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Everything posted by CoachX

  1. If DL fights 15, and ZM matches (pun), that's 30 games. Mix in 5 more randoms, and maybe a line brawl, and thats somewhere around a third of the games same chances that JVR might actually score a goal
  2. Wow, how great would that be? I get extreme aggravation just thinking about him being there....seething hatred
  3. Yep. You're right. They should have. But they couldn't and they didn't. We're way past that now, and it's their own fault
  4. I think you missed my point completely. You want wins. I want wins. But that ship has sailed. They cannot win with this current roster. We know it, they know it, the league knows it. So knowing they cannot realistically win, and could only slightly improve if some young players mature, they need to find a way to energize interest. People aren't going to come watch if they add another young player who is learning and finding his way. The end of last season showed that. They needed a "gimmick". Something to garner interest. Philly fans live fights, and they love fighters. Even if the team doesn't improve in the wins column, there will be more interest in watching if they think something exciting will take place
  5. This ND signing kind of makes some sense from a business perspective. I read on here somewhere, someone saying he will have 15 fights this season (Thats about 14 more than Scott Laughton). Ok, that will be a significant uptick in fights, assuming ZM doesn't drop the gloves more. The Flyers are known, and regarded for fighting. Fans love it. Given that it is almost a certainty that there will be alot of empty seats, having more players fighting may draw more fans to the arena. It has been argued on here the merits of butts in the seats, so I won't rehash any of that. However, if rough and tumble players can draw fan enthusiasm, that isnt a bad thing from a business perspective. In the mean time, Tortorella can focus on building the team with the core players, and youngsters coming up. He can get his system in place, without really being concerned about ND, his contract, or overall value to the club long term. And as OC stated, the guy can be waived as soon as his usefulness is gone. I also think there is some value in having a player like this to watch the back of others. Hell, if Riley Cote can become well liked in Philly, so can ND. After all Cote only won one fight in his entire career (2 if you count the same guy twice in the same game), and prolly set an NHL record for most damage to opposing players fist by headbutting them with his face. None of what I am typing suggests the guy is a good player, or that I like the deal. I don't. It was stupid, and I hate Fletcher, he's a dick. But I guess the aggressive "retool" is dead, and even though it isn't being said, it looks like a rebuild to me, with the exception they have no money to bring in any young talent. I think they are just trying to tred water now, give the fans something to watch, while waiting to jettison the dead weight next season
  6. Hockey teams have had guys like this on their rosters forever. The Flyers have had more tan their fair share I think you're so grumpy at the state of the Flyers right now, you'd argue they are really fro Philadelphia
  7. so if they sign Zack, they can waive ND and get 925k, in cap relief?
  8. someone needs to photo shop heads of current players on those guys, then post it on social media
  9. Yeah, you're right about it. Its funny, had they signed JG, there would be a lynch mob. They don't sign him, there is a lynch mob. Either way, Lynch mob. And quite frankly, its their own friggin fault. Go figure, Chuk-fuk actually does the correct thing,but it was most likely accidental, prolly becasue he had no other options left BLIND SQUIRREL HOCKEY
  10. Look, I get the defense here. Is the guy a good player, no, of course not. And this team needs good players right now. That makes this signing all the more repulsive. In a way, he's kinda like Gritty, he really has no effect on wins or loses, but he can be entertaining. I have no hate for him, he isn't SL or JVR. And given that this team is prolly going to be pathetic, having a guy out there who can stick up for these younger players while they are figuring things out, is not a bad option. Its not like Laughton's going to do it. He won't even stand up for himself. In recent years, we've seen numerous times when Flyer players get run at and pushed around. Personally I don't want to see Farabee defending himself, or Frost (if ever makes the lineup). So yeah, ND isn't a good hockey player. So what. I'll be happy with a little old school Flyer approach
  11. Seriously, if you're JVR, do you have any idea how bad you suck? Does the guy even care? I wonder what it must be like, knowing that no other team wants you, not even the one you are on. Could he actually try, TRY!, to improve? Personally, when I think of this slug, after the nausea subsides, I get the image of the Corbin Bersen character in Major League. He prolly sits at his locker reading the stock reports, wondering what life will be like when he buys the beach house next to Biden in Rehoboth, and finally retires
  12. Is it too soon to start talking about the '23 season. We have no idea who will still be in the roster, but knowing JVR will be gone does my heart good. I think that guy is the single biggest disaster to Flyer hockey since they hired Holmgren Who else will be gone?
  13. When does his "upside" kick in? Seems like his downside is his dominant drive At some point the Flyers need to draft players who's upside actually means they crack the lineup
  14. If ND goes on some kind of rampage, beating the snot out of multiple players for division rivals, I will tune in to watch. If for some reason he punches Cindy in his puss face, he will become my hero Otherwise, he can piss up a frozen rope for all I care
  15. I posted this is another thread, but its more appropo here: I have never hated another athlete more than Cindy Crosby. The way the NHL falls all over itself for him. The fact that he's the biggest puss ever. That announcers spend an entire game between two other teams, talking about him. The arrogant self entitled way he carries himself. Because of him, I hate the entire city of Pissburg to me, JVR makes Crosby look like Bobby Clarke in his prime
  16. I have never hated another athlete more than Cindy Crosby. The way the NHL falls all over itself for him. The fact that he's the biggest puss ever. That announcers spend an entire game between two other teams, talking about him. The arrogant self entitled way he carries himself. Because of him, I hate the entire city of Pissburg to me, JVR makes Crosby look like Bobby Clarke in his prime
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