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Everything posted by CoachX

  1. to each his own. just like everyone is entitled to their opinion (as this thread is demonstrating), they are also entitled to like what they like. If today's type of music is what they prefer, so be it. And people can like different stuff without it being a referendum on their character or manhood. For example, I took my wife to see Wicked. The singers were amazing. If a die hard classic rock aficionado thinks that makes me a pu--y, that person can eat schidt for all I care. I do think a lot of todays stuff lacks appeal. Even more so in movies. But if my kid likes it I'm not going to tell him its garbage So, here's my question, are there any more cool ideas for hockey rule changes? I was looking forward to reading some cool stuff
  2. no disrespect, but seriously, what else is there? Those three have been here through the duration of this suck period, and are the constant. They need to go. Just like all these damn career policticians
  3. Daniel Hilferty was hired as new CEO in February. It doesnt say he is replacing Scott, just working with him and Valerie Camillo, whoever the "---" she is
  4. So who takes over the "president of hockey operations" role? And how long before we the fans, start calling for Danny's head? First loss of next season, errrr opening game?
  5. THIS RIGHT FRICKEN HERE! If you want to stay employed, stop being a brain dead idiot who can't find his a$$ with two hands and a mirror. Step up your game. And if you keep getting fired for doing the same dumb schidt over and over, it's on you. Do us all a favor, either retire or get hired to run the Penguins
  6. from Dave Scott: “Flyers fans deserve a better team than what they’ve seen on the ice over the past few seasons, and a clear plan to return this team to Stanley Cup contention,” Scott said. “We know that this will be a multi-year process, and we are committed to doing it right, because we want to put this franchise on a path toward winning the Stanley Cup, period.” we'll see
  7. well there you have it. the pendulum has swung back. And all those who wanted Briere get their wish. I am happy about this decision of course, Fletcher is the JVR of GM's, with less hockey talent. A cancer has been cut out. I still don't think Briere will be a good choice and I don't expect him to accomplish much. I will be happy to be proven wrong
  8. ok. gotcha. So do you have any rule change ideas, or are ya just gonna keeping pooing on those of us who do?
  9. sounds like what the NFL wants to do to with the "tush push" because the Eagles are so good at it; can't get on board, but you make a great point. I fcking hate the Rangers
  10. HA! Im popular...who knew? I hate the shootout and want it gone. Here is what I would do if we kept it: Shooting teams goalie would have the puck. The shooter would start from the redline boards on the bench side. On the whistle the shooter would have to skate into his defensive zone and take a pass from his goalie, before reaching the goal line. If the pass is fumbled or missed, shot attempt fails. If connected the shooter then has to stick handle around his net, skate the full length of the ice and take his shot. A time clock will be set forcing the shot to be taken before time is up. The shooter must have the puck in contact with his stick the entire time until the shot is taken, and the puck must constantly be moving toward the defending goaltender Next rule change....instigator is gone and so is that BS rule about only one guy dropping his gloves
  11. I think there should be a thread devoted to oir forum members recommending NHL rule changes, as inspired by @aziz The more outrageous, the better
  12. Actually, it wouldn't bother me one little bit if they did. And I hate thee shootout so any change to it would be welcome. In fact I would be ok with letting the goalie bum rush the shooter and deliver a body check, ala Mr. Hextall (I wonder if Chelios still has nightmares?)
  13. pretty sure that was me (although FC may have also). I need credit wherever I can get it. Might be the only valid point I've made in a while
  14. I have no idea who can do what for Comcast. But obviously whoever can do whatever, cares to do nothing because the team is being run into the ground I'm still confused as to your point. Are you saying there is nothing a fan can do, or nothing Comcast WILL do?
  15. This was your original point. I'm not advocating booing anyone who buys tix to go. I'm saying this is the one area where fans may have, as you said, have the ability to "change things", or can be "moved to do something". Maybe I'm not clear on who these people you were calling out, are. Maybe I didn't type it correctly, but I thought this was my point. The corporation doesn't care if the team is successful in the ice or not. Therefore they don't really care about the little guy (fan). If people want to pay their money for that kind of product, so be it
  16. How does my opinion or approach ruin anything for anyone? Disagree. The good ol boys are more about staying in power and less about the product. They take care of thier own
  17. Of course, if you bring back that second overall pick and he actually becomes worthy of that draft position, you can say you were right all along. Interesting. I agree with your premise here
  18. Has this FO done something good that we should be happy about? If so, I haven't seen it I'm starting to think you are arguing just to argue. Considering the state of the team, our internal arguments are more interesting and fun. However, I dont honestly believe there is a Flyer fan out there that is so self centered they would want the team to fail if not operated in the manner they suggest. There was one, but that person has moved on. Once this team rights the ship and puts a competitive product on the ice, the discussions will change. The team his horrible, with no solution in sight. There is a reason for that. Either you don't see it, or like I said, you just like arguing. As much as I like arguing, I try not to make myself look irrational Carry on!
  19. Anyone would be better, right? But seriously, firing Chuck to bring in Briere would be about on par with trading JVR for a late round pick. It's a move for the sake of making a move If it ever happened, in line with this being a "rebuild", I would hope they find a guy with a legit reputation and proven record
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