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Everything posted by CoachX

  1. I think there was a plan in place to sign JG. Moving OL was a part of that. However, he fell flat on his dickface because he couldn't move JVR.
  2. Ok...im calling conspiracy Jg wanted out of CAL and back to PHI. Dickface couldn't move JVR, therefore freeing up the cap space, but he tried. This is why it took so long. So JG signs in CBJ where he will play for a season, then get traded to Philly. There are a lot of CBJ /Philly connections to suggest this as plausible However, and as absurd as it is, if this was to come true, it still won't get me to watch any games this season. Fletcher can eat a bag of dcks!
  3. I'm wondering if there is any possible way Torts was in board with this, or did he even know?
  4. With AJ out there, all he has to do is throw the ball up
  5. Well, regardless of what affects them the most, the only thing I can do is not tune in. That is precisely what I intend to do. And it won't matter a rip to the Flyers, but mentally and emotionally I will feel like I took a stand
  6. I know I said I was "staying" .....im rethinking that position If this is it, I will consider this season a lock out and tune back in this time next year
  7. If NJ is a done deal, why hasn't it been announced. Its not like they dont have the cap space to sign him Odd.
  8. Who they fire four years later for not being able to dig out of the mess Fletcher left. It's the way they've always done things. When the people grooming the air apparent, are some of the dumbest minds in the business, how can you reasonably expect him to be any better then they are?
  9. Yeah, we can all laugh at Fletcher's mishaps, and add not signing JG to that list. But while we are busy laughing at his screw ups, JG will sign somewhere, and if that happens to be a division rival, I wonder how much laughter will be there when the Flyers continue get worked by a powerhouse
  10. You know, tomorrow, when JG signs with NJ, and they go on to bitch slap our Flyers for the next decade, It will cause me to reserve a spot on the nearest bridge.
  11. I thought Danny B was being groomed for GM?
  12. In harms way one must tread lightly
  13. You sure Sami even knows what era he's in?
  14. Lots of tools in Flyerland, but nothing gets fixed! ..... Yet
  15. It's gonna suck in this forum when you all leave I'm staying
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