyers jettison players who flourish elsewhere? I just think its interesting that we could be worried this will happen with TK, but don't seem to feel the same about Provy. Watch what happens when you trade a guy with that skill set. On most hockey clubs, firing or dying are 2 of the 4 options. Resigning or retiring are all that are left. So you're prolly correct. You have a 50/50 chance on their outcome. good odds, unless there is another option you prefer
  5. who knows about Ellis. You may be right. If he is done, why would they bother letting on? It would be putting them in a vulnerable position for negotiations, especially this close to the draft I assume by comparing TK to JL, you mean when he came to the Flyers? No matter, he won't blossom into a dominate 50 goal scorer I think too many people are jumping the gun on Provy. It's funny how many players on this team are being given passes because the whole team is a nightmare, but this guy seems to be getting skewered. That just tells me, Philly fans have a harsher reaction to what you say in public over your performance (see J. Tortorella). I feel your pain on upper management, but that isn't happening this season. Im choosing to focus on changes that MIGHT happen, instead of over ones that wont. Maybe the draft will turn out good myself for even thinking it
  6. I didn't elaborate, cause Im a lazy aass, but what I meant by this is that others behavior could've had a negative impact on his game (TK). I was reading an article some time ago, and it was reported that JVR and Voracek were anti AV and were pretty dismissive of him. I could see a scenario where overpaid slackers, who were more into their money or personal issues, could be detrimental to the overall good. Factor in the team was on a downward spiral, and maybe those same players were anti Flyers as well. A young guy could definitely be impacted by guys like that. Voracek getting shipped out always struck me as them lopping the head off the snake. This is all speculation, I'm prolly way off base, but that's what I suspect happened with TK
  7. They should hire Howie, that would just make your day
  8. "Spark joy"? Hmmm, sounds like the Flyers. They don't know where anything is either
  9. I guess it's pretty obvious I like this hiring. And if what TFG is saying is true (I have no reason to doubt it), Torts may be just what is needed. I think that the recent statement, where he mentioned Hayes having to play both ends of the ice, is the starting point. If I read him right, he said if guys like Hayes buy in, and are held accountable, others will toe the line Now if I can just get my wife to buy into my way of thinking
  10. I choose my wives like the Flyers choose UFA. I sign them when they are lazy and past their prime, and for a too long a term Lucky for me I'm a talented marriage GM, I off load the contract and move on before it's too late
  11. Dude, we are married to the same woman The only reason I post on here so often is because I can't find the frigggin clicker
  12. You make good points. The way I take it, Torts could've said the same thing without making a direct comparison between 2 players who are polar opposites If you're not calling them out, why mention them by name?
  13. Hayes lovers (haters ) check this out.... In a recent interview Torts said this, " Q: How do you get players to buy into team defense, especially offensive-minded players, so they are not cheating in the offensive zone? A: I think there’s ‘cheating’ and there’s, [the ability to] anticipate. It’s an anticipation skill. Some players don’t have it. Those offensive guys do. ... I’m going to get out of their way there. Coots [Sean Couturier] plays both ends of the ice. He’s a little bit different than Kevin [Hayes]. Kevin is going to learn that you’re going to have to do this stuff, too, away from the puck. And if people start seeing our top players doing that, the guys [whose] strength is playing away from the puck say, ‘You know what, they’re joining in with us." Hmmm, sounds like a shot across the bow that reflects the opinion many posters here have. I wonder how Hayesey feels about this?
  14. It seems like forever that we have been discussing the rosters having lockerroom problems. I immediately trace it back to the Carter/Richards era. It appeared that coaches took the fall at the behest of the player. I really believe Voracek and JVR where the catalyst for this under AV I agree Torts will change that, at the very least. I said before, you don't bring in this guy if you plan on doing things the same way. Maybe the draft will be the first step. It seems pretty quiet in Flyerland right now. I think that's telling
  15. Well, they did. I wasn't aware you were against these moves
  16. I never noticed before, but it's a good thing Smalls connected, otherwise Ham would've taken that fastball right in the ribs
  17. "Youre killing me Smalls" I like this one better than that Bernie one. However if he hit himself in the back of the head with the bat I would have been amused
  18. Good points. However, at the time TK started his downward trend, the Flyers weren't this bad. As I recall, AV had them winning and they made that playoff run. Tk just didn't step up. I know, neither did the rest of the team, but the point is, if he was playing the way he did before the all star game, maybe things could've been different. It didn't look to me like it was a result of being on a bad team. With rumors about lockerroom turmoil, I always wondered if he was in the middle of that
  19. Nor should you. As this thread points out, he'll lie and then admit it. I agree with your assessment. I only know about this Bedard kid from what I've read on here. Maybe he is good enough to tank for. But what if you miss. You just told every other kid on this roster that they won't be good enough as a group to male the team successful. And you have the added problem that you wasted a full season of their development for nothing, and will have to figure out what to do next. Honestly, I don't see how you hire a coach with a pedigree like he has, if you are planning to tank
  20. that was a softball set on a tee for you
  21. There's an endless list of things I'm ticked about. And even if something good happens for the Flyers, I still now, and always, want Flecther fired I get that all GMs lie. I've just never heard one come put and say he did it. He's prolly so inept, he doesn't realize what he just said. He has a future in politics
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