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Everything posted by CoachX

  1. Not my fault. They approached on my bad side
  2. I prefer they keep trading for overvalued players and giving them long term, dessimating contracts It's a special kind of torture I've come to love
  3. I think someone else already said this, but sounds like he is done as a Flyer. Didn't he just sign a new contract? The Flyers are aware that they have to sign players who can play the game, right? I mean, have they become the retirement home for the NHL?
  4. Hmmmm....I feel you two are arguing the same points
  5. You're not seriously suggesting that coaching can have a positive impact?
  6. Realism is the killer of dreams. A team that believes in itself, and rides a wave of momentum, can accomplish things beyond their projected means This is how upsets occur in sports. Just look at the Phillies. No one projected they'd be in the WS. Im not saying the Flyers will be a team of destiny, or even make the PO, I dont think they will. I'm just saying it's okay to enjoy the ride and not be constantly reminded that it's just a matter of time before someone pisses in your Cheerios
  7. So if December rolls around, and they are sucking, will you be saying, "I told you so?" I'm pretty sure everyone here knows what this team is, but don't deny those who want it. their enjoyment of it while it lasts
  8. Wasn't me this time, I wasn't even here...although I'm sure I'm still guilty of something
  9. I've only seen game 1, so I can't comment much about in ice performance. But, I am interested again. Mostly because of Torts. Despite the presence of nostradamus posters here, I cannot control, influence, or predict where this team will be at seasons end. I can only guess (which for some is the same as being right). So I am happy that my favorite team is intriguing, and I'm anxious to see what happens next For those of you who have the gift to already know what will happen, please don't tell me, I'm recording the season
  10. as opposed to shipping out players who can't get on board wash, rinse, repeat
  11. Weird. I thought his coach sucked. How is he playing this good?
  12. This is such a silly statement. It's not like any of us could do anything about it. We (fans) didn't make the trade and we weren't consulted beforehand I guess you should be commended, assuming you vocally expressed your displeasure at the the time. Good for you. You weren't duped into thinking Hayes would be a good addition. And to all of us who rooted for him to play good, we should have xmas cancelled!
  13. I'll pay for your ticket and bail....oh wait, you don't need money for bail in PA. I'll buy your drinks instead
  14. I know I'm not responsible. 1, I'm completely irresponsible. 2, I wouldn't give Laughton credit for finding his ass with both hands and a mirror, and 4, my hockey insight goes about as far as trying to figure out which side of the puck thingy I'm sposed to whack with my stick
  15. Can't stand JVR. He's a cancer. He makes Laughton look like #16 to me To your second point... I just hope our family of posters here keep it in perspective and don't get too carried away with their emotion (guilty). They are winning. None of us expected it. If they end up with an overall winning season, Torts has to be given credit. The small sample size isn't enough to really get a read on what this team is. I just like that they are interesting and fight hard on the ice. Makes me proud, and gives me hope....or maybe I'm just suffering from Philles/Eagles euphoria images.mp4
  16. Simple question, and I know it's early, but what's behind Hart's good play? I mean, we all agree this lineup is worse than it was. It obviously needs help. The defense is lambasted on here ad nauseum, with non stop trade suggestions for pretty much all of them. So if the team is bad, the defense a joke, but the goalie is playing better....is it coaching?
  17. I get what you are trying to say, but I disagree. I dont think this can be evaluated from a simplistic perspective. Many of us think about the recipe for success and we say, two bruisers on the fourth won't help this team win. And that is correct as it pertains to a winning hockey team.We also look at having ZM and ND on the team as a complete and utter move of stupidity. As it pertains to management, I agree. However, if you listen to what Torts had to say in that recent interview, he was more focused on establishing a standard and identity. He isn't trying to build a mansion with materials for a schidthouse. Both players have five seasons of NHL experience, and are known to play hard. They arent the type pf players known to push back against the system. They do what is asked. And just becasue they are "goons", for a lack of a better term, doesn't mean they are brain dead mouthbreathers with no hockey IQ. Remember, Berube was a goon and he went on to be a successful head coach My point is, Torts may want a couple of guys out there who will play their asses off and do what he wants, as part of a long term picture. Maybe he's expecting two blue collar types to set a standard a young guy can learn from
  18. Couple few things to touch on here... first. it was meant as a joke. I get it though, sarcasm can get lost on serious minded people. Second, Hayes will be here longer than JVR. The only reason JVR IS still here, they couldn't move him in the off season. Fact! Third, JVR has 3 or 4 points. Well the Flyers have a 3-0 record. None of us could've predicted either at this stage of the season. Last, that was more sarcasm
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