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Everything posted by CoachX

  1. Seriously, you need to find your sense of humor. I thought we were having a good natured smack talk. My bad. I'll find someone else to call friend
  2. Thats exactly how the post i quoted sounded to me. Even if they manage to get a draft pick like Beddard, they will need more pieces which they won't be smart enough to get (paraphrasing). So, there is no end in sight (my words). Right. I agree. But if we all realize it, why regurgitate over, and over, and over, and over.... we'd have more success, and fun, pissing up a frozen rope Not really sure what the point of this statement is. You say "stumble". Really? Hmmm, let's see....they won the NFC East, won the conference, and then won the Superbowl beating the supposed GOAT on a day when he had his best statistical SB game ever. Sounds like they lucked out. But hey, guess what? THEY STILL FRIGGIN WON! SCOREBOARD! But I digress. You put that observation in a thread where we were discussing the current, and future state of the worst Flyers team ever. So are you saying the Flyers have a chance to win? Or are you just trying to be a turd
  3. So the Flyers are doomed to suck for all eternity and there's no hope, even if they luck out and draft a so called generational talent? Im glad Im a football fan then
  4. @OccamsRazor maybe they should hire someone from this forum. I wonder if there are any qualified applicants?
  5. I don't want another Flyer retread, but at this point, I'd take anyone
  6. Another thought I just had, and for all I know someone else has already made it, Fletcher should not be entrusted to make any more moves. He should be put in lame duck status. Prior to the deadline, assuming nothing good happens (how could it), he should be removed and the replacement should come in. Between now and then, start vetting suitable candidates, then lets Torts decide who should be GM. Hes the only MF'r in the building who has a friggin clue
  7. This is the first time, since the early 90's, just prior to Eric getting here, where I have had zero interest in the Flyers. Its kind of depressing considering I've been a fan since I was old enough to know what hockey was (70's)
  8. Maybe. Maybe not What are the "things"? Crosby played great but was still an asshole
  9. I think this is a reach. Certain players are so good they will succeed regardless. If you are Talking Crosby, he's in the same class as the greats. I think you point otherwise, is valid. Problem is, the Flyers aren't a team that maintains good good vets to help mentor youth. He'll as soon as a young player shows he's a top talent, the promote him to captain and ruin him
  10. Can he get one somewhere else? Please ?
  11. the so called "core" of this team, meaning all veteran players with less years of experience than Joel Farabee, should be trade fodder. All of them should be dealt to undue the current disaster, and to bring back players, cap or anything else that can help them right the ship. Let teh coach have a chance with a young lineup and see if he can cultivate thee current assets into viable NHL players. Oh, and fire the FCK out of Fletcher, burn his office, and piss on the ashes
  12. This is the Flyers.....whats the point of any of it?
  13. Wait to see how this seson plays out. If the deadline gets here, and he is a POS, you won't get a good return. There's one answer. If he plays great, has trade value that helps alleviate the pile of crap they have created for themselves, trade. That's two answers. If he plays great, asks for too much money, deal him. There's three. If he..... awe Fck it! I never liked him anyway. They can do what they want. I'm way past GAF
  14. JVR doesn't have to change his game, Torts will change it for him. He either plays better, or will be the highest paid janitor in Philly
  15. And he's an Flyer. Thats the only prerequisite needed for a front office job. The fact he was groomed by the same people we complain about daily ices the cake
  16. Chuck Fletcher is the worst GM the Flyers have ever had. How does he even manage to get dressed in the morning. Damn this guy is stupid. He should be in politics
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