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Everything posted by CoachX

  1. Damnit! Now you've put me to it. I choose....... can I think about it for a few seasons while I watch the REACHER series over and over and over again?
  2. John Ferguson Jr., Boston Bruins assistant general manager Chris MacFarland, Colorado Avalanche assistant general manager Scott Mellanby, Montreal Canadiens assistant general manager (former Flyer...disqualified) Kevin Weekes, NHL Network analyst Mathieu Darche, Tampa Bay Lightning director of hockey operations There's a list. It appears most have had significant roles as at the NHL level for sustained periods. I think that makes for a better candidate than one who was just "groomed" by Holmgren
  3. Based on what, how he played? Isn't this resetting the basic question this thread is all about?
  4. I cant agree with this. Im sure there is a list of guys with better qualifications than Briere. Just becasue you can't name one, doesnt mean they should go the one you can
  5. Im not sure he "rose" to anything....more like "appointed because"
  6. stop typing things I don't understand!
  7. Stopped as soon as I read this. This is what I have been saying since the issue came up, only you said it better. Thank you for that . In addition to your points, I make the point that the guy mentoring him (his words) is Paul Holmgren. I don't know why anyone wants a Paul Holmgren protegee anywhere near a Flyers management position. I find it even more baffling that the same people railing against Holmgren, are pro DB. I also find it baffling that Flyer fans are in favor of hiring a guy with only a limited hockey management profile, and all with a Flyer organization. The only thing I can think of, and it's been said in this forum, is people are hoping he is the next Yzerman. More than likely, he is the next holmgren
  8. That was a really good post. And I understand your POV. I just think the Flyers have gone down this road too many times, and its never worked. Your model is sound hockey management that seems to only work for other franchises. I think they should keep the positive assets that are KNOWN commodities, and figure out how to build around that
  9. Who was the last "superstar", potential HOF possible player the Flyers drafted and developed? Giroux? The fact is this management has no track record of drafting and developing players. So to move a TK or Provy now, to just do the same thing all over, is just plain dumb. What it will get you in five to six years, is another couple of really good payers that you will have to move before free agency, AGAIN! STOP THE MADNESS! Wash, rinse, repeat
  10. Depends on what the remaining roster looks like. Right now I makes me feel like choking Santa Claus
  11. My plan for the rebuild is to not watch any of the games, making it so I don't have to think about it. Frankly it makes my head hurt and will do long term damage to my liver. From afar I will pick up a tidbit or two of info so that I don't come off sounding any more incoherent than usual in my posts. I don't care who they keep, or who they trade. The only guy I like right now is Torts. They created this mess and they can go fck themselves silly until it gets fixed, Im not buying. Go Eagles!
  12. I dont dislike Briere at all. I just don't agree with the love he's getting from Flyer fans who think he should be GM. The team is a train wreck, and has been for quite some time. So why give the job to a guy who hasn't accomplished anything? Being an ex-player is not a qualification. However that doesn't seem to matter to many on this forum. The rumors he is coveted by other teams shouldn't make him qualified either The Flyers have shown repeatedly that they fail at GM. That's in large part because PH and BC are still making or influencing decisions. Im not inclined to trust them when they say Briere is the future But hey, I hate CF, so I'll take Briere. The removal of anyone not named Tortorella is a positive.
  13. I'm pretty sure I cleared this up in my last post... Yep...said so right there And the GM prior to Fletcher was who? That's right, an ex-flyer But you may be right, maybe they do feel the need to get an ex-flyer. It's been waaay too long without one. And since they have never been successful following this approach, why start now by going outside the organization?
  14. Cmon now, you're better than that. You and I both know we are discussing Briere. To be clear, I never said "ALL" Flyer employees, specifically team management, are ex-players. I AM saying they have hired an endless string of them and Briere is just next man up. His only qualifications are a year and a half at a minor club and being mentored by PH Here's a sample: Holmgren- HC, GM, President, Senior Adv Clarke- GM (x2),Snr VP Hextall - GM, scout Barber - HC Berube - HC Stevens- HC Murray - HC Laperiere - AC and if you feel like taking a trip down memory lane, just peruse the list of team staff. You'll see Dave Brown, Kjell Samuelson, Sami Kapanen, Mark Grieg, Sam Morin and Nick Schultz
  15. Did you just acknowledge you aren't smart?
  16. I think you aren't reading into it at all. This is what the Flyers do. They find ex-players, offer them career employment within the franchise, and they come up through the system. That system is flawed and acknowledged as such by many here. This is just another example of them cultivating the next succession of the same business model. They have yet to hire an ex-Flyer who has been able to get this team over the hump. They have all failed, some miserably. There is no reason to believe DB is somehow different Rose colored glasses are an illusion
  17. He was in Maine for 2 seasons and the team was 79-58. They had a weekly salary cap of $13k per team. That's hardly a success story, or large enough sample size to be named special assistant the GM of an NHL franchise. Then again it is Chukfuk, which means I could qualify Ahhh, this DB was hired by Paul Holmgren and mentored by him. Tell me, is that the guy you want mentoring a new GM? Quote from Briere, “Paul gave me the chance to follow him; to learn what he was doing as Team President,” said Briere. “To see the ins and outs on a daily basis – what he was up to" Looks to me likes he's the next evolution of the old has been crowd. That's prolly why he was selected Wash-Rinse-Repeat
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